The DOOCS Manager Device

The DOOCS manager device maintains a list of available DOOCS locations, which can be exposed in the Karabo topology as DOOCS mirror devices.

The DOOCS manager takes care of instantiating the needed mirror devices if they are missing, upon request of the DoocsRequestor.

Note that this device is not meant to be exposed to the beamline operators. Users who would like to access DOOCS devices from Karabo should instead use DoocsRequestor.

Note that the DOOCS manager device runs in a dedicated Karabo topic (called DOOCS) and it must be cloned in the instrument topic.

To get started, double click on the device in the topology panel to display the device scene.


A series of drop-down selections following the DOOCS nomenclature (Facility, Device, Location, Property) allows the user to browse across for DOOCS locations and select the DOOCS properties that need to be accessed via Karabo.

Once the selection is complete, the DOOCS manager goes into the ‘FILLING’ state. To confirm the selection, one must press the Add button. To abort the operation, press the Cancel Adding button.

After hitting Add, the property is added to the relevant DOOCS mirror device. If no DOOCS mirror corresponding to the selected DOOCS location is running, one is automatically instantiated. Such events are logged in the upper part of the scene.

The Refresh button re-instantiates all the missing DOOCS mirrors that are needed to access the selected properties from the ones listed in Configured DOOCS Mirror Devices.

The Reset button clears the current selection.

The bottom left table (Configured DOOCS Mirror Devices) displays all the DOOCS locations and their associated properties requested since the manager device was instantiated. The bottom right one (Online DOOCS Mirror Devices) lists the online DOOCS mirror devices and their status in the current topic.

Note that from the latter table the DOOCS mirror scenes can be easily accessed.


If the device tables do not display in the device scene, you might need to update your GUI extentions:

  • Access the XFEL VPN if you are not inside the European XFEL internal network.
  • On your GUI menu select Help->Check for updates.
  • Click on the ‘refresh’ button refresh_button
  • Click on ‘Update’