External Dependency Management in Karabo

The Karabo Framework depends on a large number of third party packages. The karabo C++ library dependencies are managed using the conan open source package manager. This automatically provides things like Python, boost, AMQP, etc.

Because building these dependencies has become a time consuming and sensitive process, they are now being managed by an automated system. Together with the CI (continuous integration) features of GitLab, the dependencies are automatically built and cached whenever one or more of those dependencies changes.

Installing the Dependencies into a Clean Source Tree

After cloning the framework from git, or doing a clean rebuild, the external dependencies should first be installed. This is handled automatically by the auto_build_all.sh script.

The already-built dependencies will be downloaded from the public conan repository when available. If pre-built binaries are not available, then the source code will be download and compiled locally according to the script in the conanfile.py of the dependency package.

Mechanism for Determining Correct Dependencies to Install

The conan package manager enables building the karabo framework with a deterministic build environment. All of the build options, compiler and host system settings are used to compute a package ID for the dependency. The package ID is a unique identifier that conan uses to determine package compatibility with a host system and other dependencies.

If you are interested in a more detailed explanation of how this works, you can read more about it at blog.conan.io:


Adding/Removing/Updating a Dependency

To add, remove, or update a dependency in Karabo, create a new feature branch and make your changes. Build and install the dependency (or dependencies) that you are currently concerned with.

Building all of Karabo is explained in Build from sources. But if you only want to know how to build a single extern. Here is the command:

cd extern
./build.sh <platform-directory> externPackageName

<platform-directory> is usually something like GNU-Linux-x86. It’s the directory where all built externs are staged before being copied into a karabo build directory.

Note that dependencies which include executable binaries (programs or shared libraries) will need to have their RUNPATH metadata set so that runtime linking works appropriately. This is handled by the extern/relocate_deps.sh script, and should be made there when adding/removing/updating dependencies.

In order to test the built result, you can create a feature branch with name format of deps-mr-<package> and push it to the framework repository. The CI runner will pick up this branch and create the a new dependency package at http://exflctrl01.desy.de/karabo/karaboDevelopmentDeps

Once the dependency package is created, you can try verify it by clean building the framework locally using this package:

./auto_build_all.sh Clean-All
./auto_build_all.sh Debug --pyDevelop

This will build the framework using the updated dependency packages created from your feature branch. Once finished, you can try to use the framework to verify if the new/updated pakcage plays nicely with the framework.

Once you are reasonably sure that everything works, open a merge request for the branch. After the merge request is approved and merged into the master branch, add a tag to the merge commit:

git log  # to find the commit hash for the merge commit
git tag deps-<name> <commit hash>  # See below for naming convention
git push origin --tags

This will cause an automated build to begin and rebuild the dependencies. If this build fails, then shame on you. You should be more careful when working with the dependencies. You’ll need to fix the problem with a new merge request and tag. It’s not the end of the world, of course, but it might cause grief for anyone who performs a clean rebuild before you’ve fixed the master branch.

The Naming Convention for Dependency tags

All dependency tags need to begin with “deps-“. This is hardcoded into the build infrastructure. The rest is only defined by convention.

The basic format is: deps-<action>-<package>

<action> is one of the following: add, update, remove

<package> is the principle package which is being changed. The fact that multiple packages are perhaps being modified is not terribly important. It is also a good idea to add a little bit of version information after the package name for disambiguation. As the number of “deps-” tags grows, some packages will likely appear more than once (eg. deps-update-boostNNN or deps-update-numpy)

