x2TimerML Introduction

The x2TimeML middlelayer device is designed to provide an easy interface, per trigger channel, to the x2Timer device. The latter, in turns, provides an interface to a μTCA [1] crate controlled by the DOOCS system, and provides access up to 21 trigger channels. An example of the x2Timer device installed in the laser lab is presented in Fig. 1:


Fig. 1 The configuration editor of the x2Timer device provides an interface to the trigger channels available in a μTCA crate.

In the given example the karabo device is connected to the μTCA at DOOCS address XFEL.FEL/TIMER/LASLAB-LAB-SYS-UTC-1.S5. To help the user to easily configure the triggers, the middlelayer device x2TimerML was designed, allowing to configure a particular channel.

[1]MicroTCA Technology Lab, https://techlab.desy.de/