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This repository is archived on Zenodo, which provides a DOI that can be cited to reference an environment or package. A new DOI is minted for each release, releases are done per cycle (e.g. 202401) and then per change to the current environment (e.g. 202401.1 if a package is added/bumped).

Zenodo provides both a DOI to cite the repository as a whole, as well as DOIs for each release:

  • The main DOI for the repository is 10.5281/zenodo.10548700, this DOI will redirect to the latest release.
  • DOIs for each release can be found in the 'versions' section to the right of the page:

Annotated screenshot of Zenodo page, with arrow pointing to the 'Versions' section of the sidebar to the right.

If you are citing a software environment used during analysis, then you should cite the release for the cycle that you used.