PTC - CRD projects

PTC CRD flowchart

EEE’s CRD procedure workflow

CRD workflow as seen by DATA

As mentioned in the ERD chapter PTC’s view of the CRD procedure followed on from ERD, therefore the text describing PTC’s handling of the CRD procedure is largely the same and only differences are noted below.

  • completion of ‘Elvis’ tracker tests for CRD are needed.
  • the CRD workflow shown is new and replaces the one used until mid-Nov 2020
  • the new procedure calls the ERD procedure when a device in the CRD has no existing ERD.
  • additionally the new procedure flattens the decision structure by ensuring each DATA groups has to signoff the request, and removes the requirement on CTRL to vet the CRD before submission which is now the respoonsibility of project owner.

Role definitions


  • establish a CRD Redmine representation compliant with the PTC interface requirements for the procedure workflow.

Project Scehduling

This activity is a responsibility of the PEPs concerned albeit with the requirement that a consensus of scheduling is reached with DATA’s PTC.

Project closeout

CRD project time spends should be longer than ERD and shorter than PMO projects. Project closeouts should be monitored to confirm this.

CRD meetings

CRD decision meetings aiming at R3dmine implementation and PTC interface compliance are currently held ‘as required’ with the PEP and other CRD involved collegues.

PTC email lists

The SYMPA mailing list service is used to assist communication by defining

  • ptc-crd, the ERD-PEP contacts

Mail filters applied to the email subject are used to shape PTC activity.

  • PTC-CRD, for PTC communication