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Convert string to integer is possible

:param text: string to be converted :return: integer value or input string

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def atoi(text):
    Convert string to integer is possible

    :param text: string to be converted
    :return: integer value or input string

    return int(text) if text.isdigit() else text

get_job_info(jobs, fmt)

Returns list of job information from sacct

:param jobs: List of job names :param fmt: List of fields to query for each job (passed to sacct) Result ordered according to order of jobs given Order of fields in inner lists follows fmt

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def get_job_info(jobs: List[str], fmt: List[str]) -> List[List[str]]:
    """Returns list of job information from sacct

    :param jobs: List of job names
    :param fmt: List of fields to query for each job (passed to sacct)
    Result ordered according to order of jobs given
    Order of fields in inner lists follows fmt
    if not jobs:
        return []  # Skip calling sacct if not using Slurm

    # will use JobID to match results to jobs (duplicate field in fmt is OK)
    fmt_query = ",".join(["JobID"] + fmt)
    sacct_out = check_output(["sacct", "--truncate", "--parsable2", "--noheader",
    lines = sacct_out.decode().split("\n")

    missing_info = ["not-found"] * len(fmt)
    job_info = {job: missing_info for job in jobs}
    for line in lines:
        parts = line.split("|")
        if parts[0] in job_info:
            job_info[parts[0]] = parts[1:]

    return [job_info[job] for job in jobs]

make_report(run_path, cal_work_dir, project, author, version, report_to)

Create calibration report (pdf file)

Automatically generated report document results, produced by jupyter-notebooks.

:param run_path: Path to sphinx run directory :param cal_work_dir: Run path of the slurm job :param project: Project title :param author: Author of the notebook :param version: Version of the notebook :param report_to: report path tailed with report name

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def make_report(run_path: Path, cal_work_dir: Path, project: str,
                author: str, version: str, report_to: Path):
    Create calibration report (pdf file)

    Automatically generated report document results, produced by

    :param run_path: Path to sphinx run directory
    :param cal_work_dir: Run path of the slurm job
    :param project: Project title
    :param author: Author of the notebook
    :param version: Version of the notebook
    :param report_to: report path tailed with report name

    report_name = report_to.stem
    report_dir = report_to.parent

        check_call([sys.executable, "-m", "sphinx.cmd.quickstart",
                    "-v", str(version),
                    "--no-batchfile", run_path])

    except CalledProcessError:
        raise Exception("Failed to run sphinx-quickstart. Is sphinx installed?"
                        "Generated simple index.rst instead")

    # quickbuild went well we need to edit the index.rst and files
    module_path = Path(__file__).absolute().parent
    conf_fn = run_path / ""
    tmp_conf_fn = run_path / ""

    conf = SourceFileLoader("conf", str(conf_fn)).load_module()
    l_var = [v for v in dir(conf) if not v.startswith('__')]

    with"w") as mf:
        latex_elements = {'extraclassoptions': ',openany, oneside',
                          'preamble': r'\usepackage{longtable}',
                          'maketitle': r'\input{titlepage.tex.txt}'}
        mf.write("latex_elements = {}\n".format(latex_elements))
        mf.write("latex_logo = '{}/{}'\n".format(module_path,
        mf.write("latex_additional_files = ['titlepage.tex.txt']\n")

        for var in l_var:
            if var in ['latex_elements', 'latex_logo',
            tmpl = '{} = {}\n'
            v = getattr(conf, var, None)
            if isinstance(v, str):
                tmpl = '{} = "{}"\n'

            # Set name of the latex document
            if var == 'latex_documents' and len(v[0]) > 1:
                v[0] = v[0][:1] + ('{}.tex'.format(report_name), ) + v[0][2:]

            mf.write(tmpl.format(var, v))

    move(str(tmp_conf_fn), str(conf_fn))

    direntries = list(run_path.iterdir())
    lead_rstfiles = ['InputParameters.rst', 'timing_summary.rst']

    # Order rst files based on the known order(lead_rstfiles).
    # TODO: fix order somewhere else instead of munging filenames
    def sort_key(f):
        if in lead_rstfiles:
            return lead_rstfiles.index(,
        elif "summary" in
            return len(lead_rstfiles),
        elif "precorrection" in
            return len(lead_rstfiles) + 1,
            return len(lead_rstfiles) + 2,

    files_to_handle = []
    for entry in direntries:
        if entry.is_file():
            name, ext = entry.stem, entry.suffix
            if ext == ".rst" and "index" not in name:

    index_tmp = Template('''
                        Calibration report

                        .. toctree::
                           :maxdepth: 2
                           {% for k in keys %}
                           {{ k }}
                           {%- endfor %}

    with (run_path / "index.rst").open("w+") as mf:

    # finally call the make scripts
        check_call(["make", f"SPHINXBUILD={sys.executable} -m sphinx",

    except CalledProcessError:
        print("Failed to make pdf documentation")
        print("Temp files will not be deleted and "
              f"can be inspected at: {run_path}")

    print(f"Moving report to final location: {report_dir}")
    report_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    copy(run_path / "_build" / "latex" / f"{report_name}.pdf", report_dir)

