Source code for toolbox_scs.misc.undulator
__all__ = [
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from toolbox_scs.load import load_run_values
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def get_undulator_cells(run, park_pos=62.0):
rvalues = run.get_run_values('SA3_XTD4_UND/DOOCS/UNDULATOR_CELLS')
rvalues = {k: rvalues[k] for k in rvalues.keys()
if '.gapApplied.value' in k or '.kApplied.value' in k}
cells = list(range(2, 13)) + list(range(14, 24))
keys = np.unique([k.replace('.gapApplied.value',
'') for k in rvalues])
assert len(keys) == len(cells)
result = [[], [], []]
names = ['gap', 'K', 'cell_name']
for i, k in enumerate(keys):
result[0].append(rvalues[k + '.gapApplied.value'])
result[1].append(rvalues[k + '.kApplied.value'])
result = xr.merge([xr.DataArray(result[i], dims='cell',
coords={'cell': cells},
name=names[i]) for i in range(3)])
result['closed'] = result['gap'] < park_pos
return result
def plot_undulator_config(ds, park_pos):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 3)), - park_pos-1, bottom=park_pos+1, alpha=0.5)
for c in ds.cell:
ax.text(c-.25, park_pos/2, f"K={ds.sel(cell=c).K.values:.4f}",
ax.set_ylim(0, park_pos+1)
ax.set_xlabel('CELL #')
ax.set_ylabel('gap size')
[docs]def get_undulator_config(run, park_pos=62.0, plot=True):
Extract the undulator cells configuration from a given run.
The gap size and K factor as well as the magnetic chicane delay and photon
energy of colors 1, 2 and 3 are compiled into an xarray Dataset.
This function looks at run control values, it does not reflect any change
of values during the run. Do not use to extract configuration when scanning
the undulator.
run: EXtra-Data DataCollection
The run containing the undulator information
park_pos: float, optional
The parked position of a cell (i.e. when fully opened)
plot: bool, optional
If True, plot the undulator cells configuration
cells: xarray Dataset
The resulting dataset of the undulator configuration
ds = get_undulator_cells(run, park_pos)
rvalues = load_run_values(run)
attrs = {}
if 'UND' in rvalues:
attrs = {f'color_{i+1}_keV': rvalues[k] for
i, k in enumerate(['UND', 'UND2', 'UND3'])}
if 'MAG_CHICANE_DELAY' in rvalues:
for k in attrs:
ds.attrs[k] = attrs[k]
if plot:
plot_undulator_config(ds, park_pos)
return ds