European XFEL Offline Calibration

The European XFEL Offline Calibration (pyCalibration) is a python package that consists of different services, responsible for applying most of the offline calibration and characterization for the detectors.

Running a calibration

It utilizes tools such as nbconvert and nbparameterise to expose Jupyter notebooks to a command line interface. In the process reports are generated from these notebooks.

The general interface is:

% xfel-calibrate DETECTOR TYPE

where DETECTOR and TYPE specify the task to be performed.

Additionally, it leverages the DESY/XFEL Maxwell cluster to run these jobs in parallel via SLURM.

Here is a list of Available Notebooks. See the Advanced Topics if you are looking for details on how to use as detector group staff.

If you would like to integrate additional notebooks please see the Development Workflow.

Documentation contents:

Indices and tables