Working with devices

After installation Karabo is still “empty”. Things get interesting once you are equipping Karabo with devices.

Using Karabo’s plugin technology, so-called device packages can be added to extend the core system.

A device package is a separate software project (managed as a git repository) which typically contains a single device class.

However, device packages can also contain several karabo classes or even Karabo unrelated code that serves as a dependency to one or more Karabo device(s).

All device packages are maintained in remote git repositories and are easily accessible via a GitLab server under:

To simplify interaction, Karabo provides a utility tool helping developers and system integrators to work with devices. The tool is called karabo and if you type:


you will see a list of commands available which - roughly spoken - allow to create new devices, further develop or simply install existing devices.

Installing an existing device

Install a device if you are not intending to change its code, but just want to use it as is.

For installation you have to specify the name and the version (i.e. the git tag or branch name) of the device package.


karabo install dataGenerator 1.3.1-2.0

The Karabo script will sub-sequently download the respective code from the repository optionally (if C++) compile it and subsequently install it to Karabo.


By default, karabo will work with the device repositories at ssh://<devicePackageName>.git. Therefore the user’s public ssh key has to be submitted to before, otherwise command will fail. The URL for adding a new ssh key to user settings is: Instructions on how to generate the key are also linked there.

Alternatively, one can talk via https to the repositories at<devicePackageName>.git For this, one can use the karabo --git install (-g flag will work as well as –git)


Please make sure that you use the correct case for the package name, as the command is case sensitive. “dataGenerator” and “DataGenerator” as a package name will lead to different results.

Directly after, you can start start it with the corresponding server as explained here.


Currently, installation is done from sources and the sources are placed into a folder named installed. Do not edit the code here, as the download reflects only the HEAD revision of the respective branch and can’t be properly versioned. Moreover, the installation packages may change to binaries in near future.

Developing an existing device

If your intention is to further develop or fix bugs on an existing device, you want to use:

karabo develop someDevice

If not already downloaded the script will do it for you. In develop mode it is sufficient to edit the code and save it (additionally compile it if C++). After restarting the server changes will be taken into account.


Technically, in Python the setup-tools are used and a pip install -e . is used to achieve the behavior. In C++ a softlink of the shared-library is placed in the plugin folder.

Creating a new device

If you intention is to create a new device the command:

karabo new myFancyDevice <API>

is for you, where <API> must be one of the three cpp, python or middlelayer.

Once executed an executable, though “empty” device code is placed in the devices folder. Use karabo develop myFancyDevice (see above) to let Karabo now about it.


Initially, the device code is wrapped into a git repository existing only locally. However, everything is prepared to allow a git push -u origin master for adding this device to Karabo’s central device storage.

Uninstalling a device

If your intention is to uninstall a device, you want to use:

karabo uninstall <package>

This command will call pip uninstall -y {device} for python devices. For C++ devices it will remove the directory and “.so” file (or symbolic link) from the plugin directory.


karabo uninstall dataGenerator