What’s New in Karabo 2.11.3

This hotfix release is directed to the karabo gui. The navigation panel search will now validate the input and prevents white spaces. The grouping of Arrows on the scene is prevented. It is not possible to open a Scene with a grouped Arrow. The configuration preview dialog (retrieval) now shows the changes of existing and retrieved configuration with the IEEE 754 standard. Previously, a long standing bug preventing items on the scene to be moved with mouse interaction existed, this is now fixed. It is possible again to edit Link widget properties after creation. This was broken in 2.11.2 with the introduction of the alignment. Link widgets always have horizontal central text alignment.

Detailed Merge-Log

  • GUI: Validate navigation panel search entries !5741
  • GUI: Protect for XMLDefModel grouping !5749
  • GUI: Link widgets use label model but dont have alignment !5748
  • GUI: Test the log panel and log widget !5753
  • GUI: Fix moving items in design mode when scene view is small !5754
  • GUI: Use has_changes in comparison dialog for configurations !5763

What’s New in Karabo 2.11.2

This hotfix release is directed to the karabo gui. The Qt version is downgraded to 5.9 due to problems on Ubuntu 20. Furthermore, this release contains major stability enhancements (images, gui-server reply notifications) and extra features have been backported from 2.12.0:

  1. Configure horizontal alignment of labels
  2. State color field string formatting

This gui client version is strongly recommended.

In addition, an important fix for reading data from InfluxDB is integrated.

Detailed Merge-Log

  • C++: Validate states and alarm values !5654
  • C++: Fix TimeDuration::operator double() !5728
  • MDL: allow timeServerId on devices !5653
  • GUI: Fix images not showing properly if ROI is selected !5658
  • GUI: Maintain selection on header double click !5660
  • GUI: Adjust topology to latest review !5651
  • GUI: Protect against not found exceptions !5671
  • GUI: Graceful discard in messagebox unregister !5684
  • GUI: Protect line edit from wrong input !5682
  • GUI: Protect deferred trend graph updates !5686
  • GUI: Protect unregister from mediator events !5679
  • GUI: Fix weakref handling in reconfigure reply !5666
  • GUI: Enable state color field to have font formatting !5687
  • GUI: Protect font sizes on the field from editing faulty values !5674
  • GUI: Protect show event of scene panel !5700
  • GUI: Show server in topology if requested !5705
  • GUI: Protect scene view delete on close event from races !5685
  • GUI: Qt version independent GUI code !5652
  • GUI: Pop early in the topology !5689
  • GUI: Add horizontal alignment to label widgets !5688
  • GUI: Enable to show uint16 images (bpp12) !5692
  • GUI: Mediator test and discard in event map !5704
  • GUI: Update alarm column on alarm update !5707
  • GUI: Downgrade Qt on hotfix branch !5706
  • GUI: Protect levels dialog from false input !5703
  • GUI: Add fast path filter in SystemTopology !5710
  • GUI: Redirect official RTD documentation !5713
  • GUI: Remove classId check on configuration retrieval !5717

What’s New in Karabo 2.11.1

This release reverts the DeviceNode timeout and onInitialization background move as temporary help to migrate devices. The slotInstanceUpdated is forwarded to the devices for the Karabo-DOOCS bridge.

Detailed Merge-Log

  • MDL: Support yield from getDevice and add tests !5587
  • MDL: Forward slotInstanceUpdated to device children !5602
  • MDL: revert !5119 and !4947 !5612
  • MDL: Change the default timeout in the DeviceNode !5614
  • MDL: Make sure DeviceNode has a displayType !5613
  • GUI: Enhance vector display in the table, remove white spaces !5584
  • GUI: Add size policy to label widgets !5586
  • CI: make the GUI tests fails when necessary !5603

What’s New in Karabo 2.11.0

The most relevant improvements, fixes and changes are:

