5. Jupyter hub and notebooks

Documentation based on frequently asked questions

5.1. Usage of Jupyter running on the Maxwell cluster

The easiest way to run Jupyter Notebooks on the Maxwell cluster is to use the JupyterHub portal.

Alternatively, a notebook server can be manually started on Maxwell, and port forwarding can be used to direct a local web-browser to that server.

Both approaches will be explained in the following.

5.1.1. How to access Max-Jhub and select a partition

Log in to Jupyter Hub on the Maxwell cluster using your DESY account. Once logged in, perform the following steps:

  • Choose a suitable partition on Maxwell from the upper drop-down menu; the choice should target one that your group has access to. Note that if you experience start-up problems with one partition, you may want to try another one.

    Maxwell partitions for Jhub
    • JHUB (Shared Jupyter partition): the default, it will assign a shared node with a maximum time limit of 7 days. This partition is suited for everyone, but your code may run slower and won’t be able to use as much memory as on a dedicated node.

    • EXFEL: a partition suited for EuXFEL staff. Like all partitions except JHUB, it will assign a dedicated node with a maximum time limit of 8 hours.

    • UPEX: a partition suited for EuXFEL users.

  • Select a Job duration (ignored for the JHUB partition).

  • Click on Spawn.

  • Browse through your home (/home/<username>) directory to select or start a new Jupyter project.

  • Jupyter projects stored e. g. on:


    are also accessible via symbolic link in user’s home directory.

Remember to disconnect by clicking on Control Panel and then Stop My Server to free the reserved node.

This is the easiest way to run Jupyter Notebooks on the Maxwell cluster (it does not require port forwarding or machine reservations). The xfel kernel includes many useful modules for working with EuXFEL data; this should be available as an option when you create a new notebook.

Some details are explained at https://confluence.desy.de/display/MXW/JupyterHub+on+Maxwell .

5.1.2. How to use Jupyter notebooks on Maxwell with a manual server

The following protocols are useful if you cannot use JupyterHub, or want to have more fine grained control about the resources you use in your notebook session.

To make the Jupyter notebook-server tool available on Maxwell, it is recommended to employ the Python anaconda distribution provided by EuXFEL: To get that Anaconda distribution (based on Python 3) and the Jupyter notebook as an executable into the PATH, the command is:

module load exfel exfel_anaconda3

For example (as of 15 January 2018):

[user@max-exfl001]~% which python
/usr/bin/python                                # this is the linux system python
[user@max-exfl001]~% module load exfel exfel_anaconda
[user@max-exfl001]~% which python
/gpfs/exfel/sw/software/xfel_anaconda3/X.X/bin/python   # xfel anaconda's python
[user@max-exfl001]~% which ipython
[user@max-exfl001]~% which jupyter-notebook
[user@max-exfl001]~% jupyter-notebook --version

The `module load exfel exfel_anaconda3` will create a so called jupyter kernel that makes the all exfel python modules available in jupyter. If you prefer, you can create your own anaconda installation in your user account. Procedure from inside the DESY network

  1. Request a node just for you to carry out the analysis.

    To do this, we need to login to max-exfl.desy.de, and then use the salloc command to request - for example - one Node (N=1) for 8 hours (t=08:00:00) in the upex partition (p=upex):

    [MYLOCALUSERNAME@COMP]$ ssh USERNAME@max-exfl.desy.de
    [USERNAME@max-exfl001]$ salloc -N 1 -p upex -t 08:00:00

    The system will respond (if it can allocate a node for you) with something like:

    salloc: granted job allocation ....
    salloc: ...
    salloc: Nodes max-exfl072 are ready for job

    The node we can now use (for the next 8 hours) is max-exfl072.

    In the commands above replace USERNAME with your username on the Maxwell cluster (same as XFEL/DESY user name).

    See also

    Running jobs for more information on slurm commands.

  2. Now we open a new terminal on our local machine COMP and ssh directly to that node max-exfl072. We also forward port 8432 on node max-exfl072 (or whichever one is assigned) to the port 8432 on our local machine COMP):

    [MYLOCALUSERNAME@COMP]$ ssh -L 8432:localhost:8432 max-exfl072
  3. Now we can start the Jupyter Notebook and need to tell it to use port 8432, and not to start a browser automatically:

    [USERNAME@max-exfl072]$ module load exfel exfel_anaconda3
    [USERNAME@max-exfl072]$ jupyter-notebook --port 8432 --no-browser
  4. Then open a browser window on your machine COMP and ask it to connect to port 8432 https://localhost:8432

  5. If you haven’t set a password before, the standard output in the terminal will end with a text block like:

    To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:
    Or copy and paste one of these URLs:

    Only then, after having connected to the server as per (4)., you will get an authentication dialogue like this:

    Jupyter token authentication

    and you have to enter the token (e. g. c81f1482be0112caee9aff8eb13745f976109f0c80f9c6) by copy-paste from the terminal message.

