Source code for toolbox_scs.detectors.gotthard2
""" Gotthard-II detector related sub-routines
Copyright (2024) SCS Team.
(contributions preferrably comply with pep8 code structure
from extra.components import OpticalLaserPulses, XrayPulses
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import logging
__all__ = [
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def extract_GH2(ds, run, firstFrame=0, bunchPattern='scs_ppl',
Select and align the frames of the Gotthard-II that have been exposed
to light.
ds: xarray.Dataset
The dataset containing GH2 data
run: extra_data.DataCollection
The run containing the bunch pattern source
firstFrame: int
The GH2 frame number corresponding to the first pulse of the train.
bunchPattern: str in ['scs_ppl', 'sase3']
the bunch pattern used to align data. For 'scs_ppl', the gh2_pId
dimension in renamed 'ol_pId', and for 'sase3' gh2_pId is renamed
gh2_dim: str
The name of the dimension that corresponds to the Gotthard-II frames.
nds: xarray Dataset
The aligned and reduced dataset with only-data-containing GH2
if gh2_dim not in ds.dims:
log.warning(f'gh2_dim "{gh2_dim}" not in dataset. Skipping.')
return ds
if bunchPattern == 'scs_ppl':
pattern = OpticalLaserPulses(run)
dim = 'ol_pId'
pattern = XrayPulses(run)
dim = 'sa3_pId'
others = [var for var in ds if dim in ds[var].coords]
nds = ds.drop_dims(dim, errors='ignore')
if pattern.is_constant_pattern():
pulse_ids = pattern.peek_pulse_ids(labelled=False)
nds = nds.isel({gh2_dim: pulse_ids + firstFrame})
nds = nds.assign_coords({gh2_dim: pulse_ids})
nds = nds.rename({gh2_dim: dim})
log.warning('The number of pulses has changed during the run.')
pulse_ids = np.unique(pattern.pulse_ids(labelled=False, copy=False))
nds = nds.isel({gh2_dim: pulse_ids + firstFrame})
nds = nds.assign_coords({gh2_dim: pulse_ids})
nds = nds.rename({gh2_dim: dim})
mask = pattern.pulse_mask(labelled=False)
mask = xr.DataArray(mask, dims=['trainId', dim],
coords={'trainId': run.train_ids,
dim: np.arange(mask.shape[1])})
mask = mask.sel({dim: pulse_ids})
nds = nds.where(mask, drop=True)
ret = ds[others].merge(nds, join='inner')
return ret