  • GUI: Major refactoring of the topology processing and filtering for performance improvements.
  • GUI: Continue consolidation of the table element widgets. Editing changes are validated on user input and highlighted with a red color if invalid. Furthermore, configurations are validated on project loading.
  • GUI: The graphical user interface gets an application log to show outgoing commands and messaging as well as to notify errors.
  • GUI: It is possible to store and restore the geometry of the application.
  • GUI: Significant layout improvements for the plot widgets. Removed the implicit QLayout margins and spacing whenever and whereever possible.
  • GUI: Message boxes are modal again and moved to the center of the main application if no position has been specified.
  • GUI: The library PyQt was upgraded from 5.9.7 to 5.12.3
  • GUI: Configuration from name and from past offer now a preview dialog to investigate read only properties and changes
  • GUI: The Configuration dialog of a project device offers now the manipulation of the stored configuration
  • GUI: Devices that provide scenes can be dragged from the navigation and project panels to create device scene links
  • C++/Bound: Input channels of devices now have a property that shows the output channels that are configured to be connected but are not.
  • C++/Bound: If an injected schema contains input or output channels or changes for the schema of an output channel, the respective channels are automatically (re-)created and need (re-)connection. That will happen automatically, but may need a few seconds.
  • MDL: Servers can have heartbeat tracking of the topology. Start a server with the property track=True to enable instance tracking and receive notifications about connected devices that go down in an unclean way.
  • MDL: Attributes of numeric properties in devices (e.g. minInc, …) are now validated and eventually casted with a numpy dtype.
  • MDL: Enumable attributes (AccessLevel, …) or boolean attributes (needsAck, …) of properties in devices are now validated
  • MDL: It is possible to start and cancel asynchronous macros (async def).
  • MDL: New functions hashToDict and dictToHash are available. These function converts either nested dictionaries or hashes to their counterpart.
  • MDL: The function create_hash_html(hash) can be used to create the html presentation of a Hash
  • MDL: An InputChannel always (re)connects to its configured output channels independent of the slotInstanceNew signal.
  • MDL: An OutputChannel can now be closed with the method output.close() if desired.
  • MDL: The proxy creating function getDevice can now be used with an asynchronous context (async with)
  • MDL: It is now possible to inject a new output channel schema on an existing channel during runtime. Please use the device method setOutputSchema(key, schema) for this. An example is also provided in the HowToMiddlelayer documentation.
  • MDL FIX: The deepcopy and fullyEqual methods of a Hash are now working properly.
  • MAJOR: Python was upgraded to version 3.8. In this process more dependencies were added or upgraded, see below.
  • Core Device: The ProjectManager device is now compatible with a file backend. See below.
  • Core Device: The InfluxDataLogReader now returns data downsampled using the arithmetic mean instead of random down sampling if the data available is larger than the maximum requested.
  • Compilation of device packages requires at least gcc version 7. Note that the default compiler on all supported platforms except Ubuntu16 fulfils that.

Known Regressions or API Changes

  • GUI: The plotting library PyQtGraph removed the transparent background of the plot widgets. This was done for performance reasons. Karabo reintroduces the transparent background for images. For plot widgets, the background can now be configured with a new widget action and a title can be set.
  • MDL CHANGE: The method onInitialization will not shutdown the instance anymore on exception. The method is not awaited anymore, but instead launched in a background task.
  • MDL CHANGE: The ListOfNodes property for the device logger property was replace with normal Node.
  • MDL CHANGE: DeviceNode timeout is default set to 2 seconds. A maximum of 5 seconds can be configured. The timeout was introduced due to the interference with a foreseen online to offline configuration saving feature in an upcoming release.
  • Bound devices: The logging configuration (except the log level) is now always inherited from the device server and cannot be configured anymore.
  • All API: The slot call slotGetTime takes an input argument now and provides the timeServerId and the last reference timestamp.

Performance Improvements

Several performance improvements are bundled in this release.

  • GUI: Topology processing is 3 times faster
  • GUI: Lazy loading of project devices which have an online counterpart. This typically results in a factor > 2 faster project loading in operation
  • GUI: The label widget, the fairly most used widget, is painting around 15 times faster
  • GUI: Trendline plot performance increased by a factor of 2
  • GUI: Image display performance improved by up to ~20 %
  • MDL: Binary Hash serialization is up to 15 % faster
  • MDL: XML Hash serialization is up to 20 % faster

Experimental features

All APIs support a broker with the MQTT protocol instead of JMS. The protocol specified in the KARABO_BROKER environment variable defines which broker type to use: - tcp: JMS is used as usual, - mqtt: MQTT is used. This is an experimental feature, i.e. version compatibility is not guaranteed.


  • C++/Bound CHANGE: The properties useTimeServer and timeServerId have been deprecated and were removed from the devices since unused anyway (latter was only present in bound).
  • MDL API: Injectable class is not required for Schema injection and deprecated. It will be removed with Karabo 2.13.
  • MDL API: DeviceNode properties and commands are deprecated and scheduled for removal with Karabo 2.12.
  • FW: The attribute configuration of the unitSymbol and metricPrefixSymbol in the graphical user interface has been deprecated and removed. For further details and future deprecations please have a look at the Karabo newsletter 25 (https://rtd.xfel.eu/docs/newsletter/en/latest/ticker_25.html). Further attribute settings from the graphical user interface have been deprecated and are scheduled for removal in Karabo 2.12.
  • Karabo use on the Ubuntu16 platform is deprecated since that is not anymore maintained beyond April 2021.
  • The old undocumented way to use getHistory("device").propertyName is deprecated and was removed. The getHistory’s to argument is now optional. If missing, the current timestamp will be used.
  • C++ when a devices updates its properties via the set function, but the update is invalid, now an exception is thrown (as in Bound).

