Karabo GUI API

The Bindings

There are several util functions for bindings available.

Binding functions

The atomic bindings

Category Bindings

Available Node Bindings

The Property Proxy

The key proxy that is contained in a widget controller on a scene. The so-called PropertyProxy. It contains all the necessary information and is passed on updates to the controller’s methods.

Util functions for Property Proxies

The GUI Parameter - The displayType

Karabo devices provide a self description of their properties, the so-called device schema. In most cases this Schema is static and does not change on runtime of the device.

In order for the KaraboGUI client to know how to act on certain properties, the displayType attribute can be specified on certain device properties.

The GUI then can react with a different kind of coloring in the Configurator, or provide a different set of widget controllers for this property.

The Widget Controller

The BaseBindingController class is the base class of the controllers that are visible on a scene. Every widget containing a device property must inherit this class.

A BaseBindingController must be registered in the scene model factory

Util functions for controllers

Util functions to work with arrays and images


The KaraboGUI api offers a variety of QValidators that can be set on widgets.