Web Servers

The karabo framework offers the possiblity to start and stop the daemontools services from a web interface.

This interface operates by design outside the control system’s communication infrastructure as it is a monitoring tool of the Karabo control system.


The web server provides a browser based interface to the daemontools services as well as a RESTful api to access them

karabo-webserver serverId=webserver

The exectuable offers few customization options.

Using the --filter option, one can specify if only the services included in the list are allowed to be controlled via the web interfaces. The filter list should contain a list of services running on the var/services directory, note that the service names are case-sensitive.

Using the --webserver_aggregators, one can provide a list of urls matching the urls of a web aggregator (see below). The web server will periodically subscribe to the web aggregators in this list.

Using the option --port, one can provide the port the server listen to. The deafault port is set to 8080.

The web interface offers the possibility to access the log file or to follow their content live.


In an attempt to minimize the information needed to identify the webservers located in the multiple hosts involved in the control system, Karabo offers a service that will aggregate the ``karabo-webserver``s. This server can be started with the command

karabo-webaggregatorserver serverId=webaggregator --port portnumber

This server offers a summary table of all services subscibed to itself and links to the relevant webservers’ main page. The --port option is not mandatory, the default port is 8585.