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Bases: dict

Convenience class: dictionary stored in metadata YAML file

If metadata file already exists, it will be loaded (this may override additional constructor parameters given to this class). Use new=True to skip loading it.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
class CalibrationMetadata(dict):
    """Convenience class: dictionary stored in metadata YAML file

    If metadata file already exists, it will be loaded (this may override
    additional constructor parameters given to this class). Use new=True to
    skip loading it.

    def __init__(self, output_dir: Union[Path, str], *args, new=False):
        dict.__init__(self, args)
        self._yaml_fn = Path(output_dir) / "calibration_metadata.yml"
        if self._yaml_fn.exists():
            if new:
                # TODO: update after resolving this discussion
                #  # noqa
                with"r") as fd:
                    data = yaml.safe_load(fd)
                if isinstance(data, dict):
                    print(f"Warning: existing {self._yaml_fn} is malformed, "
                           "will be overwritten")
    def filename(self):
        return self._yaml_fn

    def save(self):
        with"w") as fd:
            yaml.safe_dump(dict(self), fd)

    def save_copy(self, copy_dir: Path):
        with (copy_dir /"w") as fd:
            yaml.safe_dump(dict(self), fd)

    def add_fragment(self, data: dict):
        """Save metadata to a separate 'fragment' file to be merged later

        Avoids a risk of corrupting the main file by writing in parallel.
        prefix = f"metadata_frag_j{os.environ.get('SLURM_JOB_ID', '')}_"
        with NamedTemporaryFile("w", dir=self._yaml_fn.parent,
                    prefix=prefix, suffix='.yml', delete=False) as fd:
            yaml.safe_dump(data, fd)

    def gather_fragments(self):
        """Merge in fragments saved by add_fragment(), then delete them"""
        frag_files = list(self._yaml_fn.parent.glob('metadata_frag_*.yml'))
        to_delete = []
        for fn in frag_files:
            with"r") as fd:
                data = yaml.safe_load(fd)
                if recursive_update(self, data):
                    print(f"{fn} contained conflicting metadata. "
                          f"This file will be left for debugging")

        for fn in to_delete:


Save metadata to a separate 'fragment' file to be merged later

Avoids a risk of corrupting the main file by writing in parallel.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def add_fragment(self, data: dict):
    """Save metadata to a separate 'fragment' file to be merged later

    Avoids a risk of corrupting the main file by writing in parallel.
    prefix = f"metadata_frag_j{os.environ.get('SLURM_JOB_ID', '')}_"
    with NamedTemporaryFile("w", dir=self._yaml_fn.parent,
                prefix=prefix, suffix='.yml', delete=False) as fd:
        yaml.safe_dump(data, fd)


Merge in fragments saved by add_fragment(), then delete them

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def gather_fragments(self):
    """Merge in fragments saved by add_fragment(), then delete them"""
    frag_files = list(self._yaml_fn.parent.glob('metadata_frag_*.yml'))
    to_delete = []
    for fn in frag_files:
        with"r") as fd:
            data = yaml.safe_load(fd)
            if recursive_update(self, data):
                print(f"{fn} contained conflicting metadata. "
                      f"This file will be left for debugging")

    for fn in to_delete:

calcat_creation_time(in_folder, run, creation_time='')

Return the creation time to use with CALCAT.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def calcat_creation_time(
    in_folder: Path,
    run: str,
    creation_time: Optional[str] = "",
    ) -> datetime.datetime:
    """Return the creation time to use with CALCAT."""
    # Run's creation time:
    if creation_time:
        creation_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(
            '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').astimezone(tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
        creation_time = get_dir_creation_date(in_folder, run)
    return creation_time


Get run directory creation date from METADATA/CreationDate of the oldest file using EXtra-data.

TODO: update after DAQ store the same date as myMDC.

:param dc: EXtra-data DataCollection for the run directory. :return Optional[datetime.datetime]: Run creation date.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def creation_date_file_metadata(
    run_folder: Path,
) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]:
    """Get run directory creation date from
    METADATA/CreationDate of the oldest file using EXtra-data.
    # TODO: update after DAQ store the same date as myMDC.

    :param dc: EXtra-data DataCollection for the run directory.
    :return Optional[datetime.datetime]: Run creation date.
    md_dict = RunDirectory(run_folder).run_metadata()

    if md_dict["dataFormatVersion"] != "0.5":
        creation_dates = [
            for f in run_folder.glob("*.h5")
        return datetime.datetime.strptime(
            min(creation_dates), "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z")
        print("WARNING: input files contains old datasets. "
              "No `METADATA/creationDate` to read.")


Get creation date from the timestamp of the first train.

:param dc: EXtra-data DataCollection for the run directory. :return Optional[datetime.datetime]: Run creation date.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def creation_date_train_timestamp(
    dc: RunDirectory
) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]:
    """Get creation date from the timestamp of the first train.

