#5: Fonts in the Karabo GUI

Fonts in the Karabo GUI

The karabo graphical user interface (GUI) offers a wide potential of font settings. Every operator is free to configure his scene panels with the desired fonts.

However, not every operating system has every font available. Hence, configuring a label with the print font Ubuntu will affect Windows operators, as the operating system will find a substitute. This might not always match the size of the labels in which the text is written. The only cure would be to make the label size larger.

alternate text

Font configuration of the label widget.

Print fonts that have the capability to render similar on MacOS, Windows and Ubuntu are Sans Serif, Arial and Helvetica.

Therefore, from Karabo 2.7.0 onwards, the default font provided is Sans Serif, being the only candidate that was available on all of our OS test machines.

All previous font settings in the karabo projects remain untouched!


The karabo GUI (2.7.0) default print font is Sans Serif with a point size of 10 (before 11) and the minimum widget height is reduced to 18 pixels (before 20).