Loading data in memory is performed as follows:

Option 1:

import toolbox_scs as tb

# optional, check available mnemonics
# print(tb.mnemonics)
# fields is a list of available mnemonics, representing the data
# to be loaded

fields = ["FastADC4raw", "scannerX"]
proposalNr = 2565
runNr = 19

run, data = tb.load(proposalNr, runNr, fields)

run is an extra_data dataCollection and data is an xarray Dataset containing all variables listed in fields. All variables are aligned by train Id.

Option 2:

import toolbox_scs as tb

# get entry for single data source defined in mnemonics
proposalNr = 2565
runNr = 19

run = tb.open_run(proposalNr, runNr)
data = tb.get_array(run, "scannerX")

run is an extra_data dataCollection and data an xarray dataArray for a single data source.