    :param dc: EXtra-data DataCollection for the run directory.
    :return Optional[datetime.datetime]: Run creation date.

    creation_date = np.datetime64(
        dc.select_trains(np.s_[0]).train_timestamps()[0], 'us').item()
    if creation_date is None:
        print("WARNING: input files contains old datasets without"
              " trains timestamps.")
        return None
    return creation_date.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)

get_constant_from_db(karabo_id, karabo_da, constant, condition, empty_constant, cal_db_interface, creation_time=None, print_once=True, timeout=30000, ntries=120, meta_only=True)

Return calibration constants requested from CalDB

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def get_constant_from_db(karabo_id: str, karabo_da: str,
                         constant, condition, empty_constant,
                         cal_db_interface: str, creation_time=None,
                         print_once=True, timeout=30000, ntries=120,
    """Return calibration constants requested from CalDB
    data, _ = get_from_db(karabo_id, karabo_da, constant,
                          condition, empty_constant,
                          cal_db_interface, creation_time,
                          int(print_once), timeout, ntries, meta_only)
    return data

get_constant_from_db_and_time(karabo_id, karabo_da, constant, condition, empty_constant, cal_db_interface, creation_time=None, print_once=True, timeout=30000, ntries=120)

Return calibration constants requested from CalDB, alongside injection time

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def get_constant_from_db_and_time(karabo_id: str, karabo_da: str,
                                  constant, condition, empty_constant,
                                  cal_db_interface: str, creation_time=None,
                                  print_once=True, timeout=30000, ntries=120):
    """Return calibration constants requested from CalDB,
    alongside injection time
    data, m = get_from_db(karabo_id, karabo_da, constant,
                          condition, empty_constant,
                          cal_db_interface, creation_time,
                          int(print_once), timeout, ntries)
    if m and m.comm_db_success:
        return data, m.calibration_constant_version.begin_at
        # return None for injection time if communication with db failed.
        # reasons (no constant or condition found,
        # or network problem)
        return data, None

get_dir_creation_date(directory, run, verbosity=0)

Get the directory creation data based on 3 different methods.

1) Return run start time from myMDC. (get_runtime_metadata_client) 2) If myMDC connection is not set, get the date from the files metadata. (get_runtime_metadata_file) 3) If data files are older than 2020 (dataformatversion == "0.5"), get the data from the oldest file's modified time.

If the data is not available from either source, this function will raise a FileNotFoundError.

:param directory: path to a directory which contains runs (e.g. /gpfs/exfel/data/exp/callab/202031/p900113/raw/). :param run: run number. :param verbosity: Level of verbosity (0 - silent) :return: creation datetime for the directory.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def get_dir_creation_date(directory: Union[str, Path], run: int,
                          verbosity: int = 0) -> datetime.datetime:
    """Get the directory creation data based on 3 different methods.

    1) Return run start time from myMDC. (get_runtime_metadata_client)
    2) If myMDC connection is not set,
    get the date from the files metadata. (get_runtime_metadata_file)
    3) If data files are older than 2020 (dataformatversion == "0.5"),
    get the data from the oldest file's modified time.

    If the data is not available from either source,
    this function will raise a FileNotFoundError.

    :param directory: path to a directory which contains runs
    (e.g. /gpfs/exfel/data/exp/callab/202031/p900113/raw/).
    :param run: run number.
    :param verbosity: Level of verbosity (0 - silent)
    :return: creation datetime for the directory.

    directory = Path(directory, f'r{run:04d}')

    # Validate the availability of the input folder.
    # And show a clear error message, if it was not found.
        dc = RunDirectory(directory)
    except FileNotFoundError as e:
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            "- Failed to read creation time, wrong input folder",
            directory) from e

    cdate = creation_date_train_timestamp(dc)

    if cdate is not None:
        # Exposing the method used for reading the creation_date.
        print("Reading creation_date from input files metadata"
              " `INDEX/timestamp`")
    else:  # It's an older dataset.
        print("Reading creation_date from last modification data "
              "for the oldest input file.")
        cdate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
                directory.glob("*.h5"), key=path.getmtime,
    return cdate

get_from_db(karabo_id, karabo_da, constant, condition, empty_constant, cal_db_interface, creation_time=None, verbosity=1, timeout=30000, ntries=7, meta_only=True, load_data=True, version_info=False, doraise=False, strategy='pdu_closest_by_time')

