
Karabo has a fixed set of provided states, all of which are listed in the tables below. States are classified in base states, which can be seen as set of more general states, and device type states, which map closer to the type of hardware being controlled or to certain types of software devices, but also always map to a base state. Each base state has a assigned color coding, making it easy to view are devices state at first glance.

digraph state_transitions { "UNKNOWN"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#FFAA00"] "DISABLED"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#FF00FF"] "ERROR"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor=red] "INIT"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#E6E6AA"] "KNOWN"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#C8C8C8"] "STATIC"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AA00"] "NORMAL"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#C8C8C8"] "PAUSED"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#FF00FF"] "KNOWN" -> "NORMAL" "KNOWN" -> "ERROR" "KNOWN" -> "DISABLED" "DISABLED" -> "PAUSED" "NORMAL" -> "STATIC" "NORMAL" -> "RUNNING" "RUNNING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#99CCFF"] "ACQUIRING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#99CCFF"] "RUNNING" -> "ACQUIRING" "PROCESSING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#99CCFF"] "RUNNING" -> "PROCESSING" "PASSIVE"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#CCCCFF"] "STATIC" -> "PASSIVE" "ACTIVE"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#78FF00"] "STATIC" -> "ACTIVE" "CHANGING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "NORMAL" -> "CHANGING" "DECREASING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "CHANGING" -> "DECREASING" "INCREASING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "CHANGING" -> "INCREASING" }

Base and derived states are defined as follows:

digraph unknown {UNKNOWN [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor="#FFAA00"]}

UNKNOWN should be used if the Karabo device has no connection to hardware, or it cannot be assured that the correct state of the hardware is reported by the device. The state can also be set if an unknown software error occurs in the device code.

digraph init {INIT [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor="#E6E6AA"]}

The INIT state in which a Karabo device should transition into upon initialization. During initialization connection to the hardware should be established. After initialization the device state should thus be KNOWN, and the device should transition either to DISABLED, ERROR or one of the states which are derived from NORMAL. If no connection can be established the device should be placed into the UNKNOWN state.

The KNOWN base state is the counterpart to the UNKNOWN state and should not usually be set to device. Instead, the device logic should decide which of the states deriving from KNOWN should be entered after initialization. All states listed in the following derive from KNOWN.

digraph disabled {DISABLED [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor="#FF00FF"]}

DISABLED is used if the device will not normally act on commands and reconfigurations. However, a disabled device is connected to the Karabo system, i.e. (some) value may be read back, at the very least it is able to notify Karabo of its disabled status.

digraph error {ERROR [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=red]}

The ERROR state is reserved for hardware errors. It must only be used for an error pertinent to the hardware component.

digraph NORMAL {NORMAL [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor="#C8C8C8"]}

The NORMAL base state should not usually be entered programmatically. Similar to KNOWN, device logic should rather transition the device into one of the derived states. The following states derive from and compare equal to NORMAL.

digraph static {STATIC [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor="#00AA00"]}

STATIC is itself a base state to the ACTIVE and PASSIVE states. It is the counterpart to the changing states and rarely used.

digraph paused {PAUSED [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor="#FF00FF"]}

PAUSED Data Acquisition will be paused while the device is in this state. [TODO: add better (or more complete) description for PAUSED]

digraph active {ACTIVE [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor="#78FF00"]}

The ACTIVE state is derived from STATIC and should usually be used only for comparison purposes. Rather developers should transition into a device state derived from it. It is the counterpart to PASSIVE.

digraph passive {PASSIVE [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor="#CCCCFF"]}

The PASSIVE state is derived from STATIC and should usually be used only for comparison purposes. Rather developers should transition into a device state derived from it. It is the counterpart to ACTIVE.

digraph running {RUNNING [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor="#99CCFF"]}

The state RUNNING is a base state is related to data acquisition devices. This base state has two children, ACQUIRING and PROCESSING and is colored blueish to indicate that data is flowing. The ACQUIRING state is essentially used for detector devices when the data acquisition is active, while the PROCESSING state is present in downstream pipeline devices to show they are receiving and processing the detector data.

digraph changing {CHANGING [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"]}

The state CHANGING is a base state to the INCREASING and DECREASING states. It may however also directly be used, e.g. if a device is changing in a way that a directional indication does not make sense. It is the counterpart to the STATIC state. CHANGING and derived states should be used when a device is transitioning to a new target condition, e.g. a motor moving to a new position, a power supply ramping to a given voltage or a pump spinning up to speed. Once the target value is reached the device should transition into a STATIC state.

digraph increasing {INCREASING [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"]}

The state INCREASING is derived from CHANGING and should be used if it makes sense to indicate a directional transition of the hardware. It is the counterpart to DECREASING.

digraph decreasing {DECREASING [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"]}

The state DECREASING is derived from CHANGING and should be used if it makes sense to indicate a directional transition of the hardware. It is the counterpart to INCREASING.


