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EXtra-foam documentation

When connecting to bridge output of group matchers or full matcher, the source type must be set to "run directory". This is due to the way a TrainMatcher forwards sources individually (similar to how data is stored in runs later).


It is possible to send full detector data (with appropriate throttling) via a full matcher to OnDA. As OnDA expects stacked data, one needs to set up stacking on the full matcher.

ROI tool

The ROI tool is a small device developed to help keep track of pixel intensities. It is not currently installed as a part of calng, but is intended to be used with calng pipelines. Currently deployed for testing at SPB; see SPB_DET_AGIPD1M-1/CALNG/ROI_HISTOGRAM_CORR and SPB_IRDA_JF4M/CALNG/ROI_TOOL_CORR.