Detailed Merge-Log

Dependencies - Tests - CI (DevOPS)

  • CI: flake8 pythonKarabo in lint stage !5064
  • CI: check the GUI with isort !5530
  • CI: Run integration tests on master !5106
  • CI: move all linting code outside yml file !5085
  • CI: add correct paths for common for GUI tests !5052
  • CI: execute tests on changes !4970
  • CI: temporary disable linting task !4950
  • CI: Include the run packages on conda build requirements !5086
  • CI: Launch python unit and integration tests !5104
  • CI: Add example .gitlab-ci.yml !5319
  • CI: run tests on changes !5312
  • CI: fix lint script to run with default parameters !5161
  • CI: Prerelease upload !5202
  • FIX: Clean up comment from left-over test changes !5527
  • FIX: fix polymorphic exception warnings !4942
  • FIX: fix integration cross test for JMS !5439
  • FIX: Add Class Name to package version definition !5475
  • DEPS: add asyncio-mqtt package !5307
  • DEPS: remove documentation tooling !5203
  • DEPS: OpenMQ from the latest glassfish !4425
  • DEPS: use aioredis instead of async-redis !5563
  • DEPS: Add redis dependencies !5536
  • DEPS: re-enable cmake build !4941
  • DEPS: Update tornado, jupyter_client !5036
  • DEPS: add dependency to conda recipe !5187
  • DEPS: Add isort !5529
  • DEPS: Update traits to 6.0.0 !5007
  • DEPS: add MQTT clients and dependencies
  • DEPS: Upgrade boost from 1.66 to 1.68 and add MQTT clients !4948
  • DEPS: Add peewee 3.14.0. !5015
  • DEPS: Update Boost dependency to version 1.68 package from XFEL Conda Channel. !5192
  • CONDA: move tests code in own script !5327
  • CONDA: use alternative proxy installation !5337
  • CONDA: enable karabo-mdl conda environment !5066
  • CONDA: Explicitly make qtpy a dependency !5249
  • CMAKE: KARABO env var for running built artifacts from the CMake build tree. !5209.
  • CMAKE: Dynamic “resolve-lib-karabo-target” macro. !5199
  • CMAKE: Fix CMake Release builds of Cpp Framework
  • CMAKE: build of C++ Karabo Framework executables !5164
  • CMAKE: support for building and testing of CPP components of the Framework.libkarabo itself, the CPP unit tests, and the CPP integration tests.
  • FIX: Shield InfluxLogReader from hyphen in keys !5495
  • FIX: do not check conda environment in conda-build !5476
  • FIX: Report failures of ‘karabo uninstall’ with hints for reasonsXFEL-CLOSED #83212
  • TEST: Hash, Replace assertEquals with assertEqual !5425
  • TEST: Remove cpp long tests again !4983
  • TEST: AssertEquals is deprecated in device comm test !5113
  • TEST: Enable Artifacts on GUI CIs !4946
  • TEST: Add testing of serialisation of None in API round trip`None` can well be serialised - in all APIs.
  • TEST: workaround for order guarantee Bound
  • Tools: karabo-brokerrates optionally per server

Influx DB

  • INFLUX: Fix for line protocols that only have timestamp. !5304
  • INFLUX: Fix for non-responsive log reader issue. !5277
  • INFLUX: Protect blocks where results returned from Influx in JSON format are parsed. !5465
  • INFLUX: remove python device prototypes !4960

Core Devices

  • Core: Implement device instantiator interface !5397
  • GUI Server: Extend requestGeneric validation !5541
  • GUI Server: Return preview boolean if possible !5474
  • DataLogReader: Logger returns Mean on number types !4968
  • Datalog Reader: Skip “time” column datatype check on GetPropertyHistory. !5497
  • Configuration DB: Support for overwritable named device configurations. !4937
  • Configuration DB: Move Configuration Manager back in the framework
  • Project Manager: add project_db file Backend !5140
  • Project Manager: create an injectable project_db node !5162
  • Property Test: add options for PropertyTestMDL !5259

