#15: AuxPlots in Image Graphs

Auxiliary Plots for Image Graphs

The Image Graphs currently have two auxiliary plots (aux plots) that offer quick analysis and visualization on the displayed image data:

  1. Beam Profile

  2. Histogram

These plots can be toggled from the image widget toolbar:

The aux plots tool buttons in the image widget

The aux plots tool buttons in the image widget

Beam Profile

The profile aux plot provides the intensity profile of the image by taking the average of the data for each axis. It consists of two plots, which are found on the left and on the top of the image plot for x- and y-axis, respectively.

A Gaussian fit can also be applied to the resulting data to obtain important features such as peak amplitude and position, and full width at half maximum (FWHM). This works best when an evident peak is present.

The beam profile aux plots with Gaussian fitting enabled

The beam profile aux plots with Gaussian fitting enabled

The fitting is disabled by default and can be toggled with the following steps:

  1. Go to scene control mode

  2. Show the beam profile aux plot by clicking the beam profile tool button

  3. Right-click on one of the profile plots

  4. Select “Gaussian fitting”

As fitting data is a computation intensive task, enabling this option might make the GUI slow. It is recommended to use it sparingly.


The histogram aux plot calculates and visualizes the histogram of the displayed image data. The bin width and count are automatically calculated based on the pixel values and count. It also generates statistics such as the minimum, maximum, mean, mode and standard deviation.

The histogram aux plots

The histogram aux plots

The statistics is enabled by default and can be toggled with the following steps:

  1. Go to scene control mode

  2. Show the histogram aux plot by clicking the histogram tool button

  3. Right-click the histogram plot

  4. Select “Show statistics”

Saving Aux Plots Visibility

The visibility of aux plots can be saved in the project such that they are shown or hidden by default on the next scene opening. This can be done with the following:

  1. Go to scene control mode

  2. Show or hide the desired aux plot by clicking the consequent tool button

  3. Go to scene design mode

  4. Hover “Image Graph: Properties”

  5. Select “Set ROI and Aux”

  6. Save the project

Interaction with ROIs

The region of interest (ROI) tool can be used in conjunction with the aux plots as it is capable of slicing the image data. The aux plots analyzes the sliced data from the selected ROI, when present.

Aux Plots gets the data to be analyzed from the ROI slices

Aux Plots gets the data to be analyzed from the ROI slices

Changing the selected ROI also changes the analyzed data by the aux plots

Changing the selected ROI also changes the analyzed data by the aux plots

Limitations of Data Analysis in Karabo GUI

Karabo GUI focuses on providing an interface for controls and data acquisition. It uses the computational resources of the machine where it is run. To ensure smooth and reliable feedback, heavier processes are done with Karabo devices. These devices are run on remote servers, which has more available resources.

The image widget offers quick data analysis. As it is considered a computation intensive task, it is not activated by default and the results cannot be stored. It is recommended to use Karabo devices such as imageProcessor.