Scene File Version 1

This is the (mostly) complete documentation of the Scene file format (version 1). The Scene file format is based on SVG and in fact, scene files can be opened in any program which can edit SVG files.

Scene SVG Object Classes

These are the classes which are Loadable children and also define a xmltag class attribute. They don’t appear to be handled any differently. It’s possible that the original meaning was lost. See below for more information about these classes.


Tag: {}rect


Tag: {}line


Tag: {}g


Tag: {}path

Scene Object Classes

All objects write the attribute {ns_karabo}class, which is the name of the object’s class (for dispatching the correct load method when reading).

Note that {ns_karabo} is shorthand for {} and {ns_svg} is shorthand for {}.

All object position are all saved absolute - not layout relative.


Inherits from Loadable.

This is the base class for other layouts and should never be instantiated as a Layout.

Saving occurs in the element method. An element with the tag {ns_svg}g is created and the following attributes are added:


  • {ns_karabo}x: Top-left X coordinate
  • {ns_karabo}y: Top-left Y coordinate
  • {ns_karabo}width: The width of the layout
  • {ns_karabo}height: The height of the layout
  • {ns_karabo}class: The classname of the layout

Then the save method (of a derived class) is called to add any additional attributes.

Finally, the add_children method is called to add subelements for all of the children of this layout.


Inherits from Layout and QBoxLayout

Implements the save method, as well as load and loadPosition.


  • {ns_karabo}direction: An integer representing a QBoxLayout::Direction


Inherits from Layout and QLayout

Implements the save method (but adds no attributes) and the add_children method for saving.

Implements the load and loadPosition methods for loading.


Inherits from Layout and QGridLayout

Implements the save method (but adds no attributes) and the add_children method for saving. The attributes {ns_karabo}row, {ns_karabo}col, {ns_karabo}rowspan, and {ns_karabo}colspan are added to non-Shape children.

Implements the load and loadPosition methods for loading.


Inherits from QLabel and Loadable

The saving of the label is done in save(self, ele)


  • {ns_karabo}text: The text which is displayed
  • {ns_karabo}font: The font used to display the text
  • {ns_karabo}foreground: A CSS-compatible color name
  • {ns_karabo}background: A CSS-compatible color name
  • {ns_karabo}frameWidth: An integer representing the line width of the frame around the text (the QFrame lineWidth property).


Inherits from ShapeAction -> Action -> Registry (also Loadable)

Base class for Line, Rectangle, and Path. Does not define save or load methods, but does define savepen and loadpen.

Attributes (from savepen / loadpen ):

  • stroke: An HTML color #hex value, or “none”
  • stroke-opacity: A floating point number between 0 and 1. Default 1
  • stroke-linecap: butt, square, or round. Default butt
  • stroke-dashoffset: A floating point number. Default 0
  • stroke-width: A floating point number. Default 1
  • stroke-dasharray: A comma-separated list of dash lengths. Default “none”
  • stroke-style: An integer which maps to a QPen style. Default Qt.SolidLine
  • stroke-linejoin: miter, round, or bevel. Default miter
  • stroke-miterlimit: A floating point number. Default 4
  • fill: An HTML color #hex value, or “none”
  • fill-opacity: A floating point number between 0 and 1. Default 1

All pen attribute dimensions supply a unit from the list: px, pt, pc, mm, cm, in. This value is then converted to the corresponding number of pixels (based on a 90 DPI display). The absence of a unit suffix indicates px (pixels).


Inherits from Shape

The saving of the Rectangle is done in the element method which calls Shape.savepen

Creates an element with the tag {ns_svg}rect. Adds the following attributes and calls Shape.savepen on the element.


  • x: Top-left X coordinate
  • y: Top-left Y coordinate
  • width: Width
  • height: Height


Inherits from Shape

The saving of the Line is done in the element method which calls Shape.savepen

Creates an element with the tag {ns_svg}line. Adds the following attributes and calls Shape.savepen on the element.


