

Package Contents







The hRIXS analysis, especially curvature correction


A spin-off of the hRIXS class: with parallelized centroiding


The Viking analysis (spectrometer used in combination with Andor Newton


get_bam(run[, mnemonics, merge_with, bunchPattern, ...])

Load beam arrival monitor (BAM) data and align their pulse ID

get_bam_params(run[, mnemo_or_source])

Extract the run values of bamStatus[1-3] and bamError.

check_peak_params(proposal, runNB, mnemonic[, ...])

Checks and plots the peak parameters (pulse window and baseline window

get_digitizer_peaks(proposal, runNB, mnemonic[, ...])

Extract the peaks from digitizer raw traces. The result can be merged

get_dig_avg_trace(run, mnemonic[, ntrains])

Compute the average over ntrains evenly spaced accross all trains

load_processed_peaks(proposal, runNB[, mnemonic, ...])

Load processed digitizer peaks data.

check_processed_peak_params(proposal, runNB, mnemonic)

Check the integration parameters used to generate the processed

get_data_formatted([filenames, data_list])

Combines the given data into one dataset. For any of extra_data's data

load_xarray(fname[, group, form])

Load stored xarray Dataset.

save_attributes_h5(fname[, data])

Adding attributes to a hdf5 file. This function is intended to be used to

save_xarray(fname, data[, group, mode])

Store xarray Dataset in the specified location

create_dssc_bins(name, coordinates, bins)

Creates a single entry for the dssc binner dictionary. The produced xarray

get_xgm_formatted(run_obj, xgm_name, dssc_frame_coords)

Load the xgm data and define coordinates along the pulse dimension.

load_dssc_info(proposal, run_nr)

Loads the first data file for DSSC module 0 (this is hardcoded)

load_mask(fname, dssc_mask)

Load a DSSC mask file.


Returns a mask for the given DSSC geometry with ASICs given in poslist

process_dssc_data(proposal, run_nr, module, chunksize, ...)

Collects and reduces DSSC data for a single module.

extract_GH2(ds, run[, firstFrame, bunchPattern, gh2_dim])

Select and align the frames of the Gotthard-II that have been exposed

get_pes_params(run[, channel])

Extract PES parameters for a given extra_data DataCollection.

get_pes_tof(proposal, runNB, mnemonic[, start, ...])

Extracts time-of-flight spectra from raw digitizer traces. The spectra

save_pes_avg_traces(proposal, runNB[, channels, subdir])

Save average traces of PES into an h5 file.

load_pes_avg_traces(proposal, runNB[, channels, subdir])

Load existing PES average traces.

calibrate_xgm(run, data[, xgm, plot])

Calculates the calibration factor F between the photon flux (slow signal)

get_xgm(run[, mnemonics, merge_with, indices])

Load and/or computes XGM data. Sources can be loaded on the



class toolbox_scs.detectors.AzimuthalIntegrator(imageshape, center, polar_range, aspect=204 / 236, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

_calc_dist_array(shape, center, aspect)[source]

Calculate pixel coordinates for the given shape.


Calculates the list of indices for the flattened image array.

calc_q(distance, wavelength)[source]

Calculate momentum transfer coordinate.

  • distance (float) – Sample - detector distance in meter

  • wavelength (float) – wavelength of scattered light in meter


deltaq – Momentum transfer coordinate in 1/m

Return type:


class toolbox_scs.detectors.AzimuthalIntegratorDSSC(geom, polar_range, dxdy=(0, 0), **kwargs)[source]

Bases: AzimuthalIntegrator

_calc_dist_array(geom, dxdy)[source]

Calculate pixel coordinates for the given shape.

toolbox_scs.detectors.get_bam(run, mnemonics=None, merge_with=None, bunchPattern='sase3', pulseIds=None)[source]

Load beam arrival monitor (BAM) data and align their pulse ID according to the bunch pattern. Sources can be loaded on the fly via the mnemonics argument, or processed from an existing data set (merge_with).

  • run (extra_data.DataCollection) – DataCollection containing the bam data.

  • mnemonics (str or list of str) – mnemonics for BAM, e.g. “BAM1932M” or [“BAM414”, “BAM1932M”]. the arrays are either taken from merge_with or loaded from the DataCollection run.

  • merge_with (xarray Dataset) – If provided, the resulting Dataset will be merged with this one. If merge_with contains variables in mnemonics, they will be selected, aligned and merged.

  • bunchPattern (str) – ‘sase1’ or ‘sase3’ or ‘scs_ppl’, bunch pattern used to extract peaks. The pulse ID dimension will be named ‘sa1_pId’, ‘sa3_pId’ or ‘ol_pId’, respectively.

  • pulseIds (list, 1D array) – Pulse Ids. If None, they are automatically loaded.


merged with Dataset merge_with if provided.