Bound/cpp core

  • Bound: enable namespace definition on server !5375
  • Bound: Expose InputChannel ConnectionStatus to DeviceClient interface !4984
  • Bound: only minimal configurability of device logging
  • Bound: More flexible slot registration
  • Bound: Fix missing GIL when destructing SlotWrap’s Python object !5453
  • Bound: Explicit test for SignalSlotable request !5392
  • Bound: appendSchema creates input/output channes like updateSchema
  • Bound: Create pipeline channels on schema injection
  • Bound: Track missing input channel connections XFEL-CLOSED 84545 XFEL-CLOSED R-83109
  • Bound: Add setVectorUpdate(..) to PythonDevice XFEL-CLOSED R-84546
  • Bound: DeviceClient extension !5042
  • Bound: Clarify hash key length validation error message !4924
  • Bound: use BaseException when generic !5075
  • Bound: Extend information on slotGetTime from bound !5264
  • Bound: Fix adler ctrl sum: ‘deadline’ property in MqttBroker !5294
  • Karathon: minor cleaningsRemove unused, const ref, …
  • C++/bound: Avoid mqtt crashes
  • C++/bound: Do not use KARABO_BROKER in JmsConnection
  • C++/bound: Proper tables for framework (and test) devices
  • C++/bound: gcc 7 is required now, Ubuntu16 deprecated
  • C++/Bound: remove progress variable !4938
  • C++/Bound: Remove useTimeServer and timeServerId from base device !5056
  • C++/Bound: Validate table element cardinality. !5370
  • C++ Add reference timestamp and timeServerId to the reply of Device::slotGetTime. !5520
  • C++: ParameterException for unfixable missing default values for table columns. !5391
  • C++: Add check for default values of simple and vector elements (and tests). !5390
  • C++: Sanitize Table Element !5382
  • C++: remove old BOOST_FOREACH calls !5256
  • C++: place configuration macros out of namespaces !4954
  • C++: Order DetectorGeometry initializer list !5258
  • C++: allow fine grained version protection !5065
  • C++: Use Initializer Lists and avoid postIncrement !5092
  • C++: Better validation failure messages for state and alarms !5507
  • C++: Add missing include in MetaTools.hh !5506
  • C++: Add warning to data logger manager
  • C++: Do not send pipeline data under mutex lock* take care that synchronous tcp writing is not done when m_registeredCopyInputsMutex is locked
  • C++: Get rid of DEBUG messages…about ignoring arguments of response.
  • C++: Fix missing interface imports XFEL_CLOSED 89943
  • C++: GuiServerDevice “debug to log” slot, require 2.10 client* clean a bit our logs from timeout noise (single line is enough) * add a gui server device debug slot that dumps the result of slotDumpDebugInfo
  • C++: Fix treatment of empty nodes after schema ‘subtraction’ !5454
  • C++: Protect Strand against exception in posted handler !5452
  • C++: Clean some slot registrations
  • C++: More info on unknown exceptions
  • C++: Better logs of output channel
  • C++: fix occasional CI failure due to Mqtt
  • C++: partial include clean-up, avoiding karabo/*.hpp !5343
  • C++: Invalid internal device updates should throw
  • Enable MQTT broker in karabo-brokermessagelogger XFEL-CLOSED 28421
  • C++: More robust input channel (re-)connection
  • C++: Minor fix input channel disconnect
  • C++: Add debug output in SignalSlotable_TestRecently seen rare crashes without clue whether in JMS or MQTT part.
  • C++: Clean MqttClient test, i.e. use proper source of default domain !5235
  • C++ test: Robust DeviceClient::registerChannelMonitor
  • C++: Proper broadcast handling in Broker classes
  • C++: Output channel disconnection for schema changes
  • C++ tests: Increase timeouts in InputOutputChannel_Test.cc !5197
  • C++: Get rid of Hash copy when writing to JMS broker !5194
  • C++: Input channels of devices show their connected output channels XFEL-CLOSED #83108
  • C++: Concurrency safe manipulation of vector properties
  • C++ JMS reading: respect handler setting order
  • C++: Proper typedef names for async handlers for broker and influx !5009
  • C++: Alarm signal with priority to ensure order
  • C++: MQTT: Provide some message ordering guarantees !5217
  • C++: MQTT integration - no order guarantees !5182
  • C++: Fix and clean Broker API !4990
  • C++: Expose input channel status tracking to DeviceClient interface
  • C++: InputChannel connection tracker
  • C++: Clean input channel
  • C++: Schema injection automatically creates Input-/OutputChannel
  • C++: Fix EOS handling and its test for many-to-one pipeline !4944
  • C++: Remove shortcut destinations before signal is sent to broker
  • C++: Ensure signals have a non-empty signalInstanceId
  • Document known issues for bound !5314