Current collection of dependencies

Karabo is currently shipped with the a tree dependencies that enables development directly from the distributed platform:

library version license Karabo depends KaraboGUI depends
aioredis 1.3.1 MIT yes no
aiormq 3.3.1 Apache-2.0 yes no
AMQP-CPP 4.3.12 Apache-2.0 yes no
atomicwrites 1.4.0 MIT yes yes
attrs 20.3.0 MIT yes yes
backcall 0.2.0 BSD-3 yes yes
backports-abc 0.4 PSFL no no
backports.ssl-match PSFL no no
boost 1.82.0 Boost License yes no
bzip2 1.0.8 BSD yes yes
certifi 2018.4.16 MPL2.0 no no
chardet 3.0.4 LGPL yes no
colorama 0.4.4 BSD yes yes
conan 1.57.0 MIT yes no
coverage 4.5.1 Apache-2.0 no no
cppunit 1.14.0 LGPL no no
cycler 0.10.0 BSD-3 no yes
cython 0.29.24 Apache-2.0 no no
daemontools-encore 1.10-karabo3 MIT no no
dateutil 2.8.1 apache/BSD no yes
decorator 4.4.2 BSDv2 yes yes
dill 0.2.5 BSD-3 yes yes
eulexistdb 0.21.1 Apache-2.0 no no
eulxml 1.1.3 Apache-2.0 no no
eXistDB 2.2 LGPL no no
flake8 3.8.4 MIT no no
flaky 3.7.0 Apache-2.0 no no
freetype 2.5.2 FTL/GPLv2 no yes
gmock 1.7.0 BSD no no
httplib2 0.9.1 MIT yes yes
idna 2.7 PSFL yes no
importlib-metadata 3.3.0 apache yes no
iniconfig [pyt] 1.1.1 MIT yes yes
ipcluster-tools 0.0.11 BSD-3 yes no
ipykernel 4.3.1 BSD-3-Clause yes yes
ipyparallel 5.1.1 BSD-3-Clause yes no
ipython 7.19.0 BSD-3-Clause yes yes
ipython-genutils 0.2.0 BSD-3-Clause yes yes
jedi 0.17.2 MIT yes yes
jpeg 9a Ack yes yes
Jinja2 2.7.2 BSD no no
jsonschema 2.3.0 MIT yes yes
jupyter-client 6.1.6 BSD yes no
jupyter-core 4.6.3 BSD yes no
lapack 3.6.0 BSD yes no
libev-git 4.33dev BSD/GPLv2 yes no
libpng 1.6.8 libpng (MIT like) yes yes
libxml2 2.9.10 MIT yes yes
libxslt 1.1.34 MIT yes yes
libzmq 4.2.5 LGPLv3 yes yes
log4cpp 1.1.3 LGPLv2.1 yes no
lxml 3.6.4 BSD yes no
MarkupSafe 0.18 BSD no no
matplotlib 2.1.1 PSFL no no
more-itertools 8.6.0 MIT yes no
msgpack 0.5.6 APL2 no no
msgpack-numpy 0.4.3 BSD no no
multidict 1.5.0 Apache-2.0 yes no
nbformat 4.1.0 BSD yes yes
nose 1.3.0 LGPL no no
notebook 4.2.2 BSD yes yes
nss ? MPL yes no
numpy 1.22.4 BSD yes yes
openmq 5.0.1 EPL/GPLv2 yes yes
packaging 20.8 apache/BSD yes no
pamqp 2.3.0 BSD-3-Clause yes no
parse 1.6.3 BSD no no
parso 0.7.1 MIT no no
patchelf 0.8 GPLv3 no no
pexpect 4.8.0 ISC license (BSD like) yes yes
pg8000 1.21.2 BSD yes no
pickleshare 0.7.5 MIT yes yes
Pillow 10.0.0 PIL (MIT like) no yes
Pint 0.17 BSD-3-Clause yes yes
pip 7.1 MIT yes yes
pkgconfig 1.2.2 MIT yes yes
pluggy 0.13.1 MIT yes no
ply 3.11 BSD yes no
prompt-toolkit 3.0.10 BSD-3-Clause yes yes
ptyprocess 0.7.0 ISCL yes no
psutil 4.3.1 BSD no no
pugixml 1.2 MIT yes no
py 1.10.0 MIT yes no
pybind11 2.6.1 MIT yes no
pycodestyle 2.6.0 MIT no no
pyelftools 0.24 Public Domain no no
pyflakes 2.2.0 MIT no no
Pygments 2.7.4 BSD yes yes
pyparsing 2.4.7 MIT no yes
pyqt 5.9.2 GPLv3/Commercial no yes
pyqtgraph 0.11.0 MIT no yes
pytest 6.2.1 MIT no no
pytest-runner 2.11.1 MIT no no
pytz 2020.5 MIT no yes
PyYAML 3.12 MIT no no
pyzmq 22.3.0 LGPL+BSD yes yes
qtconsole 4.2.1 BSD yes yes
qt 5.9.7 GPLv3/Commercial no yes
qtpy 1.9 MIT no yes
redisclient 1.0.2dev MIT yes no
requests 2.19.1 APLv2 no no
scikit-learn 0.14.1 BSD no no
scipy 1.7.3 BSD no no
setuptools 39.1.0 MIT yes yes
setuptools-scm 1.15.6 MIT yes yes
simplegeneric 0.8.1 ZPLv2.1 (BSD plus trademark) yes yes
six 1.15.0 MIT yes yes
tiff 4.4.1 libtiff license (BSD like) no no
tornado 6.0.4 APLv2 yes no
toml 0.10.2 MIT yes no
traitlets 5.0.5 BSD yes yes
traits 4.6.0 BSD yes yes
tzlocal 1.1.1 MIT yes yes
urllib3 1.23 MIT yes no
wcwidth 0.2.5 MIT yes yes
wheel 0.24.0 MIT yes yes
yarl 1.6.3 Apache-2.0 yes no
zipp 1.0.0 MIT yes no