Return type:

xarray Dataset with pulse-resolved BAM variables aligned,


>>> import toolbox_scs as tb
>>> run = tb.open_run(2711, 303)
>>> bam = tb.get_bam(run, 'BAM1932S')
toolbox_scs.detectors.get_bam_params(run, mnemo_or_source='BAM1932S')[source]

Extract the run values of bamStatus[1-3] and bamError.

  • run (extra_data.DataCollection) – DataCollection containing the bam data.

  • mnemo_or_source (str) – mnemonic of the BAM, e.g. ‘BAM414’, or source name, e.g. ‘SCS_ILH_LAS/DOOCS/BAM_414_B2.


params – dictionnary containing the extracted parameters.

Return type:



The extracted parameters are run values, they do not reflect any possible change during the run.

toolbox_scs.detectors.check_peak_params(proposal, runNB, mnemonic, raw_trace=None, ntrains=200, integParams=None, bunchPattern='sase3', plot=True, show_all=False)[source]

Checks and plots the peak parameters (pulse window and baseline window of a raw digitizer trace) used to compute the peak integration. These parameters are either set by the digitizer peak-integration settings, or are determined by a peak finding algorithmes. The parameters can also be provided manually for visual inspection. The plot either shows the first and last pulse of the trace or the entire trace.

  • proposal (int) – the proposal number

  • runNB (int) – the run number

  • mnemonic (str) – ToolBox mnemonic of the digitizer data, e.g. ‘MCP2apd’.

  • raw_trace (optional, 1D numpy array or xarray DataArray) – Raw trace to display. If None, the average raw trace over ntrains of the corresponding channel is loaded (this can be time-consuming).

  • ntrains (optional, int) – Only used if raw_trace is None. Number of trains used to calculate the average raw trace of the corresponding channel.

  • plot (bool) – If True, displays the raw trace and peak integration regions.

  • show_all (bool) – If True, displays the entire raw trace and all peak integration regions (this can be time-consuming). If False, shows the first and last pulse according to the bunchPattern.

  • bunchPattern (optional, str) – Only used if plot is True. Checks the bunch pattern against the digitizer peak parameters and shows potential mismatch.

Return type:

dictionnary of peak integration parameters

toolbox_scs.detectors.get_digitizer_peaks(proposal, runNB, mnemonic, merge_with=None, bunchPattern='sase3', integParams=None, save=False, subdir='usr/processed_runs')[source]

Extract the peaks from digitizer raw traces. The result can be merged to an existing merge_with dataset and/or saved into an HDF file. The calculation is a trapezoidal integration between ‘pulseStart’ and ‘pulseStop’ with subtraction of a baseline defined as the median between ‘baseStart’ and ‘baseStop’. The integration parameters can either be provided using integParams, or computed by a peak finding algorithm if integParams is None. If the bunchPattern argument is provided, the pulse ids are aligned to it. If there is a mismatch between the provided parameters or the computed parameters and the bunch pattern, the bunch pattern parameters prevail.

  • proposal (int) – the proposal number

  • runNB (int) – the run number

  • mnemonic (str) – mnemonic for FastADC or ADQ412, e.g. “I0_ILHraw” or “MCP3apd”. The data is either loaded from the DataCollection or taken from merge_with.

  • merge_with (xarray Dataset) – If provided, the resulting Dataset will be merged with this one.

  • bunchPattern (str or dict) – ‘sase1’ or ‘sase3’ or ‘scs_ppl’, ‘None’: bunch pattern

  • integParams (dict) – dictionnary for raw trace integration, e.g. {‘pulseStart’:100, ‘pulsestop’:200, ‘baseStart’:50, ‘baseStop’:99, ‘period’:24, ‘npulses’:500}. If None, integration parameters are computed automatically.


  • xarray Dataset with digitizer peak variables. Raw variables are

  • substituted by the peak caclulated values (e.g. “FastADC2raw” becomes

  • ”FastADC2peaks”).

toolbox_scs.detectors.get_dig_avg_trace(run, mnemonic, ntrains=None)[source]

Compute the average over ntrains evenly spaced accross all trains of a digitizer trace.

  • run (extra_data.DataCollection) – DataCollection containing the digitizer data.

  • mnemonic (str) – ToolBox mnemonic of the digitizer data, e.g. ‘MCP2apd’.

  • ntrains (int) – Number of trains used to calculate the average raw trace. If None, all trains are used.


trace – The average digitizer trace

Return type:


toolbox_scs.detectors.load_processed_peaks(proposal, runNB, mnemonic=None, data='usr/processed_runs', merge_with=None)[source]

Load processed digitizer peaks data.

  • proposal (int) – the proposal number

  • runNB (int) – the run number

  • mnemonic (str) – the mnemonic containing peaks. Example: ‘XRD_MCP_BIGpeaks’. If None, the entire dataset is loaded

  • data (str) – subdirectory. The data is stored in <proposal path>/<subdir>/r{runNB:04d}/r{runNB:04d}-digitizers-data.h5

  • merge_with (xarray Dataset) – A dataset to merge the data with.