Return calibration constants and metadata requested from CalDB

This feature uses the karabo-id and karabo-da to retrieve the desired CCV

:param karabo_id: karabo identifier (detector identifier). :param karabo_da: karabo data aggregator. :param constant: Calibration constant known for given detector. :param condition: Calibration condition. :param empty_constant: Constant to be returned in case of failure. :param cal_db_interface: Interface string, e.g. "tcp://max-exfl-cal001:8015" :param creation_time: Latest time for constant to be created. :param verbosity: Level of verbosity (0 - silent) :param timeout: Timeout for zmq request ntries is set to 7 so that if the timeout started at 30s last timeout will be ~ 1h. :param ntries: number of tries to contact the database. :param meta_only: Retrieve only metadata via ZMQ. Constants are taken directly from the h5 file on maxwell. :param version_info: Flag to show the info for the retrieved Constant. :param doraise: if True raise errors during communication with DB. :param strategy: Retrieving strategy for calibrationDBRemote. :return: Calibration constant, metadata.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def get_from_db(karabo_id: str, karabo_da: str,
                constant: 'iCalibrationDB.calibration_constant',
                condition: 'iCalibrationDB.detector_conditions',
                empty_constant: np.array,
                cal_db_interface: str,
                creation_time: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
                verbosity: int = 1,
                timeout: int = 30000,
                ntries: int = 7,
                meta_only: bool = True,
                load_data: bool = True,
                version_info: bool = False,
                doraise: bool = False,
                strategy: str = "pdu_closest_by_time"
                ) -> Tuple[np.array, 'ConstantMetaData']:

    """Return calibration constants and metadata requested from CalDB

    This feature uses the karabo-id and karabo-da to retrieve the
    desired CCV

    :param karabo_id: karabo identifier (detector identifier).
    :param karabo_da: karabo data aggregator.
    :param constant: Calibration constant known for given detector.
    :param condition: Calibration condition.
    :param empty_constant: Constant to be returned in case of failure.
    :param cal_db_interface: Interface string, e.g. "tcp://max-exfl-cal001:8015"
    :param creation_time: Latest time for constant to be created.
    :param verbosity: Level of verbosity (0 - silent)
    :param timeout: Timeout for zmq request
    ntries is set to 7 so that if the timeout started at 30s last timeout
    will be ~ 1h.
    :param ntries: number of tries to contact the database.
    :param meta_only: Retrieve only metadata via ZMQ. Constants are
        taken directly from the h5 file on maxwell.
    :param version_info: Flag to show the info for the retrieved Constant.
    :param doraise: if True raise errors during communication with DB.
    :param strategy: Retrieving strategy for calibrationDBRemote.
    :return: Calibration constant, metadata.

    if version_info:
        meta_only = False

    metadata = _init_metadata(constant, condition, creation_time)

    if karabo_id and karabo_da:
        when = None

        if creation_time is not None and hasattr(creation_time, 'isoformat'):
            when = creation_time.isoformat()

        metadata.calibration_constant_version.karabo_id = karabo_id
        metadata.calibration_constant_version.karabo_da = karabo_da

        # make sure to remove device name from metadata dict before
        # retrieving to keep using karabo_id and karabo_da only
        # during retrieval. As device_name could have been set after
        # retrieval from iCalibrationDB
        metadata.calibration_constant_version.device_name = None

        while ntries > 0:
            this_interface = get_random_db_interface(cal_db_interface)
                r = metadata.retrieve(this_interface, timeout=timeout,
                                      when=when, meta_only=meta_only,
                if version_info:
                    return r
            except zmq.error.Again:
                ntries -= 1
                timeout *= 2
                # TODO: reevaluate the need for doraise
                # and remove if not needed.
                if ntries == 0 and doraise:
            except Exception as e:
                if verbosity > 0:
                if 'missing_token' in str(e):
                    ntries -= 1
                    ntries = 0
                if ntries == 0 and doraise:
                    raise RuntimeError(f'{e}')

        if ntries > 0:
            mdata_const = metadata.calibration_constant_version
            if load_data and meta_only:
                hdf5path = getattr(mdata_const, 'hdf5path', None)
                filename = getattr(mdata_const, 'filename', None)
                h5path = getattr(mdata_const, 'h5path', None)
                if not (hdf5path and filename and h5path):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Wrong metadata received to access the constant data."
                        f" Retrieved constant filepath is {hdf5path}/{filename}"  # noqa
                        f" and data_set_name is {h5path}."
                with h5py.File(Path(hdf5path, filename), "r") as f:
           = f[f"{h5path}/data"][()]  # noqa
                    # The variant attribute is missing for old constants.
                    if "variant" in f[h5path].attrs.keys():
                        metadata.calibration_constant_version.variant = f[h5path].attrs["variant"]  # noqa

            if verbosity > 0:
                if not in already_printed or verbosity > 1:
                    already_printed[] = True
                    # TODO: Reset mdata_const.begin_at
                    # if comm_db_success is False.
                    begin_at = mdata_const.begin_at
                    print(f"Retrieved {} "
                          f"with creation time: {begin_at}")
            return, metadata
            return empty_constant, metadata
        return empty_constant, None


