Offline analysis


To configure and use the JupyterHub on Maxwell cluster with the CAS provided karabo_data package, follow jupyter_karabo_data doc. It also contains an example notebook on how to use karabo_data to process the DAQ recorded data.

Then visit to max-jhub and start a server on the EXFEL partition.

To connect from outside the desy network, open a tunnel:

ssh -L

then open locally the webpage tunneled-max-jhub.

Maxwell console

Initial Setup

Offline analysis can be done on the maxwell cluster with jupyter but some things needs to be setup before. First of all, ssh to maxwell:

ssh desyusername@max-exfl

There we need to edit your shell config file so that .local/bin is added to your path. That will allow use to upgrade some python packages. To edit, lauch:

nano ~/.zshrc

and add the following line, replacing desyusername:

export PATH=/home/desyusername/.local/bin/:$PATH

at the end of the file. Save it and relog.

Then upgrade pip for yourself and install some CAS analysis package with:

module add anaconda/3
pip3 install --user --upgrade pip
pip3 install --user karabo_data
pip3 install --user --upgrade ipykernel

Reserving node for interactive processing

To perform interactive work on maxwell, we need to reserve a node four ourselves for some time. We ssh to maxwell and reserve a node with salloc. The salloc -t options let us specify the duration for which we need the node. By default it’s one hour. Here we define 0-8 which means 0 days and 8 hours:

ssh desyusername@max-exfl
salloc -N 1 -p exfel -t 0-8
salloc: Granted job allocation 1284776
salloc: Waiting for resource configuration
salloc: Nodes max-exfl026 are ready for job

The salloc tells us which node is reseverd, here max-exfl026. So we now ssh to that particular node in another terminal. We use -X option of ssh such that jupyter can open the browser through the ssh connection:

ssh -X max-exfl026
module add anaconda/3
jupyter notebook

CAS analysis package: karabo_data

Information on using the ‘karabo_data’ software package from CAS can be found at karabo_data doc.

Moving run data to offline storage

To process the run data on the maxwell offline cluster, it is first necessary to move them there. This is done via the Metadata service by indicating that a particular run is ‘Good’ and can be saved for long term purposes and moved to maxwell.