  • xarray DataArray if menmonic is not None and merge_with is None

  • xarray Dataset if mnemonic is None or merge_with is not None.


# load the mono energy and the MCP_BIG peaks run, ds = tb.load(proposal, runNB, ‘nrj’) ds = tb.load_processed_peaks(proposal, runNB,’XRD_MCP_BIGpeaks’,


toolbox_scs.detectors.check_processed_peak_params(proposal, runNB, mnemonic, data='usr/processed_runs', plot=True, show_all=False)[source]

Check the integration parameters used to generate the processed peak values.

  • proposal (int) – the proposal number

  • runNB (int) – the run number

  • mnemonic (str) – the mnemonic containing peaks. Example: ‘XRD_MCP_BIGpeaks’. If None, the entire dataset is loaded

  • data (str) – subdirectory. The data is stored in <proposal path>/<subdir>/r{runNB:04d}/r{runNB:04d}-digitizers-data.h5

  • plot (bool) – If True, displays the raw trace and peak integration regions.

  • show_all (bool) – If True, displays the entire raw trace and all peak integration regions (this can be time-consuming). If False, shows the first and last pulses.


params – the integration parameters with keys [‘pulseStart’, ‘pulseStop’, ‘baseStart’, ‘baseStop’, ‘period’, ‘npulses’]. See extract_digitizer_peaks().

Return type:


class toolbox_scs.detectors.DSSCBinner(proposal_nr, run_nr, binners={}, xgm_name='SCS_SA3', tim_names=['MCP1apd', 'MCP2apd', 'MCP3apd'], dssc_coords_stride=2)[source]
add_binner(name, binner)[source]

Add additional binner to internal dictionary

  • name (str) – name of binner to be created

  • binner (xarray.DataArray) – An array that represents a map how the respective coordinate should be binned.


ToolBoxValueError – Exception: Raises exception in case the name does not correspond to a valid binner name. To be generalized.


load xgm data and construct coordinate array according to corresponding dssc frame number.


load tim data and construct coordinate array according to corresponding dssc frame number.

create_pulsemask(use_data='xgm', threshold=(0, np.inf))[source]

creates a mask for dssc frames according to measured xgm intensity. Once such a mask has been constructed, it will be used in the data reduction process to drop out-of-bounds pulses.


Returns the expected shape of the binned dataset, in case binners have been defined.


Bin the xgm data according to the binners of the dssc data. The result can eventually be merged into the final dataset by the DSSCFormatter.


xgm_data – xarray dataset containing the binned xgm data

Return type:



Bin the tim data according to the binners of the dssc data. The result can eventually be merged into the final dataset by the DSSCFormatter.


tim_data – xarray dataset containing the binned tim data

Return type:


process_data(modules=[], filepath='./', chunksize=512, backend='loky', n_jobs=None, dark_image=None, xgm_normalization=False, normevery=1)[source]

Load and bin dssc data according to self.bins. No data is returned by this method. The condensed data is written to file by the worker processes directly.

  • modules (list of ints) – a list containing the module numbers that should be processed. If empty, all modules are processed.

  • filepath (str) – the path where the files containing the reduced data should be stored.

  • chunksize (int) – The number of trains that should be read in one iterative step.

  • backend (str) – joblib multiprocessing backend to be used. At the moment it can be any of joblibs standard backends: ‘loky’ (default), ‘multiprocessing’, ‘threading’. Anything else than the default is experimental and not appropriately implemented in the dbdet member function ‘bin_data’.

  • n_jobs (int) – inversely proportional of the number of cpu’s available for one job. Tasks within one job can grab a maximum of n_CPU_tot/n_jobs of cpu’s. Note that when using the default backend there is no need to adjust this parameter with the current implementation.

  • dark_image (xarray.DataArray) – DataArray with dimensions compatible with the loaded dssc data. If given, it will be subtracted from the dssc data before the binning. The dark image needs to be of dimension module, trainId, pulse, x and y.

  • xgm_normalization (boolean) – if true, the dssc data is normalized by the xgm data before the binning.

  • normevery (int) – integer indicating which out of normevery frame will be normalized.

class toolbox_scs.detectors.DSSCFormatter(filepath)[source]

Read the files given in filenames, and store the data in the class variable ‘data’. If no filenames are given, it tries to read the files stored in the class-internal variable ‘_filenames’.


filenames (list) – list of strings containing the names of the files to be combined.


Reads addional xarray-data from the first file given in the list of filenames. This assumes that all the files in the folder contain the same additional data. To be generalized.


groups (list) – list of strings with the names of the groups in the h5 file, containing additional xarray data.


Add additional information, such as run-type, as attributes to the formatted .h5 file.


attributes (dictionary) – a dictionary, containing information or data of any kind, that will be added to the formatted .h5 file as attributes.