Return the full path of the jupyter notebook.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def get_notebook_name():
    Return the full path of the jupyter notebook.
        kernel_id ='kernel-(.*).json',
        servers = list_running_servers()
        for ss in servers:
            response = requests.get(urljoin(ss['url'], 'api/sessions'),
                                    params={'token': ss.get('token', '')})
            for nn in json.loads(response.text):
                if nn['kernel']['id'] == kernel_id:
                    return nn['notebook']['path']
        return environ.get("CAL_NOTEBOOK_NAME", "Unknown Notebook")

get_pdu_from_db(karabo_id, karabo_da, constant, condition, cal_db_interface, snapshot_at=None, timeout=30000)

Return all physical detector units for a karabo_id and list of karabo_da

:param karabo_id: Karabo identifier. :param karabo_da: Karabo data aggregator. :param constant: Calibration constant object to intialize CalibrationConstantMetadata class. :param condition: Detector condition object to intialize CalibrationConstantMetadata class. :param cal_db_interface: Interface string, e.g. "tcp://max-exfl-cal001:8015". :param snapshot_at: Database snapshot. :param timeout: Calibration Database timeout. :return: List of physical detector units (db_modules)

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def get_pdu_from_db(karabo_id: str, karabo_da: Union[str, list],
                    constant: 'iCalibrationDB.calibration_constant',
                    condition: 'iCalibrationDB.detector_conditions',
                    cal_db_interface: str,
                    snapshot_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
                    timeout: int = 30000) -> List[str]:

    """Return all physical detector units for a
    karabo_id and list of karabo_da

    :param karabo_id: Karabo identifier.
    :param karabo_da: Karabo data aggregator.
    :param constant: Calibration constant object to
                     intialize CalibrationConstantMetadata class.
    :param condition: Detector condition object to
                      intialize CalibrationConstantMetadata class.
    :param cal_db_interface: Interface string, e.g. "tcp://max-exfl-cal001:8015".
    :param snapshot_at: Database snapshot.
    :param timeout: Calibration Database timeout.
    :return: List of physical detector units (db_modules)
    if not isinstance(karabo_da, (str, list)):
        raise TypeError("karabo_da should either be a list of multiple "
                        "karabo_da or a string of one karabo_da or 'all'")

    metadata = _init_metadata(constant, condition, None)

    # CalibrationDBRemote expects a string.
    if snapshot_at is not None and hasattr(snapshot_at, 'isoformat'):
        snapshot_at = snapshot_at.isoformat()

    # A random interface is chosen if there is # for address range.
    db_interface = get_random_db_interface(cal_db_interface)

    pdu_dicts = metadata.retrieve_pdus_for_detector(receiver=db_interface,
    # Get a list of pdus based on requested karabo_das
    if karabo_da == 'all':
        db_modules = [d["pdu_physical_name"] for d in pdu_dicts]
        k_indices = []
        if isinstance(karabo_da, str):
            karabo_da = [karabo_da]
        # Get indices of dict with the right karabo_da,
        # else use None.
        for k in karabo_da:
            pdu_found = False
            for i, d in enumerate(pdu_dicts):
                if d["karabo_da"] == k:
                    pdu_found = True
            if not pdu_found:

        db_modules = []
        for i in k_indices:
            if i is None:

    return db_modules


Return interface to calibration DB with random (with given range) port.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def get_random_db_interface(cal_db_interface):
    """Return interface to calibration DB with
    random (with given range) port.
    # Initialize the random generator with a random seed value,
    # in case the function was executed within a multiprocessing pool.
    if "#" in cal_db_interface:
        prot, serv, ran = cal_db_interface.split(":")
        r1, r2 = ran.split("#")
        return ":".join(
            [prot, serv, str(np.random.randint(int(r1), int(r2)))])
    return cal_db_interface

get_report(out_folder, default_path='')

Get the report path from calibration_metadata.yml stored in the out_folder.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def get_report(out_folder: str, default_path: str = ""):
    """Get the report path from calibration_metadata.yml
    stored in the out_folder.

    metadata = CalibrationMetadata(out_folder)
    report_path = metadata.get("report-path", default_path)
    if not report_path:
        print("WARNING: No report path will be injected "
              "with the constants.\n")
    return report_path

load_specified_constants(retrieved_constants, empty_constants=None)

Load constant data from metadata in the retrieved_constants dictionary.

:param retrieved_constants: A dict. with the constant filepaths and dataset-name to read the constant data arrays. { 'Constant Name': { 'file-path': '/gpfs/.../*.h5', 'dataset-name': '/module_name/...', 'creation-time': str(datetime),}, } :param empty_constants: A dict of constant names keys and the empty constant array to use in case of not non-retrieved constants. :return constant_data: A dict of constant names keys and their data.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def load_specified_constants(
    retrieved_constants: dict,
    empty_constants: Optional[dict] = None,
    ) -> Tuple[dict, dict]:
    """Load constant data from metadata in the
    retrieved_constants dictionary.

