DSSC-detector class module
The dssc detector class. It represents a namespace for frequent evaluation
while implicitly applying/requiring certain structure/naming conventions to
its objects.
- contributions should comply with pep8 code structure guidelines.
- Plot routines don't fit into objects since they are rather fluent.
They have been outsourced to dssc_plot.py. They can now be accessed
as toolbox_scs member functions.
import os
import logging
import joblib
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import toolbox_scs as tb
from ..util.exceptions import ToolBoxValueError, ToolBoxFileError
from .dssc_data import (
save_xarray, load_xarray, save_attributes_h5,
search_files, get_data_formatted)
from .dssc_misc import (
load_dssc_info, get_xgm_formatted, get_tim_formatted)
from .dssc_processing import (
process_dssc_data, create_empty_dataset)
__all__ = [
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class DSSCBinner:
def __init__(self, proposal_nr, run_nr,
tim_names=['MCP1apd', 'MCP2apd', 'MCP3apd'],
A dssc binner object. Loads and bins the dssc data according to the
bins specified in 'binners'. The data can be reduced further through
masking using XGM or TIM data.
proposal_nr: int, str
proposal number containing run folders
run_nr: int, str
run number
binners: dictionary
dictionary containing binners constructed using the
'create_dssc_bins' toolbox_scs.detectors-method.
xgm_name: str
a valid mnemonic key of the XGM data to be used to mask the dssc
frames. Since the xgm is used in several methods its name can be
set here globally.
tim_names: list of strings
a list of valid mnemonic keys for an mcp in the tim. Once the
corresponding data is loaded the different sources will be averaged.
dssc_coords_stride: int, list
defines which dssc frames should be normalized using data from the
xgm. The parameter may be an integer (stride parameter) or a list,
that assigns each pulse to its corresponding dssc frame number.
DSSCbinner: object
1.) quick -> generic bins, no xgm,
>>> import toolbox_scs as tb
>>> run235 = tb.DSSCBinner(proposal_nb=2212, run_nb=235)
2.) detailed -> docs
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# object (run) properties
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
self.proposal = proposal_nr
self.runnr = run_nr
self.info = load_dssc_info(proposal_nr, run_nr)
self.run, _ = tb.load(proposal_nr, run_nr)
self.binners = {}
for b in binners:
self.add_binner(b, binners[b])
self.xgm_name = xgm_name
self.tim_names = tim_names
self.dssc_coords_stride = dssc_coords_stride
self.xgm = None
self.tim = None
self.pulsemask = None
log.debug("Constructed DSSC object")
[docs] def __del__(self):
[docs] def add_binner(self, name, binner):
Add additional binner to internal dictionary
name: str
name of binner to be created
binner: xarray.DataArray
An array that represents a map how the respective coordinate should
be binned.
ToolBoxValueError: Exception
Raises exception in case the name does not correspond to a valid
binner name. To be generalized.
if name in ['trainId', 'pulse', 'x', 'y']:
self.binners[name] = binner
msg = "Invalid binner name"
log.info(msg+", no binner created")
raise ToolBoxValueError(msg, name)
[docs] def load_xgm(self):
load xgm data and construct coordinate array according to corresponding
dssc frame number.
self.xgm = get_xgm_formatted(self.run,
[docs] def load_tim(self):
load tim data and construct coordinate array according to corresponding
dssc frame number.
self.tim = get_tim_formatted(self.proposal,
[docs] def create_pulsemask(self, use_data='xgm', threshold=(0, np.inf)):
creates a mask for dssc frames according to measured xgm intensity.
Once such a mask has been constructed, it will be used in the data
reduction process to drop out-of-bounds pulses.
fpt = self.info['frames_per_train']
n_trains = self.info['number_of_trains']
trainIds = self.info['trainIds']
data = np.ones([n_trains, fpt], dtype=bool)
self.pulsemask = xr.DataArray(data,
dims=['trainId', 'pulse'],
coords={'trainId': trainIds,
'pulse': range(fpt)})
if use_data == 'xgm':
if self.xgm is None:
valid = (self.xgm > threshold[0]) * \
(self.xgm < threshold[1])
if use_data == 'tim':
if self.tim is None:
valid = (self.tim > threshold[0]) * \
(self.tim < threshold[1])
self.pulsemask = \
(valid.combine_first(self.pulsemask).astype(bool))[:, 0:fpt]
log.info(f'created pulse mask used during processing')
[docs] def get_info(self):
Returns the expected shape of the binned dataset, in case binners have
been defined.
if any(self.binners):
empty = create_empty_dataset(self.info, self.binners)
log.info("no binner defined yet.")
[docs] def get_xgm_binned(self):
Bin the xgm data according to the binners of the dssc data. The result
can eventually be merged into the final dataset by the DSSCFormatter.
xgm_data: xarray.DataSet
xarray dataset containing the binned xgm data
if self.xgm is not None:
xgm_data = self.xgm.to_dataset(name='xgm')
xgm_binned = self._bin_metadata(xgm_data)
log.info('binned xgm data according to dssc binners.')
return xgm_binned
log.warning("no xgm data. Use load_xgm() to load the xgm data.")
[docs] def get_tim_binned(self):
Bin the tim data according to the binners of the dssc data. The result
can eventually be merged into the final dataset by the DSSCFormatter.
tim_data: xarray.DataSet
xarray dataset containing the binned tim data
if self.tim is not None:
tim_data = self.tim.to_dataset(name='tim')
tim_binned = self._bin_metadata(tim_data)
log.info('binned tim data according to dssc binners.')
return tim_binned
log.warning("no data. Use load_tim() to load the tim data.")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Data processing
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def process_data(self, modules=[], filepath='./',
chunksize=512, backend='loky', n_jobs=None,
xgm_normalization=False, normevery=1
Load and bin dssc data according to self.bins. No data is returned by
this method. The condensed data is written to file by the worker
processes directly.
modules: list of ints
a list containing the module numbers that should be processed. If
empty, all modules are processed.
filepath: str
the path where the files containing the reduced data should be
chunksize: int
The number of trains that should be read in one iterative step.
backend: str
joblib multiprocessing backend to be used. At the moment it can be
any of joblibs standard backends: 'loky' (default),
'multiprocessing', 'threading'. Anything else than the default is
experimental and not appropriately implemented in the dbdet member
function 'bin_data'.
n_jobs: int
inversely proportional of the number of cpu's available for one
job. Tasks within one job can grab a maximum of n_CPU_tot/n_jobs of
Note that when using the default backend there is no need to adjust
this parameter with the current implementation.
dark_image: xarray.DataArray
DataArray with dimensions compatible with the loaded dssc data. If
given, it will be subtracted from the dssc data before the binning.
The dark image needs to be of dimension module, trainId, pulse, x
and y.
xgm_normalization: boolean
if true, the dssc data is normalized by the xgm data before the
normevery: int
integer indicating which out of normevery frame will be normalized.
log.info("Bin data according to binners")
log.info(f'Process {chunksize} trains per chunk')
mod_list = modules
if len(mod_list) == 0:
mod_list = [i for i in range(16)]
log.info(f'Process modules {mod_list}')
njobs = n_jobs
if njobs is None:
njobs = len(mod_list)
module_jobs = []
for m in mod_list:
dark = dark_image
if dark_image is not None:
dark = dark_image.sel(module=m)
log.info(f'using parallelization backend {backend}')
joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=njobs, backend=backend)\
for i in range(len(mod_list)))
log.info(f'Binning done')