Middlelayer Core

  • MACRO: add tests for coroutines !5205
  • MACRO: adapt jupyter notebook to 3.8 !5183
  • MDL: a proxy changeHandler can be subscribed !5011
  • FIX: ipykernel installation relative path !5134
  • MDL: MQTT: Signalslot connection from signal side
  • MDL: MQTT: Refactor to hide paho client details !5230
  • MDL: Adapt MDL tests and MQTT API !5429
  • MDL: Replace ExitStack by AsyncExitStack and remove ordering !5325
  • MDL: MQTT integration !5148
  • MDL: separate exist_db in a submodule !5116
  • ALL APIs: Do not wait for broker to acknowledge acknowledgements !4786
  • MDL: chatty bound plugin loading does not fail !5554
  • MDL: Format QuantityValue for small values !5540
  • MDL: adapt projectManager run file !5179
  • MDL: File Based ProjectManager !5062
  • MDL: jupyter-notebook install in develop mode !5180
  • MDL: deprecate ancient getHistory syntax !5228
  • MDL: Implement async with for proxies !5511
  • MDL: Protect against badly assigned relative and absolute errors !5517
  • MDL: Use deepcopy for getTopology !5477
  • MDL: Protect macros from register and cancel !5443
  • MDL: Set a default timeout for DeviceNode !5445
  • MDL: Deprecate DeviceNode Properties and Commands !5427
  • MDL: InputChannel provide handlers for connected events !5248
  • MDL: Provide defaults for options, minIncs, and minSizes !5387
  • MDL: Rename karabo_hash to data folder !5376
  • MDL: Send empty rowSchema for empty Hashlist !5374
  • MDL: Enhance sanitize of the table element !5368
  • MDL: Change exception appearance to be more user friendly !5373
  • MDL: This adds a faulty Slot to the property test mdl !5362
  • MDL: Deprecation announcement for Injectable !5265
  • MDL: Add isSet to cli namespace !5305
  • MDL: Tables provide their rowSchema as bindings !5245
  • MDL: Spend an attributes dict to a descriptor !5238
  • MDL: Implement verbose output when developers try to iterate over singletons !5226
  • MDL: Also catch cancelled error when cancelling a macro thread !5121
  • MDL: Native code style check and new syntax in test !5101
  • MDL: Proxy del exception protection !5110
  • MDL: Fix Hash paths !5135
  • MDL: Provide wrapper to change output schema !5022
  • MDL: Provide a wrapper for get_array_data !5145
  • MDL: Add close handler to pipeline proxy and test !5143
  • MDL: use updateDevice everywhere !5122
  • MDL: Raise on death for proxy refactor !5120
  • MDL: Future compatibility of Slot descriptor !5102
  • MDL: Remove preInitialization !5119
  • MDL: More public imports and doc adjustment !5118
  • MDL: Sync daemon error !5188
  • Heartbeats in Middlelayer !3874
  • MDL: Document dependency changes !5117
  • MDL: Align queue and lock for future upgrades !5109
  • MDL: Expose newest_timestamp in mdl !5115
  • MDL: Use async with for pipeline locks !5111
  • MDL: Interfaces test of macro API to new syntax !5112
  • MDL: Provide async macro slots !5099
  • MDL: Ensure synchronized coroutines !5100
  • MDL: Properly close output channels !5020
  • MDL: Remove ListOfNodes in logger !5010
  • MDL: Use hash setElement when sending changes for performance !5016
  • MDL: Fix vector hash return type !5014
  • Upgrade Python to 3.8 !5079
  • MDL: Expose timeServer information and meta reference via slotGetTime !5058
  • MDL: Convert to async syntax !5061
  • MDL: Extend attributes with validation on Enums and booleans !5057
  • MDL: Provide lazy alarm attributes !5055
  • MDL: Attributes cast, validate in regions and have correct dtype !5049
  • MDL: Float point attribute have at least 64 bit - Follow up !5053
  • MDL: Align property test mdl devices !5054
  • MDL: Enhance schema injection of parameters !5025
  • MDL Remove unused open mq code !5038
  • MDL: Pipelines always reconnect independent from instanceNew !5021
  • MDL: Fix output channel names with underscores !5019
  • MDL: Increase hash test coverage for vectors and serializations !4981
  • MDL: Align heartbeats with c++ for server and devices !4986
  • MDL: Make JSON encoder Middlelayer independent !4957
  • MDL: Protect MDL pipelines with regex !4949
  • MDL: Separate onInitialization from instantiation !4947
  • MDL: Move configurable test to native and keep injectable/devicenode !4980
  • Native: Import Iterable from collections.abc !5254
  • Native: Support hashlist html !5418
  • Native: Make use of pathlib when serializing python hash !5491
  • Native: provide a little test for attr names !5532
  • Native: Be restrictive on HashLists !5463
  • Native: Fix numpy numbers !5416
  • Native: Sanitize table element row schemas with default values !5279
  • Native: More mutable Hash tests !5290
  • Native: Provide a getElement in analogon to setElement !5278
  • Macro API: Code quality checker active again !5103
  • Native: Extend tests for Hash file writers (Bin/XML) !5028
  • Native: Increase configurable test coverage !5035
  • Native: Add a function to get descriptors from data !5045
  • Native: Replace fromstring on descriptors !5046
  • Native: Fix Hash deepcopy of Upper Hash Attributes !5029
  • Native: Provide a hashToDict function !5027
  • Native: Rudimentary hash html test !5030
  • Native: String converters !5037
  • Native: Add structure and content checks for the html generated by karabo.native.karabo_hash.utils.create_html_hash. !5044
  • Native: Increase test coverage for alarms, minmax and casts of descriptors !5034
  • Native: Add base types test for karabo values !5017
  • Native: Test class schema hash types !4992
  • Native: Speed up XML serialization !4994
  • Native: Benchmark XML and Binary for python api !4993
  • Native: Fix cyclic modules !4988
  • Native: Recreate the table hash test !4982
  • Native: Plugin new structure !4967
  • Native: Separate Hash integration !4963
  • Native: Cleanup the import situation !4961
  • Native: Create a Hash package, split network !4955
  • Macro: Provide a way to define abstract macro state machine !5523
  • ikarabo: Fix regex for device instances !5063