In order to disentangle the dependencies’ structure, it is convenient to split the structure as follow: The graph below represents the karabo libraries (please note that the graph below represents the goal of a refactoring that is in progress):

digraph karabo_libraries {
"karathon" -> "karabo-cpp"
"karabogui" -> "karabo.common"
"karabogui" -> "karabo.native"
"karabo.middlelayer" -> "karabo.native"
"karabo.middlelayer" -> "karabo.common"
"karabo.middlelayer_devices" -> "karabo.middlelayer"
"karabo.middlelayer_devices" -> "karabo.project_db"
"karabo.bound" -> "karabo.common"
"karabo.bound" -> "karathon"
"karabo.bound_devices" -> "karabo.project_db"
"karabo.bound_devices" -> "karabo.bound"

Here are the dependencies of the karabo-cpp python module:

digraph karabocpp_dependencies {
"karabo-cpp" -> "openmq"
"karabo-cpp" -> "boost"
"karabo-cpp" -> "redisclient"
"karabo-cpp" -> "amqpcpp"
"boost" -> "libxml2"
"boost" -> "libxslt"
"libxml2" -> "bzip2"
"libxslt" -> "bzip2"
"amqpcpp" -> "libev"

Here are the dependencies of the karabo.common python module:

digraph karabocommon_dependencies {
"karabo.common" -> "traits"

Here are the dependencies of the karabo.native python sub-module:

digraph karabonative_dependencies {
"karabo.native" -> "lxml"
"lxml" -> "libxml2"
    "karabo.native" -> "Pint"
"karabo.native" -> "numpy"
"karabo.native" -> "python-dateutil"
    "python-dateutil" -> "six"

Here are the dependencies of the karabo.project_db python sub-module:

digraph karaboprojectdb_dependencies {
"karabo.project_db" -> "eulexistdb"
"karabo.project_db" -> "psutil"
"eulxml" -> "ply"
"eulxml" -> "lxml"
"eulxml" -> "six"
"eulexistdb" -> "requests"
"eulexistdb" -> "eulxml"
"requests" -> "chardet"
"requests" -> "idna"
"requests" -> "urllib3"
"requests" -> "certify"

Here are the dependencies of the karabo.middlelayer python sub-module, for the sake of clarity, the ipython, numpy and jupyter_client modules are not expanded in their dependencies:

digraph karabomiddlelayer_dependencies {
"karabo.middlelayer" -> "lxml"
"karabo.middlelayer" -> "IPython"
"karabo.middlelayer" -> "jupyter_client"
"aiormq" -> "pamqp"
"aiormq" -> "yarl"
"yarl" -> "multidict"

