Component Manager¶
The Component Manager has been designed to configure multiple devices at the same time in a generic fashion. A set of devices is hereafter referred to as component. The list of handled devices is defined by the operator in the property deviceNames. The main principles of the component manager device are:
- The Component Manager uses the ``ConfigurationManager`` device to store and retrieve configurations
- The Component Manager coordinates the save of multiple runtime device configurations, the so-called component configuration
- The Component Manager can apply a given configuration set by a unique `name` to the component.
The for each device is retrieved and each configuration is filtered such that only the values which are allowed in the current device state are applied.
- Instantiate the component from a given configuration set by a unique name
A class schema is retrieved from the server and the configuration is filtered for reconfigurable and init only parameters
A generic component manager does not have the knowledge in which device states configurations can be applied (safe state), etc.. It is detached from any specific device knowledge. Any extra knowledge and actions have to be implemeneted in more specific component managers (e.g. move after apply of configuration).
Generic Slots¶
Every generic slot listed here (key - displayedName) is acting over the device listed in the deviceNames property, e.g. all devices controlled by the component manager.
applyConfigurations (“Apply configurations”) Applies configured configuration to the component. Only validates the state dependent reconfiguration and the attribute options.
startInstantiate (“Instantiate”) Starts instantiating the component from a known configuration by name. Only devices that are not already online are instantiated. Alternatively, the Force Shutdown property can be checked to force an initial shutdown of the whole component, thus allowing the loading of the desired configuration in all the selected devices.
stopInstantiate (“Stop Instantiate”) Stops a running instantiate action
saveConfigurations (“Save configurations”) Manages the savings of all device configurations under a snapshot in the
Configuration Manager
device.listConfigurations (“List configurations”) Lists all configurations which were saved (snapshot) for the set of devices which the component manager controls. The status is displayed in the table element.
Technical: Functions available for subclassing¶
- async def get_reconfigurable_config(devices: ist[str], config_name: str) -> dict[str, Hash]
Return the configurations for all devices in a dict {deviceId: config}
- async def check_config_name_taken(devices: list[str], config_name: str) -> Tuple[success bool, status str]
Check if any of the configuration names has been taken for the devices. If the configuration is overwritable and allowed to write, will return False. The status string will provide detailed information.
- async def list_configuration_sets(devices) -> Tuple[success bool, items list]
Will retrieve the list of configurations for the devices on success. Retrieves an empty list if no success or no configurations are there.
- async def check_devices_alive() -> bool
Pings all devices of the component manager and checks if they are alive. Returns True if the devices replied, otherwise False
Technical Design Choices¶
The Component Manager does not create proxies for the devices it manages. This would unnecessarily create more messages (plain duplication) on the broker. Instead a slotPing to every device is executed before every action to validate.
The Component Manager makes heavy use of the function allCompleted, which will cancel pending tasks after a given timeout (mostly 4 seconds).