How to configure a new IPC

At XFEL, the IPC is usually patched directly to a dedicated ethernet interface of a defined control host. Hence it must be configured to use a fixed IP on that subnet. To configure it for the first time (or if you want to interface it to another control host), please use the following procedure:

  1. boot the IPC with a keyboard and Monitor plugged

  2. login with user ‘ops’ and password ‘Xfel12##’ [1]

  3. Edit the file /etc/network/interfaces (e.g. with ‘sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces’) so that the section relative to the primary network interface reads somoething like (please replace 10.253.15.XXX with the desired IP address for the IPC [2]):

    auto enp0s31f6

    #iface enp0s31f6 inet dhcp

    iface enp0s31f6 inet static

    address 10.253.15.XXX [2]

    netmask [2]

then reboot the machine, e.g. with sudo reboot.

After that is done, the NTP client on the IPC needs to be configured accordingly [See NTP client Configuration ]. However, this can be done remotely, logging on the IPC from the control host.

NOTE: of course, this procedure applies only to Linux IPC (e.g. Andor cameras).


[1]User and password may vary: if that’s the case please ask vendor.
[2](1, 2, 3) The IP address and subnet mask should be indicated by ITDM