    :param retrieved_constants: A dict. with the constant filepaths and
      dataset-name to read the constant data arrays.
        'Constant Name': {
            'file-path': '/gpfs/.../*.h5',
            'dataset-name': '/module_name/...',
            'creation-time': str(datetime),},
    :param empty_constants: A dict of constant names keys and
      the empty constant array to use in case of not non-retrieved constants.
    :return constant_data: A dict of constant names keys and their data.
    const_data = dict()
    when = dict()

    for cname, mdata in retrieved_constants.items():
        const_data[cname] = dict()
        when[cname] = mdata["creation-time"]
        if when[cname]:
            with h5py.File(mdata["file-path"], "r") as cf:
                const_data[cname] = np.copy(
            const_data[cname] = (
                empty_constants[cname] if empty_constants else None)
    return const_data, when

map_gain_stages(in_folder, runs, path_template, karabo_da, sequences=None)

Prepare queues of files to process. Queues are stored in dictionary with module name Q{}M{} and gain name as a keys :param in_folder: Input folder with raw data :param runs: Dictionary of runs with key naming the gain stages :param path_template: Template for file name e.g. RAW-R{:04d}-{}-S{:05d}.h5 :param karabo_da: List of data aggregators e.g. [AGIPD00, AGIPD01] :param sequences: List of sequences to be considered :return: Dictionary of queues of files, total number of sequences

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def map_gain_stages(in_folder, runs, path_template, karabo_da, sequences=None):
    Prepare queues of files to process.
    Queues are stored in dictionary with module name Q{}M{}
    and gain name as a keys
    :param in_folder: Input folder with raw data
    :param runs: Dictionary of runs with key naming the gain stages
    :param path_template: Template for file name
                          e.g. `RAW-R{:04d}-{}-S{:05d}.h5`
    :param karabo_da: List of data aggregators e.g. [AGIPD00, AGIPD01]
    :param sequences: List of sequences to be considered
    :return: Dictionary of queues of files,
    total number of sequences
    total_sequences = 0
    total_file_size = 0
    gain_mapped_files = OrderedDict()
    for gain, run in runs.items():
        mapped_files, _, seq, _, fs = map_modules_from_folder(in_folder, run,

        total_sequences += seq
        total_file_size += fs
        gain_mapped_files[gain] = mapped_files
    return gain_mapped_files, total_sequences, total_file_size / 1e9

map_modules_from_folder(in_folder, run, path_template, karabo_da, sequences=None)

Prepare queues of files to process. Queues are stored in dictionary with module name Q{}M{} as a key

:param in_folder: Input folder with raw data :param run: Run number :param path_template: Template for file name e.g. RAW-R{:04d}-{}-S{:05d}.h5 :param karabo_da: List of data aggregators e.g. [AGIPD00, AGIPD01] :param sequences: List of sequences to be considered :return: Dictionary of queues of files, dictionary of module indexes, total number of sequences, dictionary of number of sequences per module

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def map_modules_from_folder(in_folder, run, path_template, karabo_da,
    Prepare queues of files to process.
    Queues are stored in dictionary with module name Q{}M{} as a key

    :param in_folder: Input folder with raw data
    :param run: Run number
    :param path_template: Template for file name
                          e.g. `RAW-R{:04d}-{}-S{:05d}.h5`
    :param karabo_da: List of data aggregators e.g. [AGIPD00, AGIPD01]
    :param sequences: List of sequences to be considered
    :return: Dictionary of queues of files, dictionary of module indexes,
    total number of sequences, dictionary of number of sequences per module
    module_files = OrderedDict()
    mod_ids = OrderedDict()
    total_sequences = 0
    total_file_size = 0
    sequences_qm = {}
    for inset in karabo_da:
        module_idx = int(inset[-2:])
        name = module_index_to_qm(module_idx)
        module_files[name] = Queue()
        sequences_qm[name] = 0
        mod_ids[name] = module_idx
        if sequences is None:
            fname = path_template.format(run, inset, 0).replace("S00000", "S*")
            abs_fname = "{}/r{:04d}/{}".format(in_folder, run, fname)

            for filename in glob(abs_fname):
                total_sequences += 1
                sequences_qm[name] += 1
                total_file_size += path.getsize(filename)
            for sequence in sequences:
                fname = path_template.format(run, inset, sequence)
                abs_fname = "{}/r{:04d}/{}".format(in_folder, run, fname)
                if not isfile(abs_fname):

                total_sequences += 1
                sequences_qm[name] += 1
                total_file_size += path.getsize(abs_fname)

    return (module_files, mod_ids, total_sequences,
            sequences_qm, total_file_size)

map_seq_files(run_folder, karabo_das, sequences=None)

Glob run_folder and match the files based on the selected detectors and sequence numbers.


Name Type Description
Dict dict

with karabo_das keys and the corresponding sequence files.