    Alternatively, you can enter the entire URL http://localhost:8432/?token=c81f... into the browser address field, at step (4.), by copy-paste, in the first place. This saves you the extra authentication page.

    If for some reason the terminal text from the server startup is not available, one can also retrieve the token by typing jupyter-notebook list to a command-line prompt of the node where the notebook server runs.

    However, if a password has been set, the authentication dialogue will simplify and you will be asked for that password only.


  • request node

  • then forward port and start jupyter there:

    ssh -L 8432:localhost:8432 USERNAME@max-exfl072
    module load exfel exfel_anaconda3
    jupyter-notebook --port 8432 --no-browser
  • open browser on local machine (https://localhost:8432) Procedure from outside the DESY network

If your machine LAPTOP is outside the XFEL/DESY network, you need to get into the DESY network via bastion.desy.de. In this case, we recommend that you first ssh to max-exfl (via bastion.desy.de) to create a node allocation (in our example below for 8 hours):

[USERNAME@bastion01]$ ssh max-exfl
[USERNAME@max-exfl001]$ salloc -N 1 -p upex -t 08:00:00

Once this is done, we need to connect a port on your local machine with the port that the jupyter notebook listens to on max-exfl072. We need to go via bastion, i.e.

[MYLOCALUSERNAME@LAPTOP]$ ssh -L 8432:localhost:8432 bastion.desy.de -t ssh -L 8432:localhost:8432 max-exfl072
[USERNAME@max-exfl072] module load exfel exfel_anaconda3
[USERNAME@max-exfl072] jupyter-notebook --port=8432 --no-browser

Then open a browser with URL https://localhost:8432 on local machine LAPTOP. Procedure from hutch computers - proxy issue

The hutch computers are isolated from the internet, but it is possible to set a proxy to access the internet - including max-jhub.

To fix this you must disable the SOCKS proxy, the correct settings are:

  1. Open preferences

  2. Scroll down, click network settings

  3. Tick “Manual proxy configuration”

  4. Set the HTTP Proxy to exflproxy01.desy.de and the port to 3128

  5. Make sure that the “SOCKS Host” and “Port” entry is empty

  6. Tick “Also use this proxy for FTP and HTTPS”

  7. Select OK to save these settings

Note that there is an additional issue with Firefox where, even though you deleted the url and the setting was applied, the UI still shows an entry. If this happens you can check the actual setting by going to about:config in Firefox, searching for network.proxy.socks, and deleting the values for network.proxy.socks and network.proxy.socks_port. Technical comments

You can ignore the comments below unless you run into difficulties, or what to get more background information.

  • If your laptop is connect to eduroam, you are outside the XFEL/DESY network, and need to follow instructions in From outside the DESY network.

  • We have used 8432 as the port in the examples above. There is no particular reason for doing so, other than the port not being used by any other famous software (see list on Wikipedia), and the port number being greater than 1024.

    You can chose other ports as you like. Using different ports also allows to run multiple Jupyter Notebook servers on the same node (each listening to a particular node).

    By default (i.e. if we don’t use the --port switch when starting the Jupyter Notebook), port 8888 is used.

5.2. Usage of Jupyter running on the EuXFEL online cluster

Once logged into a machine in one of the online cluster nodes available (check Online cluster for the proper host aliases), you can use Jupyter either:

  • Directly from the node of the instrument itself by running Firefox from a terminal and going to the node name + .desy.de (e.g. sa1-onc-spb.desy.de). It should take you directly to the Jupyterhub page from where you can login with your credentials.

    The Jupyter instance will run from the node itself, meaning that the rendering could not be optimal.

  • On your local computer after you forward the necessary ports. This port-forwarding will be slightly different depending if you are inside or outside the control network:

    • Outside the control network (e.g. from your office pc), a double port-forwarding will be necessary:

      ssh -L 8000:localhost:8000 exflgateway -t ssh -L 8000:localhost:8000 sa1-onc-fxe

      By using the port 8000, you will be able to open an instance of Jupyterhub service directly on the browser of your local machine if you go to:


      and login with your credentials.

    • Inside the control network (e.g. from a control room computer):

      ssh -L 8000:localhost:8000 sa1-onc-fxe

5.2.1. Manual Jupyter notebook server on online cluster nodes

If you are using a shared access node during shifts, it is also possible to manually start a Jupyter instance from inside the control network (e.g. from a control room computer).

The more straight-forward way is to render Jupyter on the node itself. In order to do so, firstly you need to load the notebook-server tool available on Maxwell (see Start manual server) by typing:

module load exfel exfel_anaconda3

Once loaded, you can simply type in the terminal:


to start a Jupyter session.

If you need better rendering, you must forward ports in order to use the browser of your local machine. To do so, type on your local machine:

ssh -L 8008:localhost:8008 sa1-onc-03

After loading the notebook-server tool (see above), you will be able to render the Jupyter notebook session, running on the remote node (sa1-onc-03, on the browser of your local machine by typing:

jupyter-notebook --port 8008 --no-browser

And opening in the browser the following URL:
