The Data Logger

Karabo offers continuous logging of all properties by usage of the Data Logger service. This service is realized as a set of Karabo devices, which archive any changes of a property and allow for indexing by trainId (if provided) or timestamp.

The logging devices are managed by a data logger manager device, which manages logging device creation on a list of servers it holds. Load-balancing of the logging servers is provided in a round-robin fashion, i.e. servers are subsequently assigned to new logging devices.

Upon initialization, the logging manager requests the current system topology and based on this information initiates any logging devices needed. Afterwards, it monitors whether new device instances appear or existing instances are shutdown. For new instances it assigns the instance to a logging device. For device instances which are shutdown it makes sure the logging device flushes all the logged data.

The data logger originally used a text file based archiving backend. Then a new backend, based on InFluxDB, has been integrated into the data logging infrastructure. The run configuration file for the device server that hosts the DataLoggerManager instance is where the definition and configuration of the archiving backend to use is made. On a default Karabo installation, this run configuration file is located at “$KARABO/var/service/karabo_dataLoggerManager”. For reference, an example of a run configuration file using the text file based backend is presented below:

# This file is part of the initial configuration of Karabo
cd $KARABO/var/data
exec envdir $KARABO/var/environment karabo-cppserver serverId=karabo/dataLoggerManager \
'deviceClasses=DataLoggerManager' \
'autoStart[0]={DataLoggerManager.serverList=karabo/dataLogger}' \
'visibility=4' 'Logger.priority=INFO' 2>&1

An example of a run configuration file using the InfluxDB based backend:

# Copyright (C) European XFEL GmbH Schenefeld. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of the initial configuration of Karabo
cd $KARABO/var/data
exec envdir $KARABO/var/environment karabo-cppserver serverId=karabo/dataLoggerManager \
'deviceClasses=DataLoggerManager' \
autoStart[0]={DataLoggerManager.serverList=karabo/dataLogger, \
DataLoggerManager.logger.InfluxDataLogger={ urlRead='tcp://localhost:8086' urlWrite='tcp://localhost:8086' maxBatchPoints=200 }} \
'visibility=4' 'Logger.priority=INFO' 2>&1

A default Karabo installation comes configured to use the text file based archiving backend.

Distinction from Data Acquisition

In XFEL, a data acquisition system provided by its IT and data management group (ITDM) is responsible for main scientific data acquisition, organized on a per-run basis. It has the requirement to provide for strict train and pulse id correlation between different data sources and persisting of all configured and available data-sources is paramount.

This contrasts with the data loggers, which do not have those strict correlation requirements: train ids are tagged and provided, but data sources providing only time-stamps or much less regular updates to their values are much more common. In terms of persisting data, the requirement is somewhat relaxed for each individual data point, but a high uptime and availability are necessary.

Configuring Logging

Logging is enabled on a per-device level by setting the archiving flag. In this case all properties of the device will be logged, as will be the time of execution of commands.

The data logger manager further allows to configure the device servers to use of logging, by providing a list of server ids. Additionally, the maximum file size of a single log file can be given, allowing for optimizing the indexing performance, as closed off log files contain information on the timestamps of the data they contain.

Data logging devices are hidden at user access levels lower than admin. The devices being logged by each data logger instance can be found in its devicesToBeLogged property.

Retrieving Logged Information

Logged information can be retrieved in multiple ways: through the command line interface, iKarabo and the GUI. The first two ways are explicit calls to the data logger readers to return information as specified by the user. In the GUI case, information is implicitly retrieved when accessing the history of trendlines. Accordingly, the first two use cases are documented here.

In the device client the following functions exist for retrieving logger information

getPropertyHistory(deviceId, property, from, to, maxNumData)

returns a vector of hashes of the property on device id from a given timestamp (ISO 8601 string) to a second. If to is an empty string it defaults to the current time. Finally, maxNumData limits the number of entries returned.

Each entry in the returned vector of hashes has a property v of the correct value type of the archived property with the appropriate time stamp attributes set.


returns the device id of the data log reader associated to the device on deviceId

getConfigurationFromPast(deviceId, timepoint)

returns a pair of the complete configuration and schema of deviceId at timepoint, which is expected to be given as an ISO 8601 string.

In iKarabo the getHistory proxy object may be used:

getHistory(device.someProperty, "2009-09-01", "2009-09-02")

returns a list of tuples, which contain all changes of someProperty between the two given dates. The tuple contains four fields, the seconds since 1970-01-01 UTC, the train ID, a flag whether this is the last row in a set (typically, the device has been switched off afterwards), and the value of the property at that time.

The second date is optional. If missing, the current time will be used as an end time.

The dates of the timespan are parsed using dateutil.parser.parse(), allowing many ways to write the date. The most precise way is to write “2009-09-01T15:32:12 UTC”, but you may omit any part, like “10:32”, only giving the time, where we assume the current day. Unless specified otherwise, your local timezone is assumed. See below for helper functions such as minutesAgo.

Another parameter, maxNumData, may be given, which gives the maximum number of data points to be returned. It defaults to 10000, the current maximum

getHistory("device.someProperty", "2009-09-01", "2009-09-02")

alternative implementation of getHistory without needing to create a proxy


returns a string containing the timepoint of n minutes ago in a format compatible with the expectations of getHistory.


returns a string containing the timepoint of n hours ago in a format compatible with the expectations of getHistory.


returns a string containing the timepoint of n days ago in a format compatible with the expectations of getHistory.

