Saving the Scroll Pumps

The scroll pumps unfortunately do not like to run 24/7, we already lost some of then. But we don’t actually need them to run all the time, only if the roughing pressure is bad we switch them on.

This is done via a scroll saver device. It will keep the scroll pump off until the pressure raises too much, switch on the scroll pump for a while, and off we go.

On the main scene there is a little scroll pump icon next to the components which have the scroll saver running, which should be green.


Even while the scroll saver is running, everything else still works, so if you think you need the scroll pump on (or off) just do so.

If the scroll saver is not instantiated (grey cross next to the scroll pump icon) you should instantiate it. Search for “SAVER” in the project panel and instantiate the scroll saver.

If you think it is malfunctioning, you may also safely shut down the scroll saver. In this case you should start the scroll pump and open the valve on top of it (Attention! The scroll takes a while to create good vacuum).

If everything fails, you may even go into the pump room and switch on the desired pump directly at its switch. There is no need to disconnect the remote control cable, if the switch is on, the pump will start pumping (unless it is broken, which happened already, but this is a different kind of problem).