What’s New in Karabo 1.4

This chapter explains the new features in Karabo 1.4.

New Features

Device Ids with Slashes

Since release 1.4.0, device ids are allowed to contain slashes (‘/’) to support the European XFEL naming convention.

To allow that, the file names used for data logging had to be changed in a non-backward compatible way. If an existing installation is upgraded from 1.3.X to 1.4.0 or beyond, manual intervention is needed to keep the logged data history accessible. For that purpose a script is provided in $KARABO/bin: convertKaraboHistoryFrom13X.sh. It has to be run once on the host of the data logger server(s). Consult the --help option of the script for further details.

Bug Fixes


  • Several fixes to improve the stability of Karabo, especially cases where the broker topic continuously filled with unacknowledged messages until the topic was full and Karabo became not responsive.
  • Fixes in reading back device history. It is recommended to rebuild the index files in the karaboHistory directory of the data logger server(s) using the idxbuild executable (in $KARABO/bin). Avoid doing that while the system is running.



One of the fixes to stabilise Karabo disables the registration of a new callback inside a callback of the JmsBrokerConnection - a feature that is not used in Karabo.