Int int

for number of all sequence files for all karabo_das to process.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def map_seq_files(
    run_folder: Path,
    karabo_das: List[str],
    sequences: Optional[List[int]] = None,
) -> Tuple[dict, int]:

    """Glob run_folder and match the files based on the selected
    detectors and sequence numbers.

        Dict: with karabo_das keys and the corresponding sequence files.
        Int: for number of all sequence files for all karabo_das to process.

    if sequences == [-1]:
        sequences = None
    if sequences is not None:
        sequences = set(int(seq) for seq in sequences)

    seq_fn_pat = re.compile(r".*-(?P<da>.*?)-S(?P<seq>.*?)\.h5")

    mapped_files = {kda: [] for kda in karabo_das}
    total_files = 0

    for fn in run_folder.glob("*.h5"):
        if (match := seq_fn_pat.match( is not None:
            da ="da")
            if da in mapped_files and (
                sequences is None or int("seq")) in sequences
                total_files += 1

    # Return dict with sorted list of sequence files.
    for k in mapped_files:

    return mapped_files, total_files

module_index_to_qm(index, total_modules=16)

Maps module index (0-indexed) to quadrant + module string (1-indexed)

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def module_index_to_qm(index: int, total_modules: int = 16):
    """Maps module index (0-indexed) to quadrant + module string (1-indexed)"""
    assert index < total_modules, f'{index} is greater than {total_modules}'
    modules_per_quad = total_modules // 4
    quad, mod = divmod(index, modules_per_quad)
    return f"Q{quad+1}M{mod+1}"

raw_data_location_string(proposal, runs)

Create RAW data location string to inject as a metadata along with the calibration parameters.


Name Type Description Default
proposal string

The proposal number including the preceding p. e.g. p900203

runs list

A list of the run numbers



Name Type Description

The string for raw data_location. e.g. proposal p900203 runs: 9008, 9009, 90010

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def raw_data_location_string(proposal: str, runs: List[int]):
    """Create RAW data location string to inject as a
    metadata along with the calibration parameters.

        proposal (string): The proposal number including the preceding `p`.
            e.g. p900203
        runs (list): A list of the run numbers

        str: The string for raw data_location.
            e.g. `proposal p900203 runs: 9008, 9009, 90010`
    if not isinstance(proposal, str) or proposal[0] != "p":
        raise ValueError(
            "Invalid proposal format. The proposal should be a string with"
            " a preceding 'p'. Example: 'p900203'")

    return f"proposal:{proposal} runs:{' '.join(map(str, runs))}"

recursive_update(target, source)

Recursively merge source into target, checking for conflicts

Conflicting entries will not be copied to target. Returns True if any conflicts were found.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def recursive_update(target: dict, source: dict):
    """Recursively merge source into target, checking for conflicts

    Conflicting entries will not be copied to target. Returns True if any
    conflicts were found.
    conflict = False
    for k, v2 in source.items():
        v1 = target.get(k, None)
        if isinstance(v1, dict) and isinstance(v2, dict):
            conflict = recursive_update(v1, v2) or conflict
        elif (v1 is not None) and (v1 != v2):
            conflict = True
            target[k] = v2

    return conflict

reorder_axes(a, from_order, to_order)

Rearrange axes of array a from from_order to to_order

This does the same as np.transpose(), but making the before & after axes more explicit. from_order is a sequence of strings labelling the axes of a, and to_order is a similar sequence for the axes of the result.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def reorder_axes(a, from_order, to_order):
    """Rearrange axes of array a from from_order to to_order

    This does the same as np.transpose(), but making the before & after axes
    more explicit. from_order is a sequence of strings labelling the axes of a,
    and to_order is a similar sequence for the axes of the result.
    assert len(from_order) == a.ndim
    assert sorted(from_order) == sorted(to_order)
    from_order = list(from_order)
    order = tuple([from_order.index(lbl) for lbl in to_order])
    return a.transpose(order)

save_const_to_h5(db_module, karabo_id, constant, condition, data, file_loc, report, creation_time, out_folder)

Save constant in h5 file with its metadata (e.g. db_module, condition, creation_time)

:param db_module: database module (PDU/Physical Detector Unit). :param karabo_id: karabo identifier. :param constant: Calibration constant known for given detector. :param condition: Calibration condition. :param data: Constant data to save. :param file_loc: Location of raw data "proposal:{} runs:{} {} {}". :param creation_time: creation_time for the saved constant. :param out_folder: path to output folder. :return: metadata of the saved constant.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def save_const_to_h5(db_module: str, karabo_id: str,
                     constant: 'iCalibrationDB.calibration_constant',
                     condition: 'iCalibrationDB.detector_conditions',
                     data: np.array, file_loc: str,
                     report: str,
                     creation_time: datetime.datetime,
                     out_folder: str) -> 'ConstantMetaData':

