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Manipulating notebooks & translating parameters to command-line options

NBDetails dataclass

Details of a notebook-based workflow to run

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
class NBDetails:
    """Details of a notebook-based workflow to run"""
    detector: str  # e.g. AGIPD
    caltype: str   # e.g. CORRECT
    path: Path
    pre_paths: List[Path]  # Notebooks to run before the main notebook
    dep_paths: List[Path]  # Notebooks to run after the main notebooks
    contents: nbformat.NotebookNode
    default_params: List[Parameter]
    concurrency: Dict[str, Any]  # Contents as in
    user_venv: Optional[Path]

add_args_from_nb(parms, parser, cvar=None, no_required=False)

Add argparse arguments for parameters in the first cell of a notebook.

Uses nbparameterise to extract the parameter information. Each foo_bar parameter gets a --foo-bar command line option. Boolean parameters get a pair of flags like --abc and --no-abc.

:param parms: List of nbparameterise Parameter objects :param parser: argparse.ArgumentParser instance to modify :param str cvar: Name of the concurrency parameter. :param bool no_required: If True, none of the added options are required.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def add_args_from_nb(parms, parser, cvar=None, no_required=False):
    """Add argparse arguments for parameters in the first cell of a notebook.

    Uses nbparameterise to extract the parameter information. Each foo_bar
    parameter gets a --foo-bar command line option.
    Boolean parameters get a pair of flags like --abc and --no-abc.

    :param parms: List of nbparameterise Parameter objects
    :param parser: argparse.ArgumentParser instance to modify
    :param str cvar: Name of the concurrency parameter.
    :param bool no_required: If True, none of the added options are required.

    for p in parms:
        if == 'metadata_folder':
            continue  # Comes from xfel-calibrate machinery, can't be supplied

        helpstr = ("Default: %(default)s" if not p.comment
                   else "{}. Default: %(default)s".format(p.comment.replace("#", " ").strip()))
        required = (p.comment is not None
                    and "required" in p.comment
                    and not no_required
                    and != cvar)

        # This may be not a public API
        # May require reprogramming in case of argparse updates
        pars_group = parser._action_groups[2 if required else 1]

        default = p.value if (not required) else None

        if issubclass(p.type, list) or == cvar:
            ltype = type(p.value[0]) if issubclass(p.type, list) else p.type
            range_allowed = "RANGE ALLOWED" in p.comment.upper() if p.comment else False
                                    type=ltype if not range_allowed else str,
                                    action=make_intelli_list(ltype) if range_allowed else None)
        elif issubclass(p.type, bool):
            # For a boolean, make --XYZ and --no-XYZ options.
            alt_group = pars_group.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=required)
                                   help=f"Opposite of --{consolize_name(}",


Names of console parameters don't have underscores

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def consolize_name(name):
    """ Names of console parameters don't have underscores """
    return name.replace("_", "-")


Variable names have underscores

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def deconsolize_args(args):
    """ Variable names have underscores """
    return {k.replace("-", "_"): v for k, v in args.items()}

extend_params(nb, extend_func_name, argv)

Add parameters in the first code cell by calling a function in the notebook

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def extend_params(nb, extend_func_name, argv):
    """Add parameters in the first code cell by calling a function in the notebook
    func = get_notebook_function(nb, extend_func_name)

    if func is None:
            f"Didn't find concurrency function {extend_func_name} in notebook",

    # Make a temporary parser that won't exit if it sees -h or --help
    pre_parser = make_initial_parser(add_help=False)
    params = extract_parameters(nb, lang='python')
    add_args_from_nb(params, pre_parser, no_required=True)
    known, _ = pre_parser.parse_known_args(argv[1:])
    args = deconsolize_args(vars(known))

    df = {}
    exec(func, df)
    f = df[extend_func_name]
    sig = inspect.signature(f)

    extension = f(*[args[p] for p in sig.parameters])
    fcc = first_code_cell(nb)
    fcc["source"] += "\n" + extension if extension else "\n"


Return the first code cell of a notebook

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def first_code_cell(nb):
    """ Return the first code cell of a notebook """
    return get_cell_n(nb, 'code', 0)