Here are the dependencies of the karabogui python sub-module, for the sake of clarity, the ipython, numpy and jupyter_client modules are not expanded in their dependencies:

“karabogui” -> “karabo.common” “karabogui” -> “karabo.native” “karabogui” -> “pyqt” “pyqt” -> “qt5” “karabogui” -> “qtconsole” “karabogui” -> “matplotlib” “karabogui” -> “ipython” “matplotlib” -> “numpy” “matplotlib” -> “six” “matplotlib” -> “python-dateutil” “matplotlib” -> “pytz” “matplotlib” -> “cycler” “matplotlib” -> “pyparsing” “qtconsole” -> “jupyter_client” “qtconsole” -> “traitlets” “qtconsole” -> “pygments” “qtconsole” -> “jupyter_core” “qtconsole” -> “ipykernel” “karabogui” -> “pyzmq” “karabogui” -> “pyqtgraph” “pyqtgraph” -> “numpy ” “cycler” -> “six” “karabogui” -> “requests”

Here are the dependencies of the ipython, numpy and jupyter_client:

digraph ipythonnumpyjupyter_dependencies {
    "ipython" -> "decorator"
"ipython" -> "pickleshare"
"ipython" -> "traitlets"
"ipython" -> "prompt_toolkit"
"ipython" -> "pygments"
"ipython" -> "backcall"
"ipython" -> "pexpect"
    "prompt_toolkit" -> "six"
    "prompt_toolkit" -> "wcwidth"
    "jupyter_client" -> "traitlets"
    "jupyter_client" -> "pyzmq"
    "jupyter_client" -> "jupyter_core"
    "jupyter_core" -> "traitlets"
    "ipykernel" -> "ipyparallel"
    "ipyparallel" -> "notebook"
"ipykernel" -> "ipython"
"ipykernel" -> "traitlets"
"ipykernel" -> "jupyter_client"
"ipykernel" -> "tornado"
"ipykernel" -> "dill"
    "notebook" -> "jsonschema"
    "notebook" -> "nbformat"
    "numpy" -> "lapack"
    "numpy" -> "cython"
    "ipython_genutils" -> "ipython"

Here are the dependencies that are not needed by framework, but might be needed during development:

digraph notderivative_dependencies {
"ipcluster-tools" -> "ipython"
"ipcluster-tools" -> "pytest"
"slumber" -> "requests"
"msgpack-numpy" -> "numpy"
"msgpack-numpy" -> "msgpack"
"flake8" -> "pyflakes"
"flake8" -> "pycodestyle"
"docker-pycreds" -> "six"
"websocket-client" -> "six"
"docker" -> "requests"
"docker" -> "six"
"docker" -> "websocket_client"
"docker" -> "docker_pycreds"
"pytest" -> "py"

Remarks on miniconda3 Windows CI

Our release process for Windows is now done on a shared Windows 10 runner. This runner was configured manually by means of installing miniconda3, plink and cwrsync on our home folder (C:Usersxkarabo) and are all added on xkarabo path. Currently the GitLab CI logs in as a system user, so we have to manually add these environment variables each time the job is executed (see .gitlab-ci.yaml). Also, cwrsync’s ssh tool needs the HOME variable set to be %USERPROFILE%.

Also, for the Windows CI as we don’t have an easy-to-use tool like sshpass we have created an RSA key and added it to our linux server (exflctrl01). The key on Windows is located on %USERPROFILE%.sshwin-cwrsync.

Code used for building the recipe

Our building process has three steps:

The first step for the release is to create (solve) the environment based on our environment.devenv.file. This environment is used to generate our recipe’s meta.yaml based on a template called meta_base.yaml using a very well known code generator called cogapp. After this file is generated, we can delegate the build process to conda-build. When successful, we will have our package inside <conda_directory>/conda-bld/<platform>/.