Create a .h5 file containing the main dataset in the group called ‘data’. Additional groups will be created for the content of the variable ‘data_array’. Metadata about the file is added in the form of attributes.


filename (str) – the name of the file to be created

toolbox_scs.detectors.get_data_formatted(filenames=[], data_list=[])[source]

Combines the given data into one dataset. For any of extra_data’s data types, an xarray.Dataset is returned. The data is sorted along the ‘module’ dimension. The array dimension have the order ‘trainId’, ‘pulse’, ‘module’, ‘x’, ‘y’. This order is required by the extra_geometry package.

  • filenames (list of str) – files to be combined as a list of names. Calls ‘_data_from_list’ to actually load the data.

  • data_list (list) – list containing the already loaded data


data – A xarray.Dataset containing the combined data.

Return type:


toolbox_scs.detectors.load_xarray(fname, group='data', form='dataset')[source]

Load stored xarray Dataset. Comment: This function exists because of a problem with the standard netcdf engine that is malfunctioning due to related software installed in the exfel-python environment. May be dropped at some point.

  • fname (str) – filename as string

  • group (str) – the name of the xarray dataset (group in h5 file).

  • form (str) – specify whether the data to be loaded is a ‘dataset’ or a ‘array’.

toolbox_scs.detectors.save_attributes_h5(fname, data={})[source]

Adding attributes to a hdf5 file. This function is intended to be used to attach metadata to a processed run.

  • fname (str) – filename as string

  • data (dictionary) – the data that should be added to the file in form of a dictionary.

toolbox_scs.detectors.save_xarray(fname, data, group='data', mode='a')[source]

Store xarray Dataset in the specified location

  • data (xarray.DataSet) – The data to be stored

  • fname (str, int) – filename

  • overwrite (bool) – overwrite existing data


ToolBoxFileError – Exception: File existed, but overwrite was set to False.

toolbox_scs.detectors.create_dssc_bins(name, coordinates, bins)[source]

Creates a single entry for the dssc binner dictionary. The produced xarray data-array will later be used to perform grouping operations according to the given bins.

  • name (str) – name of the coordinate to be binned.

  • coordinates (numpy.ndarray) – the original coordinate values (1D)

  • bins (numpy.ndarray) – the bins according to which the corresponding dimension should be grouped.


da – A pre-formatted xarray.DataArray relating the specified dimension with its bins.

Return type:



>>> import toolbox_scs as tb
>>> run = tb.open_run(2212, 235, include='*DA*')

1.) binner along ‘pulse’ dimension. Group data into two bins. >>> bins_pulse = [‘pumped’, ‘unpumped’] * 10 >>> binner_pulse = tb.create_dssc_bins(“pulse”,

np.linspace(0,19,20, dtype=int), bins_pulse)

2.) binner along ‘train’ dimension. Group data into bins corresponding

to the positions of a delay stage for instance.

>>> bins_trainId = tb.get_array(run, 'PP800_PhaseShifter', 0.04)
>>> binner_train = tb.create_dssc_bins("trainId",
toolbox_scs.detectors.get_xgm_formatted(run_obj, xgm_name, dssc_frame_coords)[source]

Load the xgm data and define coordinates along the pulse dimension.

  • run_obj (extra_data.DataCollection) – DataCollection object providing access to the xgm data to be loaded

  • xgm_name (str) – valid mnemonic of a xgm source

  • dssc_frame_coords (int, list) – defines which dssc frames should be normalized using data from the xgm.


xgm – xgm data with coordinate ‘pulse’.

Return type:


toolbox_scs.detectors.load_dssc_info(proposal, run_nr)[source]

Loads the first data file for DSSC module 0 (this is hardcoded) and returns the detector_info dictionary

  • proposal (str, int) – number of proposal

  • run_nr (str, int) – number of run


info – {‘dims’: tuple, ‘frames_per_train’: int, ‘total_frames’: int}

Return type:


toolbox_scs.detectors.load_mask(fname, dssc_mask)[source]

Load a DSSC mask file.

Copyright (c) 2019, Michael Schneider Copyright (c) 2020, SCS-team license: BSD 3-Clause License (see LICENSE_BSD for more info)


fname (str) – string of the filename of the mask file

Return type:



Returns a mask for the given DSSC geometry with ASICs given in poslist blanked. poslist is a list of (module, row, column) tuples. Each module consists of 2 rows and 8 columns of individual ASICS.

Copyright (c) 2019, Michael Schneider Copyright (c) 2020, SCS-team license: BSD 3-Clause License (see LICENSE_BSD for more info)

toolbox_scs.detectors.process_dssc_data(proposal, run_nr, module, chunksize, info, dssc_binners, path='./', pulsemask=None, dark_image=None, xgm_mnemonic='SCS_SA3', xgm_normalization=False, normevery=1)[source]

Collects and reduces DSSC data for a single module.