Graphical User Interface

  • GUI: add protocol registration utility !5215
  • GUI: make protocol registration robust !5200
  • Common: Fix macro ast parsing with import time and different call !5422
  • GUI: remove protocol registration at application start !5280
  • GUI: adapt weblink widget to karabo url scheme !5274
  • GUI: fix installation path for protocol handler !5166
  • GUI: Add karabo:// URL protocol
  • GUI: Fix copy paste models !5000
  • GUI: Use traits Event on export current tool !5026
  • GUI: Add WaitForEvents flag for processEvents !5005
  • GUI: Resize scene dialog !4958
  • GUI: Add an offset on pasted scene objects !4916
  • GUI: Scale font size with the operating system !4945
  • GUI: Change trait setting to trait_set !4951
  • GUI: Include view option also for trendlines !5568
  • GUI: Speed up project loading for online devices !5555
  • GUI: Fix topology context !5559
  • GUI: Account for missing schema in scene retrieval for project devices !5560
  • GUI: Reset topology models !5556
  • GUI: Fix picker tool for pseudocolor images !5551
  • GUI: Place a picker parent !5553
  • GUI: Fix Frameslider SizePolicy !5552
  • GUI: Use table button delegate in alarm panel !5549
  • GUI: Fix runconfigurator widget parenting !5548
  • GUI: Protect against race condition in device tree !5547
  • GUI: Instance Info update correctly for device tree !5546
  • GUI: Move max num points to the multi curve graph !5542
  • GUI: Fix colorbar same levels !5545
  • GUI: Daemon delegate !5539
  • GUI: Image cleanup and merge !5544
  • GUI: Double click note !5538
  • GUI: Remove globals file !5537
  • GUI: Create itemtypes module !5535
  • GUI: Add note about scene link creation !5505
  • GUI: Access related code at single place !5534
  • GUI: Boost up configurator performance by checking display type only for strings !5487
  • GUI: RunConfigurator widget groups are not editable !5531
  • GUI: Add a project conflict note !5503
  • GUI: Add high dpi note !5499
  • GUI: DaqPolicy filter in config sanitize !5518
  • GUI: Add isort and sort dependencies !5524
  • GUI: Enable drag&drop from device tree !5501
  • GUI: Add a rotated gate valve icon !5516
  • GUI: Align error tests with the latest native changes !5519
  • GUI: Fix absolute error check for label widget !5515
  • GUI: Provide a scene text and size hint when dragging a scene !5509
  • GUI: Fix the image toolbar for single optional tools, e.g. picker !5513
  • GUI: Use Grafana Icon for action !5514
  • GUI: A new camera icon !5508
  • GUI: Move app error to logger debug and add more !5502
  • GUI: Add note about device dragging !5504
  • GUI: Preview configuration from name !5500
  • GUI: Provide a configuration preview for configuration from past and name !5471
  • GUI: Add a note for window geometry !5498
  • GUI: Add option to erase existing geometry !5494
  • GUI: Enable drag of project devices on scene !5492
  • GUI: Fix the GUI tests !5493
  • GUI: Provide dialog to erase and purge properties of configurations !5466
  • GUI: Forward compatibility of unknown status in topology !5469
  • GUI: Drag devices from navigation on scene !5480
  • GUI: Show a better error message when device is not online in device scene link !5485
  • GUI: Move message boxes only to main window center if not minimized !5468
  • GUI: Enable to register protocol from the gui client !5462
  • GUI: Fix tree item data for drag & drop !5479
  • GUI: Use Get and Save for configuration from name !5470
  • GUI: Startup of GUI application with size and rendering !5449
  • GUI: Implement the next chunk of logs in the gui client !5460
  • GUI: Make plot properties like background and title optional !5461
  • GUI: Include table in validate value !5456
  • GUI: Provide tests for device model and filter model !5426
  • GUI: Add a parent to the webcam graph !5455
  • GUI: Use paths to report problems for configuration !5459
  • GUI: Provide first chunk of logger messages !5450
  • GUI: Optimize display type check in table element !5457
  • GUI: Fix reset search bar on disconnect and make harmonize !5451
  • GUI: Enable to save geometry of main window on request !5448
  • GUI: Message box tries to get main window if no parent is passed !5447
  • GUI: Init Reply can provide directly a reason !5446
  • GUI: Expose BaseTableController to the world !5420
  • GUI: Patch the dynamicRangeLimit of plot items !5431
  • GUI: Validate options in bindings !5404
  • GUI: Images can have transparent background !5440
  • GUI: DeviceConfigurationDialog can highlight violations !5434
  • GUI: Show description for attributes in table and always a header !5438
  • GUI: Improve tree view search / clear !5430
  • GUI: Reserve some space for the server info and different startup message !5432
  • GUI: Increase daemon controller performance !5221
  • GUI: Implement vector size check in binding check !5403
  • GUI: Implement configuration dialogs in system topology !5428
  • GUI: More tests for topology !5424
  • GUI: Device interface filtering – Performance !5396
  • GUI: Use QtFilterModel for topology !5059
  • GUI: Remove unused globals !5413
  • GUI: Fix the default image graph scaling !5419
  • GUI: Add qucik link for documentation !5410
  • GUI: Increase processing wait time before executing function in timeit !5408
  • GUI: Align about dialog, RTD change and 2021 !5412
  • GUI: Remove unused options edit dialog !5415
  • GUI: Device tree model performance increase !5406
  • GUI: Performance increase system topology !5405
  • GUI: Performance update configurator !5401
  • GUI: Add tests for simple validator and fix string conversion !5402
  • GUI: Set uniformRowHeights in the runconfigurator widget !5243
  • GUI: Clean a bit the image graph !5384
  • GUI: Remove adjustSize when move to cursor !5378
  • GUI: Allow to copy information from the log widget to clipboard !5389
  • GUI: Include minSize in the binding default value calculation !5386
  • GUI: Fix the GUI CI test !5385
  • GUI: Improve array handling !5379
  • GUI: Take into account the minimum or options when taking default value !5354
  • GUI: Cleanup server (broker) info !5380
  • GUI: Table split of model view !5377
  • GUI: Implement daylight saving time in graph !5383
  • GUI: Move GUI to qtpy !5381
  • GUI: LevelsDialog can work with same levels and is always on top !5365
  • GUI: Move cinema wizard to wizards !5356
  • GUI: Also show Karabo Errors as user friendly error messages !5364
  • GUI: Integerbindings account for overflows !5371
  • GUI: Fix manager tests with magic mock message boxes !5369
  • GUI: Include limits in binding checks !5340
  • GUI: Patch viewboxes for performance reasons !5366
  • GUI: Enable message box select and copy test !5363
  • GUI: Show a user friendly message box on reconfigure error !5361
  • GUI: Improve levels dialog and colorbar widget parenting !5352
  • GUI: Refactor and clean array controllers !5357
