#29: Magic Shortcuts

The KaraboGUI has magic shortcuts to provide various actions, either by key or mouse event, or a combination of both. In the following we provide a brief overview of all shortcuts that are valid in version 2.16.5.


MacOS clients have to use the COMMAND key instead of CTRL and OPTION key instead of ALT.

Scene (Control Mode)

  • Double-click left mouse button on property widget: Derive a controller widget for historical view of data (trendline)

  • ALT + click left mouse button on property widget: Select the device belonging to this property in the Configurator Panel

  • ALT + double click left mouse button on property widget: Pop up the main window with the Configuration Panel. If in cinema or concert mode, a Configuration Editor is provided

Scene (Edit Mode)

  • CTRL + A: Select all items on the scene

  • CTRL + G: Group selected items on the scene

  • CTRL + SHIFT + G: Ungroup selected items on the scene

  • DEL: Delete selected items from the scene

  • ARROW KEYS: Move the selected items on the scene with grid increment (10 px)

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Scene with widget controllers

Project & Navigation Panel

  • Double-click left mouse button on device: Derives the default device provided scene

  • Double-click left mouse button on server: Derives the latest cached log messages of the server

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Panel with log widget

Macro Panel

  • CTRL + F: Find functionality

  • CTRL + R: Replace functionality

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Macro Panel with find and replace toolbar

Table Widget

  • CTRL + N: New row

  • DEL: Remove row

  • SHIFT + UP: Move selected row up

  • SHIFT + DOWN: Move selected row down


  • Double-click left mouse button on read only property: Derive a controller widget for historical view of data (trendline) or show a VectorGraph (vectors) or WebCamGraph (images)

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Configurator Properties