#19: Chooch it!

Processing lamp

The Karabo GUI has a processing lamp in the menu bar on the right side on top of the configurator. It visualizes the difference between the arrival time of a gui server message and the processing of the latter in the GUI client application. In certain circumstances it can happen, that a GUI client receives a lot of messages, e.g. from large project loading. These messages are technically put on a queue in the client application and processed. This is necessary to avoid freezing of the client application. The processing lamp provides a visual indication by color about the processing status.

The processing lamp in the karabo GUI

The processing lamp in the karabo GUI






The Karabo GUI is up to date



The updates are at least behind by 2s



The updates are at least behind by 5s

Show processing delay(s)

It is possible to see the exact number of the processing delay.

  1. Go to the menu bar on Help

  2. Open the About dialog

  3. Click on the dialog and put your mouse cursor in the center of the tunnel picture

  4. Type chooch

In case you miss typed the cheat, please wait a few seconds a try again. With a succesful chooch command, a processing number appears on the processing lamp. The number (initial as well) will only appear and update when there is activity.

It is possible to visualize the network and hardware delay of big data. In case this is desired, please follow the steps 1.-3. from above and

  1. Type bigdata

Visible processing numbers in the karabo GUI

Visible processing numbers in the karabo GUI

With every visible big data update in the client application, the delay field is updated. The time difference results from the timestamp of the image and the stamp when the image has been processed in the client (a few ms). Hence, this number shows the network and hardware latency.