  • GUI: Popup the daemon boxes with parent !5358
  • GUI: Substitute fonts coming from devices !5360
  • GUI: Implement view on column attributes in table !5347
  • GUI: Enhance move to cursor function !5351
  • GUI: Message box requires operator interaction again !5348
  • GUI: Use the fast path validate in sanitize table element !5346
  • GUI: Implement generic binding delegate !5345
  • GUI: Support units in the table element !5344
  • GUI: Implement minSize and maxSize in table element !5339
  • GUI: Little cleanup for the table role !5342
  • GUI: Binding None protection in fast data on disconnect !5303
  • GUI: Move binding based validator to validattors !5341
  • Lib: Table contract manifesto !5315
  • GUI: Fix setting of empty vector in table !5336
  • GUI: Vector delegate for tables !5329
  • GUI: Code quality in validator test !5338
  • GUI: Enhance list validator for scientific notation and tests !5328
  • GUI: Enhance the combobox delegate !5320
  • GUI: Enhance simple delegate with min max validation !5321
  • GUI: Enable setting of plot background and title !5252
  • FW: No unit modification from the GUI and config manager !5317
  • GUI: Enable Select All and Copy in text log widget with context menu !5233
  • GUI: Add a get native vector min max !5313
  • GUI: Simplify project load dialog !5301
  • GUI: Better log handling the GUI, enable colors !5284
  • GUI: Set UnitLabel layout spacing to zero !5333
  • GUI: Greatly enhance number deleagte, only change table on changes !5295
  • GUI: Fix table element context menu handling !5302
  • GUI: Greatly enhance number deleagte, only change table on changes !5295
  • GUI: Use check as validate_trait wrapper for binding !5310
  • GUI: Create a place for wizards !5291
  • GUI: Increase realign Hash performance !5300
  • GUI: Rename a few menus in the menu bar !5293
  • GUI: Split validate functions from config !5297
  • GUI: QDateTime.fromTime_t is deprecated !5286
  • GUI: Separate compare function from binding utils !5263
  • GUI: Remove table partial functions !5289
  • GUI: Remove unnecessary autoscale patch in plot base !5219
  • GUI: Fix table style, options debug and delegate readOnly !5288
  • GUI: Increase the priority for the array graph for NDArrays !5251
  • GUI: Fix cinema typo in wizard !5292
  • GUI: Move request related code to request !5287
  • GUI: Provide feedback for corrupted tables !5255
  • GUI: Cinema Weblink configurator
  • GUI: Table validate simple !5239
  • GUI: Enable cinema to run with multiple scenes !5275
  • GUI: Prevent sigterm in cinema and theatre !5260
  • GUI: Enable request time information in GUI client !5060
  • GUI: Cleanup image utils !5268
  • GUI: Validate readOnly columns properly in tables !5262
  • GUI: Work on numpy clip performance !5266
  • GUI: Fix project load dialog flickering !5231
  • GUI: Move back to Python 3.6 !5267
  • GUI: Spray some parent in graph images !5261
  • GUI: Clean the has_changes with floating points !5246
  • GUI: Use flat iter all from the Hash !5244
  • GUI: Fix state color widget alpha setting !5223
  • GUI: Move the Table element completely on bindings !5237
  • GUI: Allow NDArray bindings to be double clicked !5250
  • GUI: Performance increase of Label !5218
  • GUI: Significantly speed up tree views !5240
  • GUI: Use apply project configuration for project devices and their offline configurations !5224
  • GUI: Manually create background timer for parent setting !5222
  • GUI: Sanitize table configuration from projects !5211
  • GUI: Compatibility with MacOS 11 for new Qt version !5220
  • GUI: QApplication can listen to palette changes !5208
  • GUI: Fix table changes and validation !5214
  • GUI: Upgrade to Python 38 and PyQt5.12 !5213
  • GUI: Generate corresponding default values on demand !5184
  • GUI: Temporary downgrade lttbc !5210
  • GUI: Remove first patches of ROI !5149
  • GUI: Add a logger place to the karabo gui !5150
  • GUI: Fix background color setting where no alpha is specified !5158
  • GUI: Fix trendline latest timestamp having numpy type !5186
  • GUI: More safe on future protocols !5172
  • GUI: Slightly refactor table validation for overview !5177
  • GUI: Fix datetime appearance on trendline on windows !5146
  • GUI: Rollimage test increase and future compatibility with numpy !5159
  • GUI: Process events on main window render !5169
  • GUI: Remove transparency of image layout !5170
  • GUI: Fix multiple plots in vector graph !5171
  • GUI: Remove transparent graphics view !5168
  • GUI: Fix Image Item flip axis !5147
  • GUI: Forward compatibility of property history requests !5157
  • GUI: setResizeMode is deprecated, use setSectionResizeMode !5156
  • GUI: Allow to completely disable high dpi !5160
  • GUI: Fix Crosshair ROI on plots !5141
  • GUI: Cleanup more the axis item and remove patches !5129
  • GUI: Implement own image item !5125
  • GUI: Setup a generic binding validator !5133
  • GUI: Fix table element configuration on init only tables !5126
  • GUI: Unify array handling !5108
  • GUI: Provide coerce functionality to trait types !5132
  • GUI: Table uses binding for row schema !5130
  • GUI: Fix scatter plot item initial parameter and cleanup !5128
  • GUI: Update PyQtGraph and adjustments for plots !5076
  • GUI: Fix pendialog !5090
  • GUI-Common: Rewrite yield tests and a few modifications !5105
  • GUI: Image adjustments for pyqtgraph update !5068
  • GUI: Axis item double click !5083
  • GUI: Enhance Image Layout - Remove unnecessary margins !5069
  • GUI: Remove margins from trendline layout !5071
  • GUI: One more margin for the image layout !5072
  • GUI: Fixes graphs viewbox menu !5088
  • GUI: Use bytescale in images !5074
  • GUI: Protect VectorXY from device intstantiations !5067
  • GUI: Only use reason for request failures !5048
  • GUI: Invisible Eye icon !5078
  • GUI: setContentsMagins to 0 for plot widgets !5070
  • GUI: Dialogs get an own ui folder !5050
  • GUI: Move line model slighly up in generic scene !5051
  • GUI: Remove requestFromSlot calls and use requestGeneric !5047
  • GUI: Set widget to None in table element on destroy !5043
  • GUI: Take the int of the localDotsPerInch !5040
  • GUI: document GUI upgrade path
  • GUI: Significantly decrease margins in trendline layout !5031
  • GUI: Prevent float casting in line edit controller !4999
  • GUI: Benchmark the binding !5004
  • GUI: Provide a float binding preserving float type !4998
  • GUI: Configuration has_changes with 0.0 values !5001
  • GUI: Prevent wrong float casting in display label !5002
  • GUI: Improve widget dragging from configurator for Slots and Images !4952
  • GUI: Fix plot widget references !4900
  • GUI: Add NumpyRange trait !4943
  • GUI: Provide quick grafana link in the karaboGUI !4940
  • GUI: Use native axis item pyqtgraph !4897
  • GUI: Protect histogram graph against booleans !4936