    """ Save constant in h5 file with its metadata
    (e.g. db_module, condition, creation_time)

    :param db_module: database module (PDU/Physical Detector Unit).
    :param karabo_id: karabo identifier.
    :param constant: Calibration constant known for given detector.
    :param condition: Calibration condition.
    :param data: Constant data to save.
    :param file_loc: Location of raw data "proposal:{} runs:{} {} {}".
    :param creation_time: creation_time for the saved constant.
    :param out_folder: path to output folder.
    :return: metadata of the saved constant.

    metadata = _init_metadata(constant, condition, creation_time)

    metadata.calibration_constant_version.raw_data_location = file_loc

    dpar = { {
            'lower_deviation_value': parm.lower_deviation,
            'upper_deviation_value': parm.upper_deviation,
            'value': parm.value,
            'flg_logarithmic': parm.logarithmic,
        for parm in metadata.detector_condition.parameters

    creation_time = metadata.calibration_constant_version.begin_at
    raw_data = metadata.calibration_constant_version.raw_data_location
    constant_name = metadata.calibration_constant.__class__.__name__

    data_to_store = {
        'condition': dpar,
        'db_module': db_module,
        'karabo_id': karabo_id,
        'constant': constant_name,
        'data': data,
        'creation_time': creation_time,
        'file_loc': raw_data,
        'report': report,

    ofile = f"{out_folder}/const_{constant_name}_{db_module}.h5"
    if isfile(ofile):
        print(f'File {ofile} already exists and will be overwritten')
    save_dict_to_hdf5(data_to_store, ofile)

    return metadata

save_constant_metadata(retrieved_constants, mdata, constant_name)

Save constant metadata to the input meta data dictionary. The constant's metadata stored are file path, dataset name, creation time, and physical detector unit name.

:param retrieved_constants: A dictionary to store the metadata for the retrieved constant. :param mdata: A ConstantMetaData object after retrieving trying to retrieve a constant with get_from_db(). :param constant_name: String for constant name to be used as a key. :param constants_key: The key name when all constants metadata will be stored.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def save_constant_metadata(
    retrieved_constants: dict,
    mdata: ConstantMetaData,
    constant_name: str,
    """Save constant metadata to the input meta data dictionary.
    The constant's metadata stored are file path, dataset name,
    creation time, and physical detector unit name.

    :param retrieved_constants: A dictionary to store the metadata for
    the retrieved constant.
    :param mdata: A ConstantMetaData object after retrieving trying
    to retrieve a constant with get_from_db().
    :param constant_name: String for constant name to be used as a key.
    :param constants_key: The key name when all constants metadata
    will be stored.

    mdata_const = mdata.calibration_constant_version
    const_mdata = retrieved_constants[constant_name] = dict()
    # check if constant was successfully retrieved.
    if mdata.comm_db_success:
        const_mdata["file-path"] = (
            f"{mdata_const.hdf5path}" f"{mdata_const.filename}"
        const_mdata["dataset-name"] = mdata_const.h5path
        const_mdata["creation-time"] = mdata_const.begin_at
        const_mdata["file-path"] = None
        const_mdata["creation-time"] = None

send_to_db(db_module, karabo_id, constant, condition, file_loc, report_path, cal_db_interface, creation_time=None, timeout=30000, ntries=7, doraise=False, variant=0)

Send new calibration constants and metadata requested to CalDB

:param db_module: database module (PDU/Physical Detector Unit) :param karabo_id: karabo identifier :param constant: Calibration constant known for given detector :param condition: Calibration condition :param file_loc: Location of raw data. :param report_path: xfel-calbrate report path to inject along with the calibration constant versions to the database. :param cal_db_interface: Interface string, e.g. "tcp://max-exfl-cal001:8015" :param creation_time: Latest time for constant to be created :param timeout: Timeout for zmq request :param ntries: number of tries to contact the database, ntries is set to 7 so that if the timeout started at 30s last timeout will be ~ 1h. :param doraise: if True raise errors during communication with DB :param variant: A calibration constant version variant attribute for the constant file.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def send_to_db(db_module: str, karabo_id: str, constant, condition,
               file_loc: str, report_path: str, cal_db_interface: str,
               creation_time: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
               timeout: int = 30000,
               ntries: int = 7,
               doraise: bool = False,
               variant: int = 0):
    """Send new calibration constants and metadata requested to CalDB

    :param db_module: database module (PDU/Physical Detector Unit)
    :param karabo_id: karabo identifier
    :param constant: Calibration constant known for given detector
    :param condition: Calibration condition
    :param file_loc: Location of raw data.
    :param report_path: xfel-calbrate report path to inject along with
        the calibration constant versions to the database.
    :param cal_db_interface: Interface string, e.g. "tcp://max-exfl-cal001:8015"
    :param creation_time: Latest time for constant to be created
    :param timeout: Timeout for zmq request
    :param ntries: number of tries to contact the database,
        ntries is set to 7 so that if the timeout started
        at 30s last timeout will be ~ 1h.
    :param doraise: if True raise errors during communication with DB
    :param variant: A calibration constant version variant attribute
        for the constant file.