The ERROR state is reserved for hardware errors. Errors due to communication problems or software errors should result in a transition into the UNKNOWN state. Generally though, software errors should not occur and if they do the device should recover into an operational mode. Composite devices should transition to UNKNOWN if they are not able to contact a device they are to control, as they might not have all the information available to work properly.


Devices requiring to establish connections to hardware first, e.g. through the network, or some other interface, do this either in the INIT state. Connection functionality must be implemented in the initialization hooks, not in the constructor or __init__ methods. It might take time, and would otherwise yield the device unresponsive.

The following diagram shows how base states and derived states are connected, and which transitions are allowed. Upon initialization, devices generally transition from UNKNOWN into one of the states derived from the KNOWN base state. This is done by passing through the INIT state, where the connection to hardware should be established. Note that a connection error should not put the device into an ERROR state but rather back into UNKNOWN!

As shown in the diagram a transition to any of the states deriving from the KNOWN base state back to UNKNOWN is possible, this should e.g. occur if the connection to the hardware is lost. Restablishing a KNOWN state should happen by passing through the INIT state``.

The ERROR and DISABLED states may be transitioned into from any of the states deriving from the NORMAL base state. Conversely, the device may implement logic to recover from an ERROR state into any of the NORMAL -derived states, or from DISABLED into these.

digraph state_uml { compound=true; rankdir = LR; graph [pad="1.", ranksep="0.95", nodesep="1.2", splines=ortho]; unknown [ shape = box style = filled fillcolor = "#FFAA00" label = "UNKNOWN" ] init [ shape = box style = filled fillcolor = "#E6E6AA" label = "INIT" ] subgraph cluster1 { label = "KNOWN"; disabled [ shape = box style = filled fillcolor = "#FF00FF" label = "DISABLED" ] error [ shape = box style = filled fillcolor = red label = "ERROR" ] subgraph cluster0 { label = "NORMAL"; on [ shape = box style = filled fillcolor = green label = "ACTIVE" ] changing [ shape = box style = filled fillcolor = "#00AAFF" label = "CHANGING" ] on -> changing changing -> on } } unknown -> init on -> unknown [ltail=cluster1] init -> on [lhead=cluster1]; init -> unknown on -> error [ltail=cluster0] error -> on [lhead=cluster0] disabled -> error error -> disabled disabled -> on [lhead=cluster0] on -> disabled [ltail=cluster0] }

Most Significant State

Especially for middle-layer devices a recurring scenario is the evaluation of the most significant state, or composite state of a group of states. This is where state trumping must be used. In Karabo, state trumping is centralized in the sense that a set of standard trumping rules are provided, giving the base states a particular order. In the flat base-state hierarchy the following graph is being followed in trump evaluation, where DISABLED is trumped by all other states and UNKNOWN will trump all other states.

digraph state_trumps { rankdir = LR; compound=true; graph [pad="1.", ranksep="0.95", nodesep="1.2", splines=ortho]; disabled [ shape = box style = filled fillcolor = "#FF00FF" label = "DISABLED" ] subgraph cluster0 { label = "STATIC"; style = filled fillcolor = "#00AA00" active [ shape = box style = filled fillcolor = "#78FF00" label = "ACTIVE" ] passive [ shape = box style = filled fillcolor = "#CCCCFF" label = "PASSIVE" ] active->passive [arrowhead=none, style=dashed] } running [ shape = box style = filled fillcolor = "#99CCFF" label = "RUNNING" ] paused [ shape = box style = filled fillcolor = "#FF00FF" label = "PAUSED" ] subgraph cluster1 { label = "CHANGING"; style = filled fillcolor = "#00AAFF" increasing [ shape = box style = filled fillcolor = "#00AAFF" label = "INCREASING" ] decreasing [ shape = box style = filled fillcolor = "#00AAFF" label = "DECREASING" ] increasing->decreasing [arrowhead=none, style=dashed] } init [ shape = box style = filled fillcolor = "#E6E6AA" label = "INIT" ] interlocked [ shape = box style = filled fillcolor = "#FF00FF" label = "INTERLOCKED" ] error [ shape = box style = filled fillcolor = red label = "ERROR" ] unknown [ shape = box style = filled fillcolor = "#FFAA00" label = "UNKNOWN" ] disabled -> active [lhead=cluster0] active -> running [ltail=cluster0] running -> paused paused -> increasing [lhead=cluster1] decreasing -> interlocked [ltail=cluster1] interlocked -> error error -> init init -> unknown }