    # Remove folders with figures and sphinx files.
    for tmp_subdir in cal_work_dir.iterdir():
        if tmp_subdir.is_dir():
            print(f"Removing temporary subdir: {tmp_subdir}")

make_timing_summary(cal_work_dir, job_times, job_time_fmt, pipeline_times)

Create an rst file with timing summary of executed notebooks

:param cal_work_dir: Run path of the slurm job :param job_times: List of job information as returned by get_job_info :param job_time_fmt: List of headers to use for job_times :param pipeline_times: Dictionary of pipeline step -> timestamp

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def make_timing_summary(cal_work_dir: Path, job_times: List[List[str]],
                        job_time_fmt: List[str], pipeline_times: Dict[str, datetime]):
    Create an rst file with timing summary of executed notebooks

    :param cal_work_dir: Run path of the slurm job
    :param job_times: List of job information as returned by get_job_info
    :param job_time_fmt: List of headers to use for job_times
    :param pipeline_times: Dictionary of pipeline step -> timestamp
    print('Prepare timing summary')

    tmpl = Template('''
                    Runtime summary

                    All timestamps are shown in local (Hamburg) time.

                    .. math::
                        {% for line in time_table %}
                        {{ line }}
                        {%- endfor %}


    job_tbl_tmpl = Template('''
                    .. math::
                        {% for line in job_table %}
                        {{ line }}
                        {%- endfor %}


    time_vals = [
        [title, pipeline_times[k].astimezone(None).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")]
        for (title, k) in [
            ["Time of Request", "request-time"],
            ["Job submission", "submission-time"],
            ["Report compilation", "report-compilation-time"],

    with (cal_work_dir / "timing_summary.rst").open("w+") as fd:
        time_table = tabulate.tabulate(time_vals, tablefmt="latex",
                                       headers=["Processing step", "Timestamp"])


        if job_times:
            job_table = tabulate.tabulate(job_times, tablefmt="latex",

make_titlepage(sphinx_path, project, data_path, version)

Create title page for report using template

:param sphinx_path: path to sphinx run directory :param project: title of the project :param data_path: path to input data sample used for notebook :param version: Version of the pycalibration tool

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def make_titlepage(sphinx_path, project, data_path, version):
    Create title page for report using template

    :param sphinx_path: path to sphinx run directory
    :param project: title of the project
    :param data_path: path to input data sample used for notebook
    :param version: Version of the pycalibration tool
    module_path = "{}".format(path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)))
    with open('{}/titlepage.tmpl'.format(module_path)) as file_:
        title_tmp = Template(

    with open("{}/titlepage.tex.txt".format(sphinx_path), "w+") as mf:


Decompose string to list of integers and sub-strings

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def natural_keys(text):
    Decompose string to list of integers and sub-strings
    return [atoi(c) for c in re.split(r'(\d+)', text)]

prepare_plots(cal_work_dir, threshold=1000000)

Convert svg file to pdf or png to be used for latex

Conversion of svg to vector graphics pdf is performed using svglib3. This procedure is CPU consuming. In order to speed up process large svg files are converted to png format.

The links in the rst files are adapted accordingly to the converted image files.

:param cal_work_dir: Run path of the slurm job :param threshold: Max svg file size (in bytes) to be converted to pdf

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def prepare_plots(cal_work_dir: Path, threshold=1_000_000):
    Convert svg file to pdf or png to be used for latex

    Conversion of svg to vector graphics pdf is performed using svglib3.
    This procedure is CPU consuming. In order to speed up process
    large svg files are converted to png format.

    The links in the rst files are adapted accordingly to the
    converted image files.

    :param cal_work_dir: Run path of the slurm job
    :param threshold: Max svg file size (in bytes) to be converted to pdf
    print('Convert svg to pdf and png')

    for rst_file in cal_work_dir.glob("*.rst"):

        for f_path in (cal_work_dir / f'{rst_file.stem}_files').glob('*.svg'):
            if f_path.stat().st_size < threshold:
                check_call(["svg2pdf", str(f_path)], shell=False)
                new_ext = 'pdf'
                check_call(["convert", str(f_path),
                            str(f_path.with_suffix('.png'))], shell=False)
                new_ext = 'png'

                "sed", "-i", f"s/{}/{f_path.stem}.{new_ext}/g", rst_file
            ], shell=False)


Escape latex special characters found in the text

:param text: a plain text message :return: the message escaped to appear correctly in LaTeX

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def tex_escape(text):
    Escape latex special characters found in the text

    :param text: a plain text message
    :return: the message escaped to appear correctly in LaTeX
    conv = {
        '&': r'\&',
        '%': r'\%',
        '$': r'\$',
        '#': r'\#',
        '_': r'\_',
        '{': r'\{',
        '}': r'\}',
        '~': r'\textasciitilde{}',
        '^': r'\^{}',
        '\\': r'\textbackslash{}',
        '<': r'\textless{}',
        '>': r'\textgreater{}',

    key_list = sorted(conv.keys(), key=lambda item: - len(item))
    regex = re.compile('|'.join(re.escape(str(key)) for key in key_list))
    return regex.sub(lambda match: conv[], text)