openpyxl-redmine workflow operation examples¶
Cut-and-paste examples of common operations with workflows are given.
Moving a project from Open to New and assigning tasks¶
!!! in the right Redmine project folder ?
$ pmo-workflow $API_key workflow_in_redmine
Caching Redmine Tasks - Wait!
Redmine Caching Finished - 179 Tasks
87186 PMO project "DP002"
87171 PMO_project "DP005"
87142 PMO project "DP012"
87679 PMO project "DP016" - prelimnary
87103 PMO project "DP014"
87698 PMO project "DP025" - preliminary
87116 PMO project "DP022"
87617 PMO project "DP027"
87074 PMO project "DP024"
86903 PMO project "DP021"
!!! extract the Table view, there's no need to keep the Table locally!
$ pmo-workflow $API_key workflow_extract playground/DP027.xlsx 87617
Caching Redmine Tasks - Wait!
Redmine Caching Finished - 179 Tasks
!!! edit that table
$ libreopen playground/DP027.xlsx
$ pmo-workflow $API_key workflow_validate playground/DP027.xlsx
Caching Redmine Tasks - Wait!
Redmine Caching Finished - 179 Tasks
row 4 col Assignee WARNING using best fit for assignee Wrona best 3 were:
[('Krzysztof Wrona', 90), ('Agnieszka Wrona', 90),
('Weronika Glowadzka', 72)]
row 4 col Assignee ERROR assignee replaced Krzysztof Wrona
row 5 col Assignee WARNING using best fit for assignee Wrona best 3 were:
[('Krzysztof Wrona', 90), ('Agnieszka Wrona', 90),
('Weronika Glowadzka', 72)]
row 5 col Assignee ERROR assignee replaced Krzysztof Wrona
row 9 col Assignee WARNING using best fit for assignee Wrona best 3 were:
[('Krzysztof Wrona', 90), ('Agnieszka Wrona', 90),
('Weronika Glowadzka', 72)]
row 9 col Assignee ERROR assignee replaced Krzysztof Wrona
row 10 col Assignee WARNING using best fit for assignee Wrona best 3 were:
[('Krzysztof Wrona', 90), ('Agnieszka Wrona', 90),
('Weronika Glowadzka', 72)]
row 10 col Assignee ERROR assignee replaced Krzysztof Wrona
$ pmo-workflow $API_key workflow_preview playground/DP027.xlsx
Caching Redmine Tasks - Wait!
Redmine Caching Finished - 179 Tasks
Move 87617 from Open to New path ['Open', 'Under Review', 'New']
Move 87618 from Open to New path ['Open', 'Under Review', 'New']
Move 87619 from Open to New path ['Open', 'Under Review', 'New']
Assign 87619 from None to Krzysztof Wrona
Move 87620 from Open to New path ['Open', 'Under Review', 'New']
Assign 87620 from None to Krzysztof Wrona
Move 87621 from Open to New path ['Open', 'Under Review', 'New']
Move 87622 from Open to New path ['Open', 'Under Review', 'New']
Move 87623 from Open to New path ['Open', 'Under Review', 'New']
Move 87624 from Open to New path ['Open', 'Under Review', 'New']
Assign 87624 from None to Krzysztof Wrona
Move 87625 from Open to New path ['Open', 'Under Review', 'New']
Assign 87625 from None to Krzysztof Wrona
Move 87626 from Open to New path ['Open', 'Under Review', 'New']
Move 87627 from Open to New path ['Open', 'Under Review', 'New']
Move 87628 from Open to New path ['Open', 'Under Review', 'New']
$ pmo-workflow $API_key workflow_push playground/DP027.xlsx
Caching Redmine Tasks - Wait!
Redmine Caching Finished - 179 Tasks
pull, change table, preview, validate, push¶
This is NOT sensible and the exit(status) are incorrect - work required:
$ pmo-workflow $API_key workflow_preview playground/DP014.xlsx
Caching Redmine Tasks - Wait!
Redmine Caching Finished - 179 Tasks
row 4 col Assignee WARNING using best fit for assignee hauf
best 3 were: [('Steffen Hauf', 90), ('Sandor Brockhauser', 68),
('Britta Weinhausen', 68)]
row 4 col Assignee ERROR assignee replaced Steffen Hauf
$ libreoffice playground/DP014.xlsx
$ pmo-workflow $API_key workflow_push playground/DP014.xlsx
Caching Redmine Tasks - Wait!
Redmine Caching Finished - 179 Tasks
row 4 col Assignee WARNING using best fit for assignee hauf
best 3 were: [('Steffen Hauf', 90), ('Sandor Brockhauser', 68),
('Britta Weinhausen', 68)]
row 4 col Assignee ERROR assignee replaced Steffen Hauf
$ libreoffice playground/DP014.xlsx
$ echo $?
$ # hauf to Steffen Hauf NOT updated in DP014.xlsx,
but exit(status) is incorrect should be 1 ^C
$ pmo-workflow $API_key workflow_validate playground/DP014.xlsx
Caching Redmine Tasks - Wait!
Redmine Caching Finished - 179 Tasks
row 4 col Assignee WARNING using best fit for assignee hauf
best 3 were: [('Steffen Hauf', 90), ('Sandor Brockhauser', 68),
('Britta Weinhausen', 68)]
row 4 col Assignee ERROR assignee replaced Steffen Hauf
$ echo $?
$ libreoffice playground/DP014.xlsx
$ # hauf to Steffen Hauf IS updated in DP014.xlsx ^C
$ pmo-workflow $API_key workflow_preview playground/DP014.xlsx
Caching Redmine Tasks - Wait!
Redmine Caching Finished - 179 Tasks
Assign 87105 from None to Steffen Hauf
$ pmo-workflow $API_key workflow_push playground/DP014.xlsx
Caching Redmine Tasks - Wait!
Redmine Caching Finished - 179 Tasks
Assign 87105 to Steffen Hauf redmine ID 261
assign returned: True
$ echo $?
Creating a sub-project for a workflow¶
Reasons for adding a workflow specific sub-project are:
- additional tasks are needed to detail a workflow task
To add a sub-project to workflow PMO project “DP005 SQS DSSC”
- open the anchor task in the browser
- in the more pull-down menu click create a project
- set sub-project identifier, following the hyphenated lowercase pattern show, and the tracker and custom-field tick-boxes shown.
There are at least two ways of creating a sub-project 1) create a project in a parent project task 2) New sub-project in the parent project’s settings. The result is identical!
The Move option in a task’s More pull-down allows changing a sub-task’s parent, which is useful tool to re-populate tasks in different projects.
Setting a sub-project HoldingTickets to parent workflows¶
To associate a project task, e.g. 89714, blocked by a sub-project task, e.g. 90314, set the relationship:
$ etest-enquire $API_key set_relationship 89714 90134 'blocked' 0