The UNKNOWN state purposely trumps all other states, as the device is in a condition in which it does not have all the information necessary to determine the proper state. Thus the conservative assumption is that the device is in an error state.


When the input list of states contains two or more states that derive from a common state in the trump list and that common parent is the most significant among all the input states, the most significant state will be the one that comes last in the input list.

To exemplify: if COOLING and RAMPING_DOWN, which are derived from DECREASING, are in the input list along with other states that are less significant than DECREASING, the most significant state will be COOLING if it comes after RAMPING_DOWN in the input list. Otherwise, the most significant will be RAMPING_DOWN.

It is important to add in here that a state is considered to derive from itself (like classes are subclasses of themselves in most OOP languages). So, if in the example above the classes were COOLING and DECREASING, the same rule of the most significant being the one that comes closest to the end of the input list would apply.

Device developers should however not implement trumping functionality themselves, but instead use the StateSignifier().returnMostSignificant function provided by Karabo.

from karabo.middlelayer import State, StateSignifier

trumpState = StateSignifier()

listOfStates = [State.ERROR, State.MOVING, State.CHANGING]
definingState = trumpState.returnMostSignificant(listOfStates)
>>> State.ERROR

Calling returnMostSignificant from the StateSignifier without additional keywords will result in returning evaluation substates of STATIC and CHANGING. A priority can be established between the two direct descendants of STATIC (ACTIVE and PASSIVE) and between the two direct descendants of CHANGING (INCREASING and DECREASING). Those priorities can be controlled by the following two keywords:

staticSignificant = ACTIVE|PASSIVE
defines whether ACTIVE or PASSIVE should evaluate as more significant.
changingSignificant = INCREASING|DECREASING
defines whether INCREASING or DECREASING should evaluate as more significant.

In rare scenarios states might need to be trumped differently. Developers can provide for a different trumping method in initialization of the StateSignifier. A list of base states should be provided as the trump list, the order of which determines trumping and provides the same returnMostSignificant method as in the default trumping implementation.

from karabo.middlelayer import State, StateSignifier

trumpList = []
myStateSignifier = StateSignifier(trumpList)

sState = myStateSignifier.returnMostSignificant([State.DISABLED,

Derived States

For certain device classes conventions on common state names have historically grown. Karabo supports these existing state names, by providing derived states. The diagrams below list these states, in terms of from the base states they derive.

Interlocked Devices

A device which may not be altered because it is in an INTERLOCKED state is in a state derived from DISABLED:

digraph state_transitions { "DISABLED"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#FF00FF"] "INTERLOCKED"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#FF00FF"] "DISABLED" -> "INTERLOCKED" }


Although the INTERLOCKED state derives from the DISABLED state, it is much more significant and is trumped by State.ERROR, State.INIT and State.UNKNOWN.

Devices with Binary-like behavior

Many hardware devices have states which map to a kind of “binary” behavior, i.e. two states which are the opposite or counterpart of each other, thus deriving from ACTIVE and PASSIVE. In each of this states the device is rather STATIC, which is the base state for both:

