Online analysis

Checking run files validity

To quickly check that the recorded run have data in them, you can ssh to the server and use hdfview to inspect the saved file:

ssh -X desyusername@exflonc13
module load xray
cd /gpfs/exfel/exp/SCS/201831/p900048/raw
hdfview r0029/RAW-R0029-DA03-S00000.h5 &

Online analysis with jupyter

On exflonc13, port 8088, there is a jupyter notebook server which is running and accessible with password scs-jupyter. Open a browser to exflonc13 to see it. Based on elog_722.

Extra-foam for DSSC

Instructions to start extra-foam for DSSC online monitoring, based on elog 3291:

  1. open a terminal: ssh wp86team@sa3-onc-scs
  2. module load exfel EXtra-foam/scs_moonshot
  3. extra-foam DSSC SCS, wait several seconds for the gui to appear
  4. in the first row, second column, double click and select “Run directory” instead of “ZeroMQ bridge”
  1. select DSSC source SCS_DET_DSSC1M/DET/*CH0:xtdf to see the whole detector
  2. go to karabo, open the project: SCS_DATA_ANALYSIS
  3. go to device SCS_DET_DSSC/DA/TRAINMATCHER, press start/stop to enable/disable the train matcher