Table of changed dependencies

Please take note of the changed dependencies:

library Old New
atomicwrites NEW 1.4.0
attrs NEW 20.3.0
colorama NEW 0.4.4
cython 0.29.15 0.29.21
dateutil 2.2 2.8.1
flake8 3.3.0 3.8.4
flaky 3.4.0 3.7.0
importlib-metadata NEW 3.3.0
iniconfig NEW 3.3.0
ipython 7.2.0 7.19.0
jedi 0.15.1 0.17.2
lxml 3.6.4 4.4.3
more-itertools NEW 8.6.0
numpy 1.13.3 1.15.4
packaging NEW 20.8
parso NEW 0.7.1
pexpect 3.1 4.8.0
pickleshare 0.7.3 0.7.5
pluggy NEW 0.13.1
prompt_toolkit 2.0.10 3.0.10
ptyprocess NEW 0.7.0
py 1.4.31 1.10.0
pybind11 NEW 2.6.1
pycodestyle 2.3.1 2.6.0
pyflakes 1.5.0 2.2.0
pygments 2.0.2 2.7.4
pyparsing 2.0.1 2.4.7
pytest 2.9.2 6.2.1
python 3.6.7 3.8.7
scipy 0.18.0 1.5.4
six 1.10.0 1.15.0
toml NEW 0.10.2
traitlets 4.2.2 5.0.5
wcwidth 0.1.7 0.2.5
zipp NEW 1.1.0

Project Manager Updates

In Karabo 2.11, the project manager is now able to use the filesystem as a backend. This restores the possibility to run a fully featured karabo installation in user space without needing an ExistDB server instance either through network or inside a docker container.

This solution will force to adapt the run file of the project database manager. The initial configuration of the ProjectManager has to change from:

init='{"KaraboProjectDB":{"classId":"ProjectManager", "host": "thehostname", "port": 8080}}'


init='{"KaraboProjectDB":{"classId":"ProjectManager","projectDB":{"protocol": "exist_db", "exist_db":{"host": "thehostname", "port": 8080}}}}'

The default run file contains instructions on how to use the filesystem as a projectDB backend. More info is available here.