digraph state_transitions { rankdir = LR; "STATIC"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AA00"] "PASSIVE"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#CCCCFF"] "ACTIVE"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#78FF00"] "COOLED"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#78FF00"] "WARM"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#CCCCFF"] "WARM"->"PASSIVE" [dir=back] "HEATED"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#78FF00"] "COLD"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#CCCCFF"] "COLD"->"PASSIVE" [dir=back] "EVACUATED"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#78FF00"] "PRESSURIZED"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#CCCCFF"] "PRESSURIZED"->"PASSIVE" [dir=back] "ACTIVE"->"EVACUATED" "OPENED"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#78FF00"] "CLOSED"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#CCCCFF"] "CLOSED"->"PASSIVE" [dir=back] "ON"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#78FF00"] "OFF"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#CCCCFF"] "OFF"->"PASSIVE" [dir=back] "EXTRACTED"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#78FF00"] "INSERTED"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#CCCCFF"] "INSERTED"->"PASSIVE" [dir=back] "STARTED"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#78FF00"] "STOPPED"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#CCCCFF"] "STOPPED"->"PASSIVE" [dir=back] "LOCKED"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#78FF00"] "UNLOCKED"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#CCCCFF"] "UNLOCKED"->"PASSIVE" [dir=back] "ENGAGED"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#78FF00"] "DISENGAGED"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#CCCCFF"] "DISENGAGED"->"PASSIVE" [dir=back] "PASSIVE" -> "STATIC"[dir=back] "STATIC" -> "ACTIVE" "ACTIVE"->"LOCKED" "ACTIVE"->"STARTED" "ACTIVE"->"EXTRACTED" "ACTIVE"->"ON" "ACTIVE"->"OPENED" "ACTIVE"->"HEATED" "ACTIVE"->"COOLED" "ACTIVE"->"ENGAGED" }

Devices with Transitionatory Behavior

Frequently, a transition from one hardware state to another will not be immediate, but rather take some time, e.g. if a stage is instructed to driver to a new location, a power supply is ramping to a new voltage or a chiller is set to a lower temperature. During a longer lasting transition such devices should be placed into a CHANGING derived state, possibly also indicating if an increase or decrease of the value is being performed.

digraph state_transitions { rankdir = LR; subgraph cluster0{ rank="same"; style = invis; "ROTATING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "CHANGING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "MOVING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "SWITCHING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "ROTATING" -> "CHANGING"[constraint=false, dir=back] "CHANGING" -> "MOVING" [constraint=false] "CHANGING" -> "SWITCHING"[constraint=false] } "INCREASING" -> "MOVING" [style="invisible",dir="none"]; "INCREASING" -> "ROTATING" [style="invisible",dir="none"]; "INCREASING" -> "SWITCHING" [style="invisible",dir="none"]; "INCREASING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "DECREASING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "COOLING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "HEATING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "MOVING_LEFT"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "MOVING_RIGHT"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "MOVING_DOWN"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "MOVING_UP"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "MOVING_FORWARD"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "MOVING_BACK"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "ROTATING_CLK"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "ROTATING_CNTCLK"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "RAMPING_DOWN"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "RAMPING_UP"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "EXTRACTING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "INSERTING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "STOPPING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "STARTING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "EMPTYING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "FILLING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "DISENGAGING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "ENGAGING"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "SWITCHING_OFF"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "SWITCHING_ON"[shape = box style=filled, fillcolor="#00AAFF"] "HEATING"->"INCREASING" [dir=back] "MOVING_RIGHT"->"INCREASING" [dir=back] "MOVING_UP"->"INCREASING" [dir=back] "MOVING_FORWARD"->"INCREASING" [dir=back] "ROTATING_CLK"->"INCREASING" [dir=back] "RAMPING_UP"->"INCREASING" [dir=back] "INSERTING"->"INCREASING" [dir=back] "STARTING"->"INCREASING" [dir=back] "FILLING"->"INCREASING" [dir=back] "ENGAGING"->"INCREASING" [dir=back] "SWITCHING_ON"->"INCREASING" [dir=back] "INCREASING" -> "CHANGING"[dir=back] "CHANGING" -> "DECREASING" "DECREASING" -> "COOLING" "DECREASING" -> "MOVING_LEFT" "DECREASING" -> "MOVING_DOWN" "DECREASING" -> "MOVING_BACK" "DECREASING" -> "ROTATING_CNTCLK" "DECREASING" -> "RAMPING_DOWN" "DECREASING" -> "EXTRACTING" "DECREASING" -> "STOPPING" "DECREASING" -> "EMPTYING" "DECREASING" -> "DISENGAGING" "DECREASING" -> "SWITCHING_OFF" }


While comparisons between different derived states are guaranteed to work it is good practice to compare to the base state. You can also write if myState.isDerivedFrom(State.CHANGING) and not if myState == State.MOVING.

Changing States

The device state should be queried and set using the getState() and updateState() methods in the bound APIs

current_state = self.getState()

In the middle-layer API normal property retrieval and assignment will automatically map to these calls

current_state = self.state
self.state = State.MOVING


While internally states are serialized as strings, states can only be updated by assigning a state enumerator object.