    success = False
    snapshot_at = None
    metadata = _init_metadata(constant, condition, creation_time)

    if db_module:

        # Add injected constant's file source info as a file location
        metadata.calibration_constant_version.raw_data_location = file_loc

        if report_path:
            # calibration_client expects a dict of injected report path
            # of at least 2 characters for each key.
            if not isinstance(report_path, str) or len(report_path) < 2:
                raise TypeError(
                    "\"report_path\" needs to be a string "
                    "of at least 2 characters."

            report = {"name": path.basename(report_path),
                      "file_path": report_path}
            metadata.calibration_constant_version.report_path = report

        metadata.calibration_constant_version.karabo_id = karabo_id
        metadata.calibration_constant_version.device_name = db_module
        metadata.calibration_constant_version.karabo_da = None
        metadata.calibration_constant_version.raw_data_location = file_loc
        metadata.calibration_constant_version.variant = variant
        if is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "There is no data available to "
                "inject to the database."
        while ntries > 0:

            this_interface = get_random_db_interface(cal_db_interface)

            if (
                creation_time is not None and
                hasattr(creation_time, 'isoformat')
                # This snapshot will be used only while retrieving
                # the correct PDU and appending its UUID.
                snapshot_at = creation_time.isoformat()

                success = True  # TODO: use comm_db_success
            except zmq.error.Again:
                ntries -= 1
                timeout *= 2
                if ntries == 0 and doraise:
            except Exception as e:
                # TODO: refactor to use custom exception class
                # Refactor error message for re-injecting an
                # identical CCV to the database.
                if all(s in str(e) for s in [
                    "Error creating calibration_constant_version",
                    "has already been taken",
                        f"WARNING: {} for {db_module}"
                        " has already been injected with the same "
                        "parameter conditions."

                if 'missing_token' in str(e):
                    ntries -= 1
                    ntries = 0
                if ntries == 0 and doraise:
                    raise RuntimeError(f'{e}')

        if success:
                f"{} for {db_module} "
                "is injected with creation-time: "
    return metadata

write_compressed_frames(arr, ofile, dataset_path, comp_threads=1)

Compress gain/mask frames in multiple threads, and save their data

This is significantly faster than letting HDF5 do the compression in a single thread.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def write_compressed_frames(
        arr: np.ndarray,
        ofile: h5py.File,
        dataset_path: str,
        comp_threads: int = 1):
    """Compress gain/mask frames in multiple threads, and save their data

    This is significantly faster than letting HDF5 do the compression
    in a single thread.

    def _compress_frame(idx):
        # Equivalent to the HDF5 'shuffle' filter: transpose bytes for better
        # compression.
        shuffled = np.ascontiguousarray(
            arr[idx].view(np.uint8).reshape((-1, arr.itemsize)).transpose()
        return idx, zlib.compress(shuffled, level=1)

    # gain/mask compressed with gzip level 1, but not
    # checksummed as we would have to implement this.
    dataset = ofile.create_dataset(
        chunks=((1,) + arr.shape[1:]),

    with ThreadPool(comp_threads) as pool:
        for i, compressed in pool.imap(_compress_frame, range(len(arr))):
            # Each frame is 1 complete chunk
            chunk_start = (i,) + (0,) * (dataset.ndim - 1)
  , compressed)

    return dataset

write_constants_fragment(out_folder, det_metadata, caldb_root)

Record calibration constants metadata to a fragment file.


Name Type Description Default
out_folder Path

The output folder to store the fragment file.

det_metadata dict

A dictionary with the desired detector metadata. {karabo_da: {constant_name: metadata}}

caldb_root Path

The calibration database root path for constant files.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def write_constants_fragment(
        out_folder: Path,
        det_metadata: dict,
        caldb_root: Path,
    """Record calibration constants metadata to a fragment file.

        out_folder (Path): The output folder to store the fragment file.
        det_metadata (dict): A dictionary with the desired detector metadata.
            {karabo_da: {constant_name: metadata}}
        caldb_root (Path): The calibration database root path for constant files.
    metadata = {"retrieved-constants": {}}
    for karabo_da, const_metadata in det_metadata.items():
        mod_metadata = {}
        mod_metadata["constants"] = {
            cname: {
                "path": str(caldb_root / ccv_metadata["path"]),
                "dataset": ccv_metadata["dataset"],
                "creation-time": ccv_metadata["begin_validity_at"],
                "ccv_id": ccv_metadata["ccv_id"],
            } for cname, ccv_metadata in const_metadata.items()
        mod_metadata["physical-name"] = list(
        metadata["retrieved-constants"][karabo_da] = mod_metadata