Copyright (c) 2020, SCS-team

  • proposal (int) – proposal number

  • run_nr (int) – run number

  • module (int) – DSSC module to process

  • chunksize (int) – number of trains to load simultaneously

  • info (dictionary) – dictionary containing keys ‘dims’, ‘frames_per_train’, ‘total_frames’, ‘trainIds’, ‘number_of_trains’.

  • dssc_binners (dictionary) – a dictionary containing binner objects created by the ToolBox member function “create_binner()”

  • path (str) – location in which the .h5 files, containing the binned data, should be stored.

  • pulsemask (numpy.ndarray) – array of booleans to be used to mask dssc data according to xgm data.

  • dark_image (xarray.DataArray) – an xarray dataarray with matching coordinates with the loaded data. If dark_image is not None it will be subtracted from each individual dssc frame.

  • xgm_normalization (bool) – true if the data should be divided by the corresponding xgm value.

  • xgm_mnemonic (str) – Mnemonic of the xgm data to be used for normalization.

  • normevery (int) – One out of normevery dssc frames will be normalized.


module_data – xarray datastructure containing data binned according to bins.

Return type:


toolbox_scs.detectors.extract_GH2(ds, run, firstFrame=0, bunchPattern='scs_ppl', gh2_dim='gh2_pId')[source]

Select and align the frames of the Gotthard-II that have been exposed to light.

  • ds (xarray.Dataset) – The dataset containing GH2 data

  • run (extra_data.DataCollection) – The run containing the bunch pattern source

  • firstFrame (int) – The GH2 frame number corresponding to the first pulse of the train.

  • bunchPattern (str in ['scs_ppl', 'sase3']) – the bunch pattern used to align data. For ‘scs_ppl’, the gh2_pId dimension in renamed ‘ol_pId’, and for ‘sase3’ gh2_pId is renamed ‘sa3_pId’.

  • gh2_dim (str) – The name of the dimension that corresponds to the Gotthard-II frames.


nds – The aligned and reduced dataset with only-data-containing GH2 variables.

Return type:

xarray Dataset

class toolbox_scs.detectors.hRIXS(proposalNB, detector='MaranaX')[source]

The hRIXS analysis, especially curvature correction

The objects of this class contain the meta-information about the settings of the spectrometer, not the actual data, except possibly a dark image for background subtraction.

The actual data is loaded into `xarray`s, and stays there.


the number of the proposal




the detector to be used. Can be [‘hRIXS_det’, ‘MaranaX’] defaults to ‘hRIXS_det’ for backward-compatibility.




the slice to take in the dispersive direction, in pixels. Defaults to the entire width.




the slice to take in the energy direction




pixel counts above which a hit candidate is assumed, for centroiding. use None if you want to give it in standard deviations instead.




same as THRESHOLD, in standard deviations.


threshold controling whether a detected hit is considered to be a double hit.


the number of bins used in centroiding




the coefficients of the parabola for the curvature correction




whether to do dark subtraction. Is initially False, magically switches to True if a dark has been loaded, but may be reset.




The calibration from pixel to energy


the fields to be loaded from the data. Add additional fields if so desired.


proposal = 3145 h = hRIXS(proposal) h.Y_RANGE = slice(700, 900) h.CURVE_B = -3.695346575286939e-07 h.CURVE_A = 0.024084479232443695 h.ENERGY_SLOPE = 0.018387 h.ENERGY_INTERCEPT = 498.27 h.STD_THRESHOLD = 3.5

from_run(runNB, proposal=None, extra_fields=(), drop_first=False, subset=None)[source]

load a run

Load the run runNB. A thin wrapper around toolbox.load. :param drop_first: if True, the first image in the run is removed from the dataset. :type drop_first: bool


data = h.from_run(145) # load run 145

data1 = h.from_run(145) # load run 145 data2 = h.from_run(155) # load run 155 data = xarray.concat([data1, data2], ‘trainId’) # combine both

load_dark(runNB, proposal=None)[source]

load a dark run

Load the dark run runNB from proposal. The latter defaults to the current proposal. The dark is stored in this hRIXS object, and subsequent analyses use it for background subtraction.


h.load_dark(166) # load dark run 166

find_curvature(runNB, proposal=None, plot=True, args=None, **kwargs)[source]

find the curvature correction coefficients

The hRIXS has some abberations which leads to the spectroscopic lines being curved on the detector. We approximate these abberations with a parabola for later correction.

Load a run and determine the curvature. The curvature is set in self, and returned as a pair of floats.

  • runNB (int) – the run number to use

  • proposal (int) – the proposal to use, default to the current proposal

  • plot (bool) – whether to plot the found curvature onto the data

  • args (pair of float, optional) – a starting value to prime the fitting routine


h.find_curvature(155) # use run 155 to fit the curvature


find the position of photons with sub-pixel precision

A photon is supposed to have hit the detector if the intensity within a 2-by-2 square exceeds a threshold. In this case the position of the photon is calculated as the center-of-mass in a 4-by-4 square.

