Release Notes¶
Bug fixes
fix issue:75 regarding pulse Id assignment when reading BAM data MR:272
fix issue:80 regarding new bunch pattern table size when reading BAM data MR:279
fix issue:84 regarding loading only a given amount of BOZ DSSC data in memory MR:288
fix issue:88 regarding loading data from multiple folders MR:303
update documentation on knife-edge scan and fluence calcuation MR:276, MR:278
update scannerY mnemonics MR:281
add MaranaX mnemonics MR:285
add Chem diagnostics and Gotthard II mnemonics MR:292
make hRIXS centroid threshold configurable MR:298
drop MaranaX non-existing mnemonics and add attributes on dataset MR:300
streamline digitizer functions MR:304
add BAM average and BAM feedbacks mnemonics, Viking mnemonics MR:305, MR:306
improved function to load PES spectra MR:309
polarization mnemonics MR:313Add BAM 2955_S3 and update BAM mnemonics MR:315
improve peak-finding algorithm for digitizer trace peak extraction MR:312
update documentation on digitizer peak extraction :mr: 312
New Features
fix issue:75 add frame counts when aggregating RIXS data MR:274
BOZ normalization using 2D flat field polylines for S K-edge MR:293
BOZ GPU notebook MR:294
update hRIXS class for MaranaX MR:287
introduce MaranaX class for parallelized centroiding MR:297
New PES functions to save / load average traces MR:309
save peaks from raw digitizer traces as processed data MR:312
Bug fixes
Use xarray.values instead of .to_numpy() for backward-compatibility MR:214
fix issue:64 regarding loading a subset of trains MR:226, MR:230
fix issue:44 regarding notebook for DSSC geometry quadrants alignment MR:247
fix issue:52 use extra-geom detector helper function for azimuthal integration MR:248
fix issue:18 regarding using reserved partition with sbatch MR:250
fix issue:69 to speed up BOZ Small data and deal with missing intra-darks MR:256
fix issue:71 regarding rounding error in BOZ analysis related to timing MR:256
fix issue:40 update documentation regarding toolbox deployment folder in scratch MR:268
remove calls to matplotlib tight_layout MR:206
Improved hRIXS class and utilities MR:182
Documentation on extracting digitizer peaks, clean up of digitizer functions MR:215
Improved peak-finding algorithm for digitizer traces MR:216, MR:227
Document the HRIXS class MR:238
notebook example of DSSC azimuthal integration for time delay scans MR:249
provide drop-intra-darks option in BOZ analysis MR:256
improve automatic ROIs finding for BOZ analysis MR:256
prevent flat field correction from turning negative in BOZ analysis MR:259
update documentation to the new exfel-python environment MR:266
New Features
Read signal description from Fast ADC and ADQ412 digitizers MR:209, MR:212
Mnemonics for XRD devices MR:208
Add function to align OL to FEL pulse Id MR:218
Add reflectivity routine MR:218
Possibility to extract run values of mnemonics MR:220, MR:232
Add get_undulator_config function MR:225
Document the HRIXS class MR:238
Include double counts for hRIXS SPC algorithms MR:239
Add Viking spectrometer analysis class MR:240
Add GPU accelaration for BOZ correction determination MR:254
Issues warning when loading data with > 5% missing trains MR:263
Bug fixes
fix issue:45 SLURM scripts embedded in and download link available from documentation MR:171
fix issue:8 regarding azimuthal integration with pyFAI and hexagonal DSSC pixel splitting by providing an example notebook MR:174
fix issue:46 with a change in dask groupby mean behavior MR:174
fix issue:47 SLURM script not using the correct kernel MR:176
fix issue:57 adds target mono energy mnemonic
fix issue:55 implementingd dask auto rechunking in notebooks
fix issue:53 wrong flat field correction sometimes being calculated
update version of BAM mnemonics MR:175
update version GATT-related mnemonics, add transmission_col2 MR:172
reorganize the Howto section MR:169
improve SLURM scripts with named arguments MR:176
adds notebook for DSSC fine timing analysis MR:184 and MR:185
numerous improvements for the flat field correction calculation in the BOZ analysis, including fitting domain functions, hexagonal pixel lattice, possibility to switch off flat field symmetry constraints and a refine fit function with regularization term MR:186
simplifies flat field calculation by using directly the refined fit procedure which works with far fewer input parameters MR:202
New Features
Bug fixes
checks if single-version mnemonics is in all_sources MR:163
MR:160only check keys if menmonic has more than one version commit:ae724d3c
add FFT focus lens mnemonics MR:156
add dask as dependency MR:155
renamed FFT sample Z mnemonics MR:153
add virtual sample camera LLC_webcam1 into mnemonics MR:152
fix digitizer check params MR:149
improve installation instruction MR:145
add Newton camera MR:142
commit:3cc98c16adds Horizontal FDM to mnemonics MR:141
add setup documentation MR:140
add MTE3 camera MR:123
New Features
Bug fixes
, add wrappers to some of extra_data basic functions MR:116new FastADC mnemonics MR:112
refactor packaging MR:106
function commit:9e2c1107add XTD10 MCP mnemonics commit:8b550c9b
function commit:75eb0bcaseparate FastADC and ADQ412 code commit:939d32b9
documentation centralized on MR:103
simplify digitizer functions and pulseId coordinates assignment for XGM and digitizers MR:100
New Features
Bug Fixes
New Feature
introduce change in package structure, sphinx documentation and DSSC binning class MR:87