Text-File based Backend

Logging Format

Log files are created and updated by the logging devices. Specifically, two files are created in a directory corresponding to the logged device’s device id, containing subdirectories raw and idx for the log files and index files, respectively. The tree with the log files for the different devices is rooted at $KARABO/var/data/karaboHistory.

The raw directory

holds archive_<n>.txt files, where the suffix n is the index of the file which contains configuration changes of a device in the row format:

timestamp (ISO 8601) timestamp (karabo) train id property value type value

Additionally, each row is designated as pending to be logged into the archival index (LOGIN), or if it has already been validated (VALID). Logins are required if a file is reopened, after a device instance has reappeared.

These files are in ASCII text format and all properties of a device are stored subsequently in a single table.

An entry of the appended entry’s index is maintained in an archive_index.txt file each time a new log file is created or an existing one is reopened.

A file named archive.last stores the last index used as a suffix for naming the configuration changes files of the device.

Finally, schema updates to the device are stored in a archive_schema.txt file while saves the XML serialized schema, alongside timestamp and train id information.

The idx directory
holds index files, which are recorded for each property and hold the positions of the archival data for each property in the raw data files. These are binary files which store information on the timestamps of an entry its train id, it run and experiment number as well as the position in the raw data file.

Both index and raw files are regularly flushed to disk in the time interval specified by the flushInterval property of the data logger.

InfluxDB based Backend

Server infrastructure

An instance of InfluxDB should be available when the karabo services are started. A local instance of InfluxDB can be started by using the command karabo-startinfluxdb.

Logging Database Organization

Each Karabo topic will have its own InfluxDB database. In each database, the data will be organized in the set of measurements described below:

  • Device Properties Measurement: Each device being logged in the topic will have its own measurement, with the name of the device. The device properties being logged will be mapped to fields with the same name as the property. The trainIds associated to the logging records will also be mapped to a field. The name of the user responsible for the property value change will be mapped to a tag in the device measurement. The value of the karabo_user tag will be either a user name (for changes associated to a user) or “.” for changes that have no responsible user associated.

    An example of a device measurement - in this case for device ‘GUI_SERVER_0’:

    Name: GUI_SERVER_0
    time karabo_user _tid serverId-STRING useTimeServer-BOOL connectedClients-INT32
    2019-10-24T10:54:04Z . 0 karabo/gui_server True 10
    2019-10-24T10:56:28Z Alice 1272   False  
    2019-10-24T11:00:02Z Bob 0     9

    As shown in the example, the number of non-null fields varies among records - the data logger will group the properties by the time they changed before writing them to InfluxDB. The timestamps for time are explicitly specified when data is sent to InfluxDB. karabo_user is a tag. All the other columns are fields. Field names are mangled in order to support schema evolution. The mangling consists of adding the suffix “-[KARABO_TYPE]” to the field name. Properties with redundant values, like _device_id_ and deviceId, shouldn’t be logged.

  • Device Events Measurement: This measurement will store the device events - currently device instantiations, shutdowns and schema updates.

    The log reader relies on device instantiation events for being able to retrieve the last known configuration if the given time point is not in an interval during which the device was active. Similarly, DeviceClient.getPropertyHistory relies on instatiantion events to know from when it must start its properties read sweep in case there is no change for the given property during the requested time interval.

    An example of a device events measurement - for device ‘GUI_SERVER_0’:

    time type schema_digest karabo_user
    2019-10-24T10:54:04Z +LOG   Bob
    2019-10-24T10:56:28Z SCHEMA 3fd545689a12ce .
    2019-10-24T11:00:02Z -LOG   Alice

    The timestamps for time are explicitly specified when data is sent to InfluxDB. type is a tag whose value indicates the type of the event. The remaining columns are fields. schema_digest is a digest for a serialized schema stored in the Device Schema Measurement described in the next item. karabo_user is the athenticated user that either instantiated or shutdown the device (not active yet - for now, it will always be “.”).

  • Device Schema Measurement:

    time digest digest_start schema_size schema
    2019-10-24T10:54:04Z 3fd545689a12ce 3fd54567 5349 RGF0YUdlbmVyYXRvcjo8P3htbCB2ZXJRGF0YUdlyYXRvcj …

    The schema saved in the database is the base64 enconding of the device’s schema as serialized in binary form by the Karabo Framework. The digest is the SHA-1 hash of the binary serialized form of the schema (before it is encoded in base64). The digest_start and schema_size fields exist to ease exploration of data stored in the Device Schema measurement: InfluxQL only allows tag values to be output in the results of a query if there’s at least one field in the query selection. If schema was the only field in the measurement, with its usually huge string values, any attempt to list digests in query results would be cumbersome as the full schema values would also have to be output. To add to that limitation, InfluxQL also lacks any function that allows to return either the length or a part of a string metric.

For the production environment, the replication factors of the retention policies described above match the number of InfluxDB servers in the cluster. The durations of the retention policies should be the same for all the measurements. The exact durations have yet to be defined.