Return the list of x, y coordinate pairs, corrected by the curvature.

centroid_two(image, energy)[source]

determine position of photon hits on detector

The algrothm is taken from the ESRF RIXS toolbox. The thresholds for determining photon hits are given by the incident photon energy

The function returns arrays containing the single and double hits as x and y coordinates

centroid(data, bins=None, method='auto')[source]

calculate a spectrum by finding the centroid of individual photons

This takes the xarray.Dataset data and returns a copy of it, with a new xarray.DataArray named spectrum added, which contains the energy spectrum calculated for each hRIXS image.

Added a key for switching between algorithims choices are “auto” and “manual” which selects for method for determining whether thresholds there is a photon hit. It changes whether centroid_one or centroid_two is used.


h.centroid(data) # find photons in all images of the run data.spectrum[0, :].plot() # plot the spectrum of the first image


calculate a spectrum by integration

This takes the xarray data and returns a copy of it, with a new dataarray named spectrum added, which contains the energy spectrum calculated for each hRIXS image.

First the energy that corresponds to each pixel is calculated. Then all pixels within an energy range are summed, where the intensity of one pixel is distributed among the two energy ranges the pixel spans, proportionally to the overlap between the pixel and bin energy ranges.

The resulting data is normalized to one pixel, so the average intensity that arrived on one pixel.


h.integrate(data) # create spectrum by summing pixels data.spectrum[0, :].plot() # plot the spectrum of the first image

aggregator(da, dim)[source]
aggregate(ds, var=None, dim='trainId')[source]

aggregate (i.e. mostly sum) all data within one dataset

take all images in a dataset and aggregate them and their metadata. For images, spectra and normalizations that means adding them, for others (e.g. delays) adding would not make sense, so we treat them properly. The aggregation functions of each variable are defined in the aggregators attribute of the class. If var is specified, group the dataset by var prior to aggregation. A new variable “counts” gives the number of frames aggregated in each group.

  • ds (xarray Dataset) – the dataset containing RIXS data

  • var (string) – One of the variables in the dataset. If var is specified, the dataset is grouped by var prior to aggregation. This is useful for sorting e.g. a dataset that contains multiple delays.

  • dim (string) – the dimension over which to aggregate the data


h.centroid(data) # create spectra from finding photons agg = h.aggregate(data) # sum all spectra agg.spectrum.plot() # plot the resulting spectrum

agg2 = h.aggregate(data, ‘hRIXS_delay’) # group data by delay agg2.spectrum[0, :].plot() # plot the spectrum for first value

aggregate_ds(ds, dim='trainId')[source]
normalize(data, which='hRIXS_norm')[source]

Adds a ‘normalized’ variable to the dataset defined as the ration between ‘spectrum’ and ‘which’

  • data (xarray Dataset) – the dataset containing hRIXS data

  • which (string, default="hRIXS_norm") – one of the variables of the dataset, usually “hRIXS_norm” or “counts”

class toolbox_scs.detectors.MaranaX(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hRIXS

A spin-off of the hRIXS class: with parallelized centroiding

centroid(data, bins=None, **kwargs)[source]

calculate a spectrum by finding the centroid of individual photons

This takes the xarray.Dataset data and returns a copy of it, with a new xarray.DataArray named spectrum added, which contains the energy spectrum calculated for each hRIXS image.

Added a key for switching between algorithims choices are “auto” and “manual” which selects for method for determining whether thresholds there is a photon hit. It changes whether centroid_one or centroid_two is used.


h.centroid(data) # find photons in all images of the run data.spectrum[0, :].plot() # plot the spectrum of the first image

_centroid_tb_map(_, index, data)[source]
_centroid_map(index, *, image, energy)[source]
_centroid_task(index, image, energy)[source]
_histogram_task(index, total, double, default_range)[source]
centroid_from_run(runNB, proposal=None, extra_fields=(), drop_first=False, subset=None, bins=None, return_hits=False)[source]

A combined function of from_run() and centroid(), which uses extra_data and pasha to avoid bulk loading of files.

_centroid_ed_map(_, index, trainId, data)[source]
static _mnemo_to_prop(mnemo)[source]
_is_mnemo_in_run(mnemo, run)[source]
toolbox_scs.detectors.get_pes_params(run, channel=None)[source]

Extract PES parameters for a given extra_data DataCollection. Parameters are gas, binding energy, retardation voltages or all voltages of the MPOD.

  • run (extra_data.DataCollection) – DataCollection containing the digitizer data

  • channel (str) – Channel name or PES mnemonic, e.g. ‘2A’ or ‘PES_1Craw’. If None, or if the channel is not found in the data, the retardation voltage for all channels is retrieved.


params – dictionnary of PES parameters

Return type:


toolbox_scs.detectors.get_pes_tof(proposal, runNB, mnemonic, start=0, origin=None, width=None, subtract_baseline=False, baseStart=None, baseWidth=40, merge_with=None)[source]

Extracts time-of-flight spectra from raw digitizer traces. The spectra are aligned by pulse Id using the SASE 3 bunch pattern. If origin is not None, a time coordinate in nanoseconds ‘time_ns’ is computed and added to the DataArray.

