#3: Karabo GUI Dependencies

Karabo GUI Dependencies - Plotting

Major changes in the Karabo GUI have been performed in the last month. We introduced a new plotting library PyQtGraph to become the driving plotting library and introduced several plotting widgets. Regarding future steps we plan to remove the currently existing plotting library Qwt and make the GUI installation independent from the Framework using CONDA (https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/). From Karabo 2.7 onwards the Karabo GUI can only be installed via CONDA. As an intermediate step we had to replace the C++ based library PyQwt with its pure python counterpart PythonQwt. Unfortunately, this affects already existing installations and can raise a dependency conflict. We updated our documentation.

In order to remedy the dependency problem please …

  • Linux: Clean install your karabo installation, by removing the previously installed karabo folder if necessary.

  • Windows: If applicable, perform a clean installation. Alternatively, please try the following lines using the python package installer:

    * pip install --upgrade guiqwt==3.0.3
    * pip uninstall PyQwt
    * pip install PythonQwt==0.5.5

We recommend using a clean installation.

Best wishes, the Karabo GUI Team