Return the first markdown cell of a notebook

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def first_markdown_cell(nb):
    """ Return the first markdown cell of a notebook """
    return get_cell_n(nb, 'markdown', 0)

get_cell_n(nb, cell_type, cell_n)

Return notebook cell with given number and given type

:param nb: jupyter notebook :param cell_type: cell type, 'code' or 'markdown' :param cell_n: cell number (count from 0) :return: notebook cell

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def get_cell_n(nb, cell_type, cell_n):
    Return notebook cell with given number and given type

    :param nb: jupyter notebook
    :param cell_type: cell type, 'code' or 'markdown'
    :param cell_n: cell number (count from 0)
    :return: notebook cell
    counter = 0
    for cell in nb.cells:
        if cell.cell_type == cell_type:
            if counter == cell_n:
                return cell
            counter += 1

make_epilog(nb, caltype=None)

Make an epilog from the notebook to add to parser help

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def make_epilog(nb, caltype=None):
    """ Make an epilog from the notebook to add to parser help
    msg = ""
    header_cell = first_markdown_cell(nb)
    lines = header_cell.source.split("\n") if header_cell is not None else ['']
    if caltype:
        msg += "{:<15}  {}".format(caltype, lines[0]) + "\n"
        msg += "{}".format(lines[0]) + "\n"
    pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=(17 if caltype else 0))
    if len(lines[1:]):
        plines = pp.pformat(lines[1:])[1:-1].split("\n")
        for line in plines:
            sline = line.replace("'", "", 1)
            sline = sline.replace("', '", " " * (17 if caltype else 0), 1)
            sline = sline[::-1].replace("'", "", 1)[::-1]
            sline = sline.replace(" ,", " ")
            if len(sline) > 1 and sline[0] == ",":
                sline = sline[1:]
            msg += sline + "\n"
    msg += "\n"
    return msg


Parses a list from range and comma expressions.

An expression of the form "1-5,6" will be parsed into the following list: [1,2,3,4,6]

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def make_intelli_list(ltype):
    """ Parses a list from range and comma expressions.

    An expression of the form "1-5,6" will be parsed into the following
    list: [1,2,3,4,6]

    class IntelliListAction(argparse.Action):
        element_type = ltype

        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            super(IntelliListAction, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
            parsed_values = []
            values = ",".join(values)
            if isinstance(values, str):
                for rcomp in values.split(","):
                    if "-" in rcomp:
                        start, end = rcomp.split("-")
                        parsed_values += list(range(int(start), int(end)))
                        parsed_values += [int(rcomp)]
            elif isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
                parsed_values = values
                parsed_values = [values, ]

            parsed_values = [self.element_type(p) for p in parsed_values]
            print("Parsed input {} to {}".format(values, parsed_values))
            setattr(namespace, self.dest, parsed_values)

    return IntelliListAction


Parse command-line arguments for xfel-calibrate to run a notebook

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def parse_argv_and_load_nb(argv) -> Tuple[Dict, NBDetails]:
    """Parse command-line arguments for xfel-calibrate to run a notebook"""
    # extend the parser according to user input
    # the first case is if a detector was given, but no calibration type
    if len(argv) == 3 and "-h" in argv[2]:
        detector = argv[1].upper()
            det_notebooks = notebooks[detector]
        except KeyError:
            #  TODO: This should really go to stderr not stdout
            print("Not one of the known detectors: {}".format(notebooks.keys()))

        msg = "Options for detector {}\n".format(detector)
        msg += "*" * len(msg) + "\n\n"

        # basically, this creates help in the form of
        # TYPE        some description that is
        #             indented for this type.
        # The information is extracted from the first markdown cell of
        # the notebook.
        for caltype, notebook in det_notebooks.items():
            if notebook.get("notebook") is None:
                if notebook.get("user", {}).get("notebook") is None:
                    raise KeyError(
                        f"`{detector}` does not have a notebook path, for "
                        "notebooks that are stored in pycalibration set the "
                        "`notebook` key to a relative path or set the "
                        "`['user']['notebook']` key to an absolute path/path "
                        "pattern. Notebook configuration dictionary contains "
                        f"only: `{notebook}`"
                #  Everything should be indented by 17 spaces
                msg += caltype.ljust(17) + "User defined notebook, arguments may vary\n"
                msg += " "*17 + "User notebook expected to be at path:\n"
                msg += " "*17 + notebook["user"]["notebook"] + "\n"
                nbpath = os.path.join(PKG_DIR, notebook["notebook"])
                nb =, as_version=4)
                msg += make_epilog(nb, caltype=caltype)

        sys.exit()  # parse_args should already exit for --help
    elif len(argv) <= 3:
        sys.exit()  # parse_args should already exit - not enough args