  • proposal (int) – The proposal number.

  • runNB (int) – The run number.

  • mnemonic (str) – mnemonic for PES, e.g. “PES_2Araw”.

  • start (int) – starting sample of the first spectrum in the raw trace.

  • origin (int) – sample of the trace that corresponds to time-of-flight origin, also called prompt. Used to compute the ‘time_ns’ coordinates. If None, computation of ‘time_ns’ is skipped.

  • width (int) – number of samples per spectra. If None, the number of samples for 4.5 MHz repetition rate is used.

  • subtract_baseline (bool) – If True, subtract baseline defined by baseStart and baseWidth to each spectrum.

  • baseStart (int) – starting sample of the baseline.

  • baseWidth (int) – number of samples to average (starting from baseStart) for baseline calculation.

  • merge_with (xarray Dataset) – If provided, the resulting Dataset will be merged with this one.


pes – DataArray containing the PES time-of-flight spectra.

Return type:

xarray DataArray


>>> import toolbox_scs as tb
>>> import toolbox_scs.detectors as tbdet
>>> proposal, runNB = 900447, 12
>>> pes = tbdet.get_pes_tof(proposal, runNB, 'PES_2Araw',
>>>                         start=2557, origin=76)
toolbox_scs.detectors.save_pes_avg_traces(proposal, runNB, channels=None, subdir='usr/processed_runs')[source]

Save average traces of PES into an h5 file.

  • proposal (int) – The proposal number.

  • runNB (int) – The run number.

  • channels (str or list) – The PES channels or mnemonics, e.g. ‘2A’, [‘2A’, ‘3C’], [‘PES_1Araw’, ‘PES_4Draw’, ‘3B’]

  • subdir (str) – subdirectory. The data is stored in <proposal path>/<subdir>/r{runNB:04d}/f’r{runNB:04d}-pes-data.h5’

  • Output

  • ------

  • traces. (xarray Dataset saved in a h5 file containing the PES average) –

toolbox_scs.detectors.load_pes_avg_traces(proposal, runNB, channels=None, subdir='usr/processed_runs')[source]

Load existing PES average traces.

  • proposal (int) – The proposal number.

  • runNB (int) – The run number.

  • channels (str or list) – The PES channels or mnemonics, e.g. ‘2A’, [‘2A’, ‘3C’], [‘PES_1Araw’, ‘PES_4Draw’, ‘3B’]

  • subdir (str) – subdirectory. The data is stored in <proposal path>/<subdir>/r{runNB:04d}/f’r{runNB:04d}-pes-data.h5’

  • Output

  • ------

  • ds (xarray Dataset) – dataset containing the PES average traces.

class toolbox_scs.detectors.Viking(proposalNB)[source]

The Viking analysis (spectrometer used in combination with Andor Newton camera)

The objects of this class contain the meta-information about the settings of the spectrometer, not the actual data, except possibly a dark image for background subtraction.

The actual data is loaded into xarray`s via the method `from_run(), and stays there.


the number of the proposal




the slice to take in the non-dispersive direction, in pixels. Defaults to the entire width.




the slice to take in the energy dispersive direction




whether to do dark subtraction. Is initially False, magically switches to True if a dark has been loaded, but may be reset.




The 2nd degree polynomial coefficients for calibration from pixel to energy. Defaults to [0, 1, 0] (no calibration applied).


1D array (len=3)


the dgree of the polynomial used for baseline subtraction. Defaults to 1.




the dispersive-axis range, defined by an interval [min, max], to avoid when fitting a polynomial for baseline subtraction. Multiple ranges can be provided in the form [[min1, max1], [min2, max2], …].




the fields to be loaded from the data. Add additional fields if so desired.


list of str


proposal = 2953 v = Viking(proposal) v.X_RANGE = slice(0, 1900) v.Y_RANGE = slice(38, 80) v.ENERGY_CALIB = [1.47802667e-06, 2.30600328e-02, 5.15884589e+02] v.BL_SIGNAL_RANGE = [500, 545]

from_run(runNB, add_attrs=True)[source]

load a run

Load the run runNB. A thin wrapper around toolbox_scs.load.

  • runNB (int) – the run number

  • add_attrs (bool) – if True, adds the camera parameters as attributes to the dataset (see get_camera_params())

  • Output

  • ------

  • ds (xarray Dataset) – the dataset containing the camera images


data = v.from_run(145) # load run 145

data1 = v.from_run(145) # load run 145 data2 = v.from_run(155) # load run 155 data = xarray.concat([data1, data2], ‘trainId’) # combine both


This function calculates the mean over the non-dispersive dimension to create a spectrum. If the camera parameters are known, the spectrum is multiplied by the number of photoelectrons per ADC count. A new variable “spectrum” is added to the data.


