Source code for toolbox_scs.routines.knife_edge

""" Toolbox for SCS.

    Various utilities function to quickly process data measured
    at the SCS instrument.

    Copyright (2019-) SCS Team.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import re
from toolbox_scs.base.knife_edge import knife_edge_base, erfc, arrays_to1d

__all__ = [

[docs]def knife_edge(ds, axisKey='scannerX', signalKey='FastADC4peaks', axisRange=None, p0=None, full=False, plot=False, display=False): """ Calculates the beam radius at 1/e^2 from a knife-edge scan by fitting with erfc function: f(x, x0, w0, a, b) = a*erfc(np.sqrt(2)*(x-x0)/w0) + b with w0 the beam radius at 1/e^2 and x0 the beam center. Parameters ---------- ds: xarray Dataset dataset containing the detector signal and the motor position. axisKey: str key of the axis against which the knife-edge is performed. signalKey: str key of the detector signal. axisRange: list of floats edges of the scanning axis between which to apply the fit. p0: list of floats, numpy 1D array initial parameters used for the fit: x0, w0, a, b. If None, a beam radius of 100 micrometers is assumed. full: bool If False, returns the beam radius and standard error. If True, returns the popt, pcov list of parameters and covariance matrix from scipy.optimize.curve_fit. plot: bool If True, plots the data and the result of the fit. Default is False. display: bool If True, displays info on the fit. True when plot is True, default is False. Returns ------- If full is False, tuple with beam radius at 1/e^2 in mm and standard error from the fit in mm. If full is True, returns parameters and covariance matrix from scipy.optimize.curve_fit function. """ popt, pcov = knife_edge_base(ds[axisKey].values, ds[signalKey].values, axisRange=axisRange, p0=p0) if plot: positions, intensities = arrays_to1d(ds[axisKey].values, ds[signalKey].values) title = '' if ds.attrs.get('proposal') and ds.attrs.get('runNB'): proposalNB = int(re.findall(r'p(\d{6})', ds.attrs['proposal'])[0]) runNB = ds.attrs['runNB'] title = f'run {runNB} p{proposalNB}' plot_knife_edge(positions, intensities, popt, pcov[1, 1]**0.5, title, axisKey, signalKey) display = True if display: funcStr = 'a*erfc(np.sqrt(2)*(x-x0)/w0) + b' print('fitting function:', funcStr) print('w0 = (%.1f +/- %.1f) um' % (np.abs(popt[1])*1e3, pcov[1, 1]**0.5*1e3)) print('x0 = (%.3f +/- %.3f) mm' % (popt[0], pcov[0, 0]**0.5)) print('a = %e +/- %e ' % (popt[2], pcov[2, 2]**0.5)) print('b = %e +/- %e ' % (popt[3], pcov[3, 3]**0.5)) if full: return popt, pcov else: return np.abs(popt[1]), pcov[1, 1]**0.5
def plot_knife_edge(positions, intensities, fit_params, rel_err, title, axisKey, signalKey): plt.figure(figsize=(7, 4)) plt.scatter(positions, intensities, color='C1', label='measured', s=2, alpha=0.1) xfit = np.linspace(positions.min(), positions.max(), 1000) yfit = erfc(xfit, *fit_params) plt.plot(xfit, yfit, color='C4', label=r'fit $\rightarrow$ $w_0=$(%.1f $\pm$ %.1f) $\mu$m' % ( np.abs(fit_params[1])*1e3, rel_err*1e3)) leg = plt.legend() for lh in leg.legendHandles: lh.set_alpha(1) plt.ylabel(signalKey) plt.xlabel(axisKey + ' position [mm]') plt.title(title)