Conda GUI client

KaraboGUI can now be installed in Windows, MacOS, and Ubuntu via conda. Conda is a cross-platform package manager and dependency resolution tool which offers a very straightforward way to install packages and its dependencies.

In order to use Conda, three basic steps are needed:
  1. Install Conda (through an Anaconda or Miniconda distribution);
  2. Configure its channels;
  3. Install the desired package

Installing Conda

The following steps are needed in order to obtain Conda.

  • Download and install miniconda (Python version >= 3) using the provided script here, available for Linux, Mac, and Windows, to simplify the process and avoid manual downloads
  • Open your terminal (Anaconda Prompt on Windows or Bash on Linux or MacOS)
  • If conda is in your path, you should be able to run conda –version
    • If it isn’t, you need to activate conda first
      • Linux/MacOS: source <miniconda_path>/etc/profile.d/
      • Win: CALL <miniconda_path>/condabin/activate.bat

If you find errors such as “Your shell has not been properly configured to use ‘conda activate’”, run the following command:

. <your miniconda3 path>/etc/profile.d/

Or add it to your .bashrc (or similar).

Channel Configuration

For KaraboGUI, some package channels are needed besides Conda’s defaults. You only need to do this once and it can be done either from command line or editting Conda’s configuration file (.condarc). You can find your configuration file location typing conda info on your terminal.

From your terminal, add the needed channels executing the following commands:

conda config --add channels
conda config --add channels

Remote installations

The channel is not open to the public until Karabo will be released. For this reason if one is installing from a network outside the DESY internal network, some SSH tunneling is needed. Two options exist (but should not be mixed):

The first option is to create the tunnel to exflctrl01 (e.g. via ssh <user> -L, and then configure the following channel definitions on your local machine (may be from a new terminal):

conda config --add channels http://localhost:8081/karabo/channel
conda config --add channels http://localhost:8081/karabo/channel/mirror/conda-forge

N.B. the two channel definitions are mutually exclusive. Remove the channels that are not reachable with the command:

conda config --remove channels http://channel_to_be_removed

The second option is to use a proxy and dynamic port forwarding, i.e. setup connection:

ssh <user> -D 9090

and tell conda to use a proxy server from your local machine (may be from a new terminal):

conda config --set proxy_servers.http socks5://localhost:9090

After everything is installed, you may want to remove the proxy definition again:

conda config --remove-key proxy_servers.http

Installing KaraboGUI

When using conda one should preferrably not alter the base environment that comes with it, therefore we should install the GUI in a separate environment. If needed, one can safely remove this environment with no fear with corrupting the base environment.

  • Create a target environment for KaraboGUI with any name you want.
    • conda create -n karabogui<version> karabogui=<version> --yes
  • Or run this to get the latest version (recommended)
    • conda create -n karabogui_latest karabogui --yes
    To upgrade this environement, run these commands:
    • conda env remove -n karabogui_latest
    • conda create -n karabogui_latest karabogui --yes
  • Or, if you have an existing conda environment, install the package directly:
    • conda install karabogui=<version> --yes
      Leave the version out to get the latest one: conda install karabogui --yes NOTE: Dependencies might clash with your environment, use at your risk

Helpful commands are available below:

  • conda search karabogui will show you all the available versions in the channels you have configured
  • conda env remove -n your_karabo_environment will remove the environment called your_karabo_environment.

Running KaraboGUI

After successfully installing KaraboGUI, you will have access to the following entry-points:
  • karabo-gui;
  • karabo-cinema;
  • karabo-theatre;
  • karabo-update-extensions


From now on, all you need to do to run KaraboGUI is:
  • Open your terminal/prompt
  • conda activate <your_karabo_environment>
  • karabo-gui


When updating the KaraboGUI, it is recommended to install a clean environment. Different versions of the KaraboGUI will be built against different dependencies. For this reason, the safest way to upgrade is to either: * install a new environment with a different environment name, or * delete it with conda env remove -n <environment_name>, and install as new.


In order to uninstall KaraboGUI, always opt for removing the complete environment itself: conda env remove -n <environment_name>


For developing in KaraboGUI using Qt5 we need to be inside a conda environment

After installing your miniconda3 distribution, install the package conda-devenv from the conda-forge channel:

conda install conda-devenv -c conda-forge

conda-devenv is a tool for creating a development environment that always follows the dependencies specified in your environment.devenv.yml, purging any other dependencies left behind.

If you are working outside the DESY network, use the second option (using conda config --set proxy_servers.http ... ) mentioned in Remote installations.

From your Framework repository, you can now run the following command:

conda devenv --file conda-recipes/karabogui/environment.devenv.yml

This will solve your environment dependencies and create an environment called karabogui. To change the name of the created Conda environment, you need to update the ‘name’ variable in the Framework/conda-recipes/karabogui/environment.devenv.yml file.

To activate conda environment call:

conda activate karabogui

Still, the Karabo code has to be installed:

cd src/pythonKarabo
pip install -e . --no-deps
cd ../../
cd src/pythonGui
pip install -e . --no-deps

Now all the code from karabogui, common and native will be on your PYTHONPATH.

Finally, generate the version file using:

python develop

inside the pythonGui directory. Repeat that step from time to time to keep the version number up-to-date.

Configuring the environment in PyCharm

If you’re using PyCharm, it’s usually better to spawn the IDE from your already created environment, so it can correctly get the environment variables.

Also, it might be needed to link the python executable from the IDE itself. For that, to go Settings -> Project: Framework -> Project Interpreter. Go to Add Python Interpreter, and configure it as the following:

![Configure Conda Interpreter](./images/addinterpreter.png)

After applying, your IDE will index everything and you’re good to go.