Get the preamp gain of the camera in the Viking spectrometer for a specified run.

  • run (extra_data DataCollection) – information on the run

  • Output

  • ------

  • gain (int) –

e_per_counts(run, gain=None)[source]

Conversion factor from camera digital counts to photoelectrons per count. The values can be found in the camera datasheet (Andor Newton) but they have been slightly corrected for High Sensitivity mode after analysis of runs 1204, 1207 and 1208, proposal 2937.

  • run (extra_data DataCollection) – information on the run

  • gain (int) – the camera preamp gain

  • Output

  • ------

  • ret (float) – photoelectrons per count


Removes a polynomial baseline to a spectrum, assuming a fixed position for the signal.

  • data (xarray Dataset) – The Viking data containing the variable “spectrum”

  • Output

  • ------

  • data – the original dataset with the added variable “spectrum_nobl” containing the baseline subtracted spectra.

xas(data, data_ref, thickness=1, plot=False, plot_errors=True, xas_ylim=(-1, 3))[source]

Given two independent datasets (one with sample and one reference), this calculates the average XAS spectrum (absorption coefficient), associated standard deviation and standard error. The absorption coefficient is defined as -log(It/I0)/thickness.

  • data (xarray Dataset) – the dataset containing the spectra with sample

  • data_ref (xarray Dataset) – the dataset containing the spectra without sample

  • thickness (float) – the thickness used for the calculation of the absorption coefficient

  • plot (bool) – If True, plot the resulting average spectra.

  • plot_errors (bool) – If True, adds the 95% confidence interval on the spectra.

  • xas_ylim (tuple or list of float) – the y limits for the XAS plot.

  • Output

  • ------

  • xas (xarray Dataset) – the dataset containing the computed XAS quantities: I0, It, absorptionCoef and their associated errors.

calibrate(runList, plot=True)[source]

This routine determines the calibration coefficients to translate the camera pixels into energy in eV. The Viking spectrometer is calibrated using the beamline monochromator: runs with various monochromatized photon energy are recorded and their peak position on the detector are determined by Gaussian fitting. The energy vs. position data is then fitted to a second degree polynomial.

  • runList (list of int) – the list of runs containing the monochromatized spectra

  • plot (bool) – if True, the spectra, their Gaussian fits and the calibration curve are plotted.

  • Output

  • ------

  • energy_calib (np.array) – the calibration coefficients (2nd degree polynomial)

toolbox_scs.detectors.calibrate_xgm(run, data, xgm='SCS', plot=False)[source]

Calculates the calibration factor F between the photon flux (slow signal) and the fast signal (pulse-resolved) of the sase 3 pulses. The calibrated fast signal is equal to the uncalibrated one multiplied by F.

  • run (extra_data.DataCollection) – DataCollection containing the digitizer data.

  • data (xarray Dataset) – dataset containing the pulse-resolved sase 3 signal, e.g. ‘SCS_SA3’

  • xgm (str) – one in {‘XTD10’, ‘SCS’}

  • plot (bool) – If True, shows a plot of the photon flux, averaged fast signal and calibrated fast signal.


F – calibration factor F defined as: calibrated XGM [microJ] = F * fast XGM array (‘SCS_SA3’ or ‘XTD10_SA3’)

Return type:



>>> import toolbox_scs as tb
>>> import toolbox_scs.detectors as tbdet
>>> run, data = tb.load(900074, 69, ['SCS_XGM'])
>>> ds = tbdet.get_xgm(run, merge_with=data)
>>> F = tbdet.calibrate_xgm(run, ds, plot=True)
>>> # Add calibrated XGM to the dataset:
>>> ds['SCS_SA3_uJ'] = F * ds['SCS_SA3']
toolbox_scs.detectors.get_xgm(run, mnemonics=None, merge_with=None, indices=slice(0, None))[source]

Load and/or computes XGM data. Sources can be loaded on the fly via the mnemonics argument, or processed from an existing dataset (merge_with). The bunch pattern table is used to assign the pulse id coordinates if the number of pulses has changed during the run.

  • run (extra_data.DataCollection) – DataCollection containing the xgm data.

  • mnemonics (str or list of str) – mnemonics for XGM, e.g. “SCS_SA3” or [“XTD10_XGM”, “SCS_XGM”]. If None, defaults to “SCS_SA3” in case no merge_with dataset is provided.

  • merge_with (xarray Dataset) – If provided, the resulting Dataset will be merged with this one. The XGM variables of merge_with (if any) will also be computed and merged.

  • indices (slice, list, 1D array) – Pulse indices of the XGM array in case bunch pattern is missing.


merged with Dataset merge_with if provided.

Return type:

xarray Dataset with pulse-resolved XGM variables aligned,


>>> import toolbox_scs as tb
>>> run, ds = tb.load(2212, 213, 'SCS_SA3')
>>> ds['SCS_SA3']