#14: Deprecation of Slider

The Deprecation of the Slider Widget

Karabo is moving forward and will only support a single Slider widget with Karabo 2.10.0, which will be released 13.11.2020.

The classic slider widget will be deprecated in favor of the TickSlider. For a rather smooth transition, the new GUI will reinterpret the scene information of the classic slider and replace it with the Tick Slider.

The TickSlider has more features such as the step size configuration and an option to show the value of the current slider position. Hence, the currently set value on the slider can be seen before applying (e.g. pressing enter) on the device.

The geometry of the existing widgets are reused on the replacements to preserve the scene layout.

Slider and TickSlider on the scene

Slider and TickSlider in Karabo