  • x1: Starting X coordinate
  • x2: Ending X coordinate
  • y1: Starting Y coordinate
  • y2: Ending Y coordinate


Inherits from Shape

The saving of the Path is done in the element method which calls Shape.savepen

Creates an element with the tag {ns_svg}path. Adds the following attributes and calls Shape.savepen on the element.


  • d: A string containing SVG data (handled by PathParser)


Inherits from Loadable and QObject

The saving of a BaseComponent is done in save(self, element) which calls That means that some display widgets have a save method implemented.


  • {ns_karabo}widget: Class name of the GUI widget
  • {ns_karabo}keys: List of associated property keys (box names)


Inherits from BaseComponent which does the saving and the loading.


Inherits from BaseComponent which does the saving and the loading.


Inherits from BaseComponent which does the saving and the loading.


Inherits from BaseComponent which does the saving and the loading.


Inherits from BaseComponent which does the saving and the loading.


Does not define a load method. This is the common base class for WorkflowItem and WorkflowGroupItem.



  • {ns_karabo}text: The device ID for the item. must be looked up in the project
  • {ns_karabo}font: The font to use for the item

Calls layout.loadPosition(element, sceneWidget), where sceneWidget is the parent of the item being created. layout is any one of FixedLayout, BoxLayout, or GridLayout


The same as WorkflowItem, but {ns_karabo}text is a device group identifier

Widget Object Classes (DisplayWidget, EditableWidget, VacuumWidget)

These widgets are also saved to Scene files.


Inherits from EditableWidget

Alias: Toggle Field

No save or load methods.


Inherits from EditableWidget

Alias: Choice Element

No save or load methods.


Inherits from EditableWidget

Alias: Selection Field

No save or load methods.


Inherits from EditableWidget

Alias: Single Bit


  • {ns_karabo}bit: An integer denoting a bit index


Inherits from EditableWidget

Alias: Text Field

No save or load methods.


Inherits from EditableWidget

Alias: Directory

No save or load methods.


Inherits from EditableWidget

Alias: File Out

Does not define save or load methods.

EditableFileOut and DisplayFileOut should be combined in one class and which inherits from EditableWidget and DisplayWidget.


Inherits from EditableWidget

Alias: File In

No save or load methods.


Inherits from QwtWidget which is an EditableWidget

Alias: Slider

Does not define save or load methods.


Inherits from QwtWidget which is an EditableWidget

Alias: Knob

Does not define save or load methods.


Inherits from EditableWidget and DisplayWidget

Alias: Spin Box


  • {ns_karabo}step: A floating point number denoting the widget’s step size


Inherits from EditableWidget and DisplayWidget.

Alias: Integer Spin Box

Does not define save or load methods.


Inherits from EditableWidget and DisplayWidget.

Alias: ‘Table Element`


  • {ns_karabo}columnSchema: Schema which defines the table


Inherits from EditableTableElement

Alias: Display Table Element

The save or load methods are inherited from EditableTableElement


Inherits from EditableWidget and DisplayWidget.

Alias: Bit Field

Does not define save or load methods.

self.widget is the self defined widget BitfieldWidget implemented in the same file.


Inherits from NumberLineEdit which inherits from EditableWidget and DisplayWidget.

Alias: Float Field

Does not define save or load methods.


Inherits from NumberLineEdit which inherits from EditableWidget and DisplayWidget.

Alias: Integer Field

Does not define save or load methods.


Inherits from EditableWidget and DisplayWidget

Alias: List

No save or load methods.


Inherits from EditableWidget and DisplayWidget

Alias: List Element Field

No save or load methods.


Inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: Value Field

Does not define save or load methods.

This widget is used for the current value on device.


Inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: Evaluate Expression


  • {ns_karabo}expression: The expression which gets evaluated.


Inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: Iconset


  • {ns_karabo}url: Filename of the iconset
  • {ns_karabo}filename: If {ns_karabo}url is not set then this attribute is used for the URL


Inherits from DisplayWidget.

Alias: Toggle Field

Does not define save or load methods.


Inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: “XY-Plot

Contains a list of subelements with the tag {ns_karabo}box. The attributes for these elements are defined below:


  • device: The device ID
  • path: property name and curve data

Same elements and attributes are saved as in XYVector, DisplayTrendline.

Several vectors of the same size are plotted against each other.


Inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: Plot

No save or load methods.

Note: Adjacent to this code is a PlotItem class which contains a large number of NameError opportunities. It looks like it’s not used anywhere in the Karabo GUI code and might be a good candidate for removal.


Inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: XY-Plot

Two values are plotted against each other.

Does not define save or load methods, which actually should be changed.


Inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: Trendline

Contains a list of subelements with the tag {ns_karabo}box. The attributes for these elements are defined below:


  • device: The device ID
  • path: property name and curve data

Same elements and attributes are saved as in XYVector, DisplayTrendline.

A vector is plotted.


Inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: Text Field

Does not define save or load methods.


Inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: State Color Field


  • {ns_karabo}staticText; The text shown on the widget

Sub Elements: Use the tag {ns_karabo}sc and the data is the name of the state

  • red: Color component for red
  • green: Color component for green
  • blue: Color component for blue
  • alpha: Color component for alpha channel


Inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: Monitor


  • filename: A string containing a file path (can be absent)
  • interval: A floating point number of seconds


Inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: File Out

No save or load methods.


Inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: File In

Does not define save or `` load`` methods.

EditableFileIn and DisplayFileIn should be combined in one class and which inherits from EditableWidget and DisplayWidget.


Inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: Aligned Image View

No save or load methods.


Inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: Image View

No save or load methods.


Inherits from Icons which inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: Icons

Identical to DigitIcons, except that the child element tags are {ns_karabo}option and image is the only valid attribute.


Inherits from Icons which inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: Icons

Identical to DigitIcons, except that the child element tags are {ns_karabo}re and image is the only valid attribute.


Inherits from Icons which inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: Icons

An element containing a DigitIcons instance contains zero or more subelements with the tag {ns_karabo}value. The format of those elements follows:

Data: The value attribute of the given Item (a text label??)


  • equal: A string containing the value true or false (can be absent)
  • image: A URL for an icon (can be absent)


Inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: Image Element

No save or load methods.


Inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: Directory

No save or load methods.


Inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: Command

An element containing a DisplayCommand instance contains zero or more subelements with the tag {ns_karabo}action. The format of those elements follows:

Data: Empty


  • key: A string containing a Box path
  • image: A URL for an icon


Inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: Choice Element

No save or load methods.


Inherits from DisplayWidget

Alias: Selection Field

No save or load methods.


Inherits from VacuumWidget

Alias: Membrane Pump

Should be removed - use Iconsets for vacuum widgets instead.


Inherits from VacuumWidget

Alias: Right angle valve

Should be removed - use Iconsets for vacuum widgets instead.


Inherits from EditableWidget and DisplayWidget.

Alias: Hexadecimal

Does not define save or load methods.


Inherits from VacuumWidget

Alias: Motor

Should be removed - use Iconsets for vacuum widgets instead.


Inherits from VacuumWidget

Alias: Valve

Should be removed - use Iconsets for vacuum widgets instead.


Inherits from VacuumWidget

Alias: Pressure switch

Should be removed - use Iconsets for vacuum widgets instead.


Inherits from VacuumWidget

Alias: Temperature probe

Should be removed - use Iconsets for vacuum widgets instead.


Inherits from VacuumWidget

Alias: Pressure gauge

Should be removed - use Iconsets for vacuum widgets instead.


Inherits from VacuumWidget

Alias: Turbo pump

Should be removed - use Iconsets for vacuum widgets instead.


Inherits from VacuumWidget

Alias: Shut off valve

Should be removed - use Iconsets for vacuum widgets instead.


Inherits from VacuumWidget

Alias: Maxi gauge

Should be removed - use Iconsets for vacuum widgets instead.


Inherits from VacuumWidget

Alias: Hydraulic valve

Should be removed - use Iconsets for vacuum widgets instead.


Inherits from VacuumWidget

Alias: Cryo-cooler

Should be removed - use Iconsets for vacuum widgets instead.