Binary download for Linux

Use this installation option if you want to use Karabo for:

  • Running the GUI or ikarabo on your Laptop or PC in order to view/control an existing installation
  • Starting Karabo all local, see how it works, develop macros and/or devices
  • Build up small control systems involving few computers
  • Developing devices or macros for Karabo

If one of the option is for you simply follow the few steps below:

Get and install Karabo Framework

A self extracting shell script is available here.

Select the correct installer for your operating system and download it to some local folder.

Change permissions and extract it using the following commands:

chmod +x karabo-*.sh

The script will install a single karabo folder, containing everything needed (including dependencies) to get going with Karabo.

Source the activate script be able to run all karabo applications and use the correct (shipped) Python environment:

cd <path-to-karabo>
source activate


Before using Karabo in a new shell you always have to source the activate script.

Once activate is sourced, your environment is ready and you should be able to e.g. run:



Shell aliases and paths may conflict with the environment activate sets up. If which python does not point to the Karabo-provided executable after sourcing activate, check your shell configuration e.g. .bash_rc if any aliases or python paths are set therein and comment the respective lines.