After the karabogui package is built, we also need to populate our mirror channel based on the package’s dependencies. For this we developed a script called create_mirror_channels.py which decides which packages to download using the conda-mirror tool. The advantage to have a mirror is that the deployment is much faster and we have the safety of having our internal channel.

Possible Issues

Differently from our Linux CI, the Windows CI is not started fresh at each run, so it’s possible that some issues arise during the release process. We try to mitigate most of them by some cleaning process on ci/miniconda/build.cmd.

Some errors that were met were:

Not a conda environment: <environment path>

The environment got corrupted somehow. Fix it by removing it manually:

conda remove -n <environment_name> –all –yes


conda env remove -n <environment_name> –all

Package conflicts on test phase

Usually it’s an error like the following

Found conflicts! Looking for incompatible packages. This can take several minutes. Press CTRL-C to abort. failed

Package libtiff conflicts for: pyqtgraph==0.11.0=py_1 -> pyqt -> qt=5.6 -> libtiff=4.0 karabogui==2.7.0a5=py36_0 -> pillow==6.2.1=py36h5fcff3f_1 -> libtiff[version=’>=4.1.0,<5.0a0’] karabogui==2.7.0a5=py36_0 -> libtiff==4.1.0=h21b02b4_1 libtiff==4.1.0=h21b02b4_1 Package pygments conflicts for: karabogui==2.7.0a5=py36_0 -> pygments[version=‘2.4.2|2.5.0’,build=py_0] karabogui==2.7.0a5=py36_0 -> ipython==7.2.0=py36h39e3cac_1000 -> pygments qtconsole==4.6.0=py_0 -> pygments ipykernel==5.1.3=py36h5ca1d4c_0 -> ipython[version=’>=5.0’] -> pygments ipython==7.2.0=py36h39e3cac_1000 -> jedi[version=’>=0.10’]]

Either this means:

  • An actual conflicting of dependencies
  • One of the packages are not available on the desired platform
  • A dirty conda build cache

On our scenario, as we always solve the environment before the build (in order to decide which packages we use), the first two options are not viable. By cleaning the conda build cache it usually works:

conda build purge-all

If it doesn’t, try cleaning everything in conda:

conda clean –all –yes

If it doesn’t, it might be a bug generated by an update on the conda package. Try downgrading it:

conda install -n base conda=<lower_version>

Remarks on Licensing

For the Karabo Framework, excluding the GUI, we plan to use a Mozilla Public License version 2.0 , which foresees as weak form of copy-left.

for more information: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/FAQ/

The GUI would be released initially as GPLv3, which is required by the PyQt5 library the GUI uses. A future more permissive license is possible, but would require factoring out the GPLv3 dependency, which we do not deem necessary as of now.

A note on the General Public License

Licensing the framework with stricter copy-left licenses like the General Public License (GPL) is not possible due to conflicts between the software license of some of the dependencies used. The OpenMQ C library is dual licensed with the Eclipse Public License version 2.0 (EPL-2.0) and the GPL version 2.0 (GPL-2.0). GPL-2.0 is in conflict with the Apache Software License version 2 (Apache-2.0) that is used by multiple libraries and this precludes the use of GPL-2.0 and the strict definition of the GPL included in OpenMQ precludes the use of other GPL versions.

For more information regarding the EPL-2.0 dual licensing: https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/faq.php

License for the Karabo GUI

The Karabo GUI depends from a library that has a strong copyleft license. The PyQT5 graphical user interface library is licensed under GPLv3 or Commercial. This limits the licenses usable for the Karabo GUI to GPLv3.

The Karabo GUI is however currently using an abstraction layer that will allow the use of a less strictly licensed library and if the need arises or we wish to, the Karabo GUI code could be relicensed using a more permissive license.

A note regarding Karabo Plugins (Devices)

The Mozilla Public License (MPL) extends to all files containing code licensed under the MPL. As a consequence of this, all code using plugins can be licensed and released with a license of the choice of the authors as long as the distribution of such code and binaries complies with the license of Karabo and its dependencies.