August 2020

EXtra-foam 1.0

EXtra-foam release 1.0 is out and comes with many new features and improvements! The full list can be seen here.


Should you have any questions, please feel free to send an email to or open an issue on the EXtra-foam github repository.

Did you know… that JupyterHub can be used on the online cluster?

Did you know that every node reserved for a particular instrument (e.g., sa1-onc-fxe for FXE, see all available nodes) runs a Jupyter Hub instance? They can be used during experiments to run local scripts and/or to check the data quality, reducing the amount of data that has to be transferred and stored offline. Remember that the offline cluster (i.e. Maxwell) still provides many more resources for complex analyses, including the exclusive node reservations available for each proposal during the experiments. You can find the details, as well as further available options, here: JupyterHub on the EuXFEL online cluster

Did you know… that there are control networks PCs outside the hutches?

Did you you know that in the so-called “green-corners” of XHQ there are several computers that have access to the online clusters? You can find more information and the exact location of those workstations here: Access to the online cluster