What’s New in Karabo 2.20.1

Release date is **June 24 2024*.

This release addresses a significant bug in the refactored bound STATE_ELEMENT for option declaration. Additionally, the initial access level for GUI clients is now correctly set when switching between authenticated and non-authenticated GUI servers. Furthermore, clients now notify the GUI server if they are in ‘applicationMode.’

The GUI server will now fully unregister from pipeline data if a subscribed device goes offline, a refactoring expected to resolve pipeline visibility issues in the GUI client. Lastly, the C++ signal slotable has received a major bug fix for the ordering of signal connection and disconnection.

Detailed Original Additions

### Bug Fixes

### Features

### Refactor

What’s New in Karabo 2.20.0

Release date is June 12 2024.

Summary – Release highlights

This release introduces the first production-ready authentication mechanism via the GuiServer.

Bound Python API

The Bound Python API has a new foundation: the binding code that makes Karabo C++ features available in Python has been completely rewritten using the modern and maintained pybind11 library. The interface remains mostly unchanged, with exceptions noted among the breaking changes below.


  • The C++ API now requires a C++ 17 compliant compiler. A breaking change to the interface of karabo::util::StringTools has resulted from the migration to C++ 17 and is documented below. The OVERWRITE_ELEMENT in C++/Bound is now restrictive and checks for schema inconsistencies.
  • The C++ Device server comes online with all device class plugins preloaded.
  • The DataLoggerManager device now exposes the logger map conveniently in a table element, making it straightforward to see which datalogger is logging which device instance.
  • InputChannels now use the TCP keep-alive mechanism, which has been backported to 2.19.X.

Middlelayer Python API

  • The Python Framework middlelayer has been upgraded to utilize Python Version 3.11.
  • An important bug fix is that background threads can be canceled.
  • The function get_utc_string is now public and accepts a timestamp object or None, returning a UTC-compliant string for use with the datalogger machinery.
  • The PipelineContext has been enhanced to fetch multiple data hashes from the same network update.
  • The performance of classic schema retrievals has been significantly increased. The devices now cache their schema.


  • KaraboGUI has been upgraded to Python Version 3.12.
  • For Image Controllers in the graphical user interface, if the device goes down, the image is now erased. Additionally, the ROI elements can now be freely moved around without boundaries.
  • The Logbook dialog is now available via Cinema and Concert (application mode).
  • The Waterfall Controller can now handle nan and inf values.
  • GuiExtensions have been rewritten to use an internal pypi mirror, allowing extensions to have dependencies.
  • Clicking on an InstanceStatus widget now provides the Configurator (Editor).
  • Each Scene Panel now has a Home button in the toolbar. In full GUI mode, the main window is brought to the foreground, and in application mode the Editor is opened.
  • It is now possible for an ADMIN to perform a bulk shutdown of all device servers in a Karabo Project. More over, Macros can be restarted after editing with the Run Button.
  • The Configurator now offers a Filter Table by double-clicking on the middle column of a table property and has a toolbar action to retrieve past configurations. These changes aim to further enhance the application mode.
  • AccessLevel information has been added to the Configurator PopUp window.
  • It is now possible to retrieve network information of hosts via a context menu in the System Topology. This requires a new webserver deployed on the control host.
  • The historic text widget now supports hex and bin display types and is available on double-click in the Configurator for the respective properties. The time resolution has been extended to milliseconds.
  • The Login Dialog of the Client has been reworked to align with the new authentication features. User information can be erased through the main window action.

All APIs

In all APIs, the output channel hostname is now validated. If a specified address is not found on the control host, the device instantiation fails. Additionally, it is now possible to provide interface names, e.g., ib0, directly. A new tool, karabo-scene2cpp is now available to generate C++ code from a karabo svg scene.

Breaking Changes


  • OverwriteElement got more strict: Before it was silently ignoring cases like overwriting a non-existing key or inconsistencies between options, default values and/or limits. Now it throws.

Bound API

  • The DeviceClient.registerPropertyMonitor function does not take the userData argument anymore and thus the passed callbackFunction will not receive that as argument anymore, either. Make use of functools.partial for the callback instead.
  • The bound.api VectorString has been removed. Use a python list instead.
  • The bound.api [set|is]VectorDefaultConversion treatment has been removed, now always converting C++ vectors to lists.
  • Some exception types changed:
    • SystemError -> RuntimeError when a Python integer larger than 2:sup:64 - 1 is put into a Hash
    • OverflowError -> RuntimeError when a Python integer larger than 2:sup:64 - 1 is part of a list and that is put into a Hash
    • RuntimeError -> TypeError when the result stats of RollingWindowStatistics are copied


  • Remove RunConfigurator widget, as it is superseeded by the RunAssistant widgets

Change of behaviour

  • The StringTools::fromString template overload that returns a sorted container

with the strings contained in an input string has been renamed to StringTools::fromStringToSortedCont. The change comes from a modification in the way a C++ compiler matches template template arguments with defaults introduced by C++ 17. More details are provided by comments in StringTools.hh.

  • MDL: Public Slot’s don’t take arguments. If an argument is provided an exception is raised.
  • MDL: Now every device and not only devices inheriting from DeviceClientBase can retrieve configurations from past.
  • TOOLS: karabo-stop must take an argument. To stop all services, either -a or –all is needed.

Dependency Updates

  • This release contains a major Python update to 3.11 (was 3.8).
  • The KaraboGUI was upgraded to Python 3.12 (was 3.8)

Bug Fixes