    # A detector and type was given. We derive the arguments
    # from the corresponding notebook
    args, _ = make_initial_parser(add_help=False).parse_known_args(argv[1:])
        nb_info = notebooks[args.detector.upper()][args.type.upper()]
    except KeyError:
        print("Not one of the known calibrations or detectors")

    # Pick out any arguments that may prevent reproducibility from
    # working, sorted alphabetically and converted back to their
    # canonical representation.
    not_reproducible_args = sorted(
        ('--' + x.replace('_', '-')
         for x in ['skip_env_freeze']
         if getattr(args, x))

    # If any of these arguments are set, present a warning.
    if not_reproducible_args:
        print('WARNING: One or more command line arguments ({}) may prevent '
              'this specific correction result from being reproducible based '
              'on its metadata. It may not be possible to restore identical '
              'output data files when they have been deleted or lost. Please '
              'ensure that the data retention policy of the chosen storage '
              'location is sufficient for your '
              'needs.'.format(', '.join(not_reproducible_args)))

        if not args.not_reproducible:
            # If not explicitly specified that reproducibility may be
            # broken, remind the user and exit.
            print('To proceed, you can explicitly allow reproducibility to '
                  'be broken by adding --not-reproducible')

    if nb_info["notebook"]:
        notebook = os.path.join(PKG_DIR, nb_info["notebook"])
        # If `"notebook"` entry is None, then set it to the user provided
        # notebook TODO: This is a very hacky workaround, better implementation
        # is not really possible with the current state of this module
        user_notebook_path = nb_info["user"]["notebook"]
        #  Pull out the variables in the templated path string, and get values
        #  from command line args (e.g. --proposal 1234 -> {proposal})
        user_notebook_variables = [
            name for (_, name, _, _) in string.Formatter().parse(user_notebook_path)
            if name is not None

        user_notebook_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
        for var in user_notebook_variables:

        user_notebook_args, _ = user_notebook_parser.parse_known_args(argv[1:])

        notebook = user_notebook_path.format(**vars(user_notebook_args))

    concurrency = nb_info.get("concurrency", {'parameter': None})

    nb =, as_version=4)

    # extend parameters if needed
    ext_func = nb_info.get("extend parms", None)
    if ext_func is not None:
        extend_params(nb, ext_func, argv)

    default_params = extract_parameters(nb, lang='python')

    parser = make_initial_parser()
    parser.description = make_epilog(nb)
    add_args_from_nb(default_params, parser, cvar=concurrency['parameter'])

    arg_dict = deconsolize_args(vars(parser.parse_args(argv[1:])))

    user_venv = nb_info.get("user", {}).get("venv")
    if user_venv is not None:
        user_venv = Path(user_venv.format(**arg_dict))

    return arg_dict, NBDetails(
        pre_paths=[Path(PKG_DIR, p) for p in nb_info.get('pre_notebooks', [])],
        dep_paths=[Path(PKG_DIR, p) for p in nb_info.get('dep_notebooks', [])],

set_figure_format(nb, enable_vector_format)

Set svg format in inline backend for figures

If parameter enable_vector_format is set to True, svg format will be used for figures in the notebook rendering. Subsequently vector graphics figures will be used for report.

Source code in /usr/src/app/checkouts/
def set_figure_format(nb, enable_vector_format):
    """Set svg format in inline backend for figures

    If parameter enable_vector_format is set to True, svg format will
    be used for figures in the notebook rendering. Subsequently  vector
    graphics figures will be used for report.

    if enable_vector_format:
        cell = get_cell_n(nb, 'code', 1)
        cell.source += "\n%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = ['svg']\n"