7. Specific use cases & deployments

7.1. SCS toolbox

This section provides guidelines for data analysis softwares / toolchains which are deployed for the SCS instrument.

7.1.1. EXtra-foam (FastCCD)

Toolchain for real-time data analysis and visualization of FastCCD related data analysis. In this tool chain, FastCCDProcessor correlates and processes data from FastCCD and other data sources (XGM, digitizer, motors, etc.). The processed data is then sent out via the karabo bridge to EXtra-foam, which provides a rich interface for complicated data analysis and visualization.


  1. Open the project ZMQ_BRIDGE within the SCS topic;

2. Instantiate two devices: SCS_XAS_FASTCCD/DA/PROC and SCS_XAS_FASTCCD/DA/BRIDGE;

  1. Open the following scene in Karabo:



Please strictly follow the following steps since the data flows from upstream to downstream (processor -> bridge -> EXtra-foam). It also applies for troubleshooting!

  1. Click the Start button in the scene. If N processed trains is increasing, it indicates that the processor is working. Otherwise, please check whether the other data source devices are running. To understand which data source is missing, one can check Latest sources;


You may not need all the other data sources other than FastCCD in your experiment. Please feel free to “Ignore” the unwanted sources by ticking the checkbox in the scene.

  1. Click the Activate button to activate the bridge. If Input updated and Data received are increasing, it indicates that the bridge is working. Otherwise, try re-instantiating the bridge device to re-establish the connection between the processor and the bridge;


If the bridge is still not working, please re-start the device server and repeat the step 2-5;

  1. ssh to the online cluster sa3-br-kc-comp-1 (exflonc13) and following the instructions about EXtra-foam in the Karabo scene.


7.1.2. XasTim

Toolchain for real-time data analysis and visualization of XAS (Xray absorption spectroscopy) experiments using TIM (transmission intensity monitor). In this tool chain, XasTimProcessor correlates and processes data from XGM, digitizer and softmono. The processed data is then sent out via the Karabo bridge to xas-tim-view, which visualizes the data in a web browser.


  1. Open the project ZMQ_BRIDGE within the SCS topic;

  2. Instantiate two devices: SCS_XAS_TIM/DA/PROC and SCS_XAS_TIM/DA/BRIDGE;

  3. Open the following scene in Karabo;



Please strictly follow the following steps since the data flows from upstream to downstream (processor -> bridge -> xas-tim-view -> browser). It also applies for troubleshooting!

4. Click the Start button in the scene. If N processed trains is increasing, it indicates that the processor is working. Otherwise, please check whether the XGM/digitizer/softmono devices are running. To understand which data source is missing, one can check Latest sources;

5. Click the Activate button to activate the bridge. If Input updated and Data received are increasing, it indicates that the bridge is working. Otherwise, try re-instantiating the bridge device to re-establish the connection between the processor and the bridge;


If the bridge is still not working, please re-start the device server and repeat the step 2-5;

6. ssh to the online cluster sa3-br-kc-comp-1 (exflonc13) and following the instructions about xas-tim-view in the Karabo scene.


7.2. FXE toolbox

This section provides the workflow of data analysis specific tools at FXE instrument

7.2.1. Correlations in EXtra-foam


To optimize the experimental conditions, users need to observe the dependence of sample/jet position with respect to the Figure of Merit (FOM) evaluated from the diffraction signal in real time. EXtra-foam provides several ways of evaluating FOM from the images (fast data) obtained live during the experiment through KaraboBridge. As of now JUNGFRAU and LPD are the two detectors that are commonly used at FXE. EXtra-foam provides functionality to evaluate FOMs from data obtained from these two detectors.

To observe correlation between FOM and motor positions (any slow data) one needs to follow the workflow:

DataCorrelator (karabo device) -> KaraboBridge (karabo device) -> EXtra-foam (online analysis tool)

7.3. HED toolbox

This section provides the workflow of data analysis specific tools at HED instrument.

7.3.1. Karabo bridge

Karabo bridge is available at the HED instrument and can be used to stream in realtime any data source available in Karabo during beamtime. Streamed data sources can be configured by instrument scientists upon request.

7.3.2. Dioptas

Dioptas <http://www.clemensprescher.com/programs/dioptas> is distributed in our software environment available on the online cluster and the